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Issue 39March 2011
In This Issue
Eat! Stay! Explore!
Home & Garden Expo!
Door County Happenings


Door County - Lookin' Good!    
Bistro Bary & Grill
Bistro Bar & Grill at Liberty Square - Egg Harbor 
March Sunset
March Sunset

Spring Ducks
Spring Thaw

Spring Trees
March Hill

Wine at Gourmet Deli
Wine at Gourmet Deli, Liberty Square

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Some of Our Favorite
Places to Stay In
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Spring is around the corner, after a long winter!  So let's get ready with an early spring Navigator News(tm)!
In this issue we continue with our new feature:  Eat, Stay, Explore, which we will run every month this year!  People really seem to like this new feature a lot!


In each issue, we will offer information about three Door County sites:

1) a restaurant or food-related place (we think rather creatively, so don't be surprised to read about diners, coffee shops, bakeries and markets as well as restaurants)


2) a place to stay or rest (hotel, resort, inn, or campground) and


3) a destination to wander (nature-related, shopping-related, arty or event-focused. Again, there are no limits to our imagination, and there are vast places to explore around here). So hang on for a fun year!  And tell your friends to get in on the fun and subscribe - it's free!


Missed our past Navigator News(tm) issues?  No problem - visit our archive: archived" copies of Navigator News(tm).  
You can learn additional things about Door County through our "Door County Happenings" weekly podcasts.  Here we talk about what's happening in Door County right now and you can listen in under 5 minutes! So listen in and hear about openings, closings, new info and more! 
In The News! 
  1. Check out our whole new interface!  We will be launching it soon, but you can take a sneak peak, and Register to use our Trip Planner etc. right now at - let us know what you think!
  2. The March Giveaway is already running . . . have you entered yet?  A wonderful 2-night stay in Egg Harbor at the fabulous Newport Resort.  And our February winner was announced!
  3.  "Social Media" is booming! You can now follow on Twitter!  Yes!  Look for DoorCountyInfo or click below and follow our Twitter posts.   Follow us on Twitter!
  4. And join our Door County fan page on Facebook We have over 3,200 fans - join us! 
  5. Visit our BLOG !
Our Sponsors Make Nav News Possible!
Please visit our Sponsors' websites!  They make the Navigator News(tm) possible!    And they are some of the best places to stay in Door County  - click on theirThe Shallows Resort Banner banners and see what they have to offer - and tell them you like them supporting Navigator News(tm)
Thanks for your readership, and here we go . . .

Dan Silvestri

Eat, Stay, Explore!

 (part 3 of a 12-part series)

          By Donna Marie Pocius             
Special to


Eat in Door County: Business is sweet for Sarah Basch, a pastry chef and owner of the FlourGirl Patissier in Door County.  Basch specializes in whipping up cakes for special occasions such as weddings, birthdays, showers and anniversaries.


"My motto is 'simple, elegant and delicious.' And that is how I decorate as well. The most beautiful cakes are usually the simplest," she said.


She also creates-from scratch-bars, cookies, biscotti, tarts, pies and cheesecakes, to name just a few tastyEgg Harbor Lodge Banner things.  All her work is made to order and customized to people's requests.


Basch is also the pastry chef at Alexander's Restaurant in Fish Creek and has been baking professionally since 2003.  She started FlourGirl Patissier in 2009. Orders are taken by phone or e-mail (the Web site is, and picked up at Alexander's Restaurant.  


Basch will be handing out pastry samples and decorating at the Door County Home & Garden Expo from noon to 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 26 (see story below on the Home & Garden Expo in this edition of Navigator News).


Stay in Door County: The Alpine Resort blends abundant resort amenities, family heritage and Swiss hospitality.  Located in Egg Harbor, the Alpine Resort offers a wide variety of accommodations. People can choose from one of 50 rooms in the historic resort building, one of 30 cottages or one of 12 houses. 


The resort sits on 350 acres and has 2,700 feet of Green Bay waters shoreline. 

While the Alpine Resort has been remodeled and updated many times over the years, it still preserves original character and architectural details. The overall style of the place is European.


In fact, the resort's Hof Restaurant serves up German classic dishes and much more. Adjacent to the resort is the pristine 36-hole Alpine Golf Course with gorgeous views.  Learn more about the Alpine Resort at  


Explore in Door County: Bath, Body and Soul Essentials carries bath and skin care products, home accessories, clothing, handbags and more.  The Fish Creek shop, located in Founders' Square, is continually adding new lines and products to existing displays. So it's a great place to explore many times during the year.


