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Issue 35November 2010
In This Issue
Door County Getaway: Brussels & Algoma
Holiday Music!
A Special Place: Décor Déjà Vu

Door County - Lookin' Good!    
Fall Tractor
Fall Tractor

Fall Barn
November Barn

Fall Steer
Getting Ready for Winter

Field in November
Field in November

Cana Island from Air
Cana Island Lighthouse

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Fall season will be moving to winter soon, but Fall is still in the air.  Come up for a quiet time now, or think about a special Thanksgiving here in Door County!

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Here's your November issue of Navigator News(tm), our monthly publication, now in its third year already!

2010: We continue this month with our new lead feature content, taking a look each month at a different Door County town, featured in our Door County Getaway town or village profiles.  If you don't see your favorite town check our "archived" copies of