Reviva is a line of skin care products recently introduced here. One of the offerings is the Reviva Light Skin Peel, which is intended to give skin a softer, fresher and glowing quality.


The shop is currently having a 40% off jewelry sale. Jewelry brands include G. Ellery, Jennie's Jewels, Talisman, Jubilee, Howard Jewelry and many others. CamilleParkwood Lodge 2010 banner Beckman, a popular fragrance line, is expanding at Bath, Body and Soul Essentials.  Two new fragrances, called No. 25 and Morelia, will be available in April. 


As to clothing and accessories, Bath, Body and Soul Essentials announced new lines of embellished jeans, leather-linen handbags and even shoes. And, hey guys, if you have dozed off reading this, wake up: there will be a men's corner with stuff for you, too.


Home & Garden Expo set for March 25 and 26;

Home Builders Association to give away 42-inch Vizio television


By Donna Marie Pocius

Special to


People can find out what's new in home building, remodeling and gardening during the Home & Garden Expo set for 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, March 25, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 26.


The event, sponsored by the Door County Home Builders Association, will take place at Stone Harbor Resort and Conference Center in Sturgeon Bay.


The DCHBA is donating and giving away to one Expo attendee a 42-inch Vizio television. Also, exhibitors are coordinating drawings for gifts including: a centralBridgeport Waterfront Resort humidifier (from Action Heating), a handcrafted wood plant stand (by A. J. Deuchert Construction); a programmable thermostat (compliments of Peterson Plumbing & Heating); and assorted cellular accessories (from Cellcom).


Other highlights include five free seminars running over the two days and more than 35 exhibits of educational information.


This year's event features special guests Sarah Basch, owner of the FlourGirl Patissier and pastry chef at Alexander's Restaurant; and Diane Knutson of Door County Master Gardeners. 


Basch will be giving out samples of her homemade cakes and cupcakes from noon to 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 26.  She also will be demonstrating easy pastry decorating techniques suitable for spring holidays.


Exhibitors represent home building, remodeling, cabinets, countertops, flooring, interior design and window coverings, heating and air conditioning, energy, decks, landscaping, banking and more.


Seminar topics include tips on planning a building project, geothermal systems, septic systems, ornamental grasses and outdoor water features.


Kicking off the Expo is a 4:30 p.m. Friday panel discussion on the topic "Planning your building project" with speakers Dave Phillips, PortSide Builders, Inc.; Julie Dragseth,Newport Resort Banner Associated Bank; and Dawn Honold of Title Services of Door County, Inc.



"Geothermal Nuts, bolts and dollars" is a 10:30 a.m. Saturday presentation by Tom Kinnard of Action Heating. 


Chris Olson, Door County assistant sanitarian, addresses "Private On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems" at 11:45 a.m. Saturday.


Ornamental grasses is the subject of a 1 p.m. Saturday seminar by Knutson; and outdoor water features will be discussed by Paul Mancheski, owner of WaterScape Designs at 2 p.m. Saturday.


Admission cost of $5 is good for both days and all seminars. 







Door County Happenings


By Donna Marie Pocius

Special to

Are you turning into the weekly podcasts about Door County Happenings online at Don't miss out on information of the moment. Here are some recent posted Happenings:


Door County Bakery adds restaurant

The Door County Bakery in Sister Bay is more than a bakery. There is now seating for breakfast and lunch (Thursdays through Mondays through late May and then daily June through October).  A sample breakfast entr�e is French toast made with the bakery's own cinnamon oakScandinavian Lodge Banner cherry bread.  One of the lunch offerings is pulled pork tenderloin featuring rich Mediterranean flavors.  On Monday evenings, the restaurant is open featuring traditional Japanese sushi.


Planning a wedding in Door County?

If you are planning a wedding in Door County, check out a wedding planner called A Delightful Day, 920/746-0321.


Bjorklunden releases 2011 seminar catalog

"Vacation with a focus" is the theme at Bjorklunden in Baileys Harbor. The organization, affiliated with Lawrence University, offers week-long seminars in a variety of topics such as "Creating better pictures with your digital camera" and "The poetry of writing poetry."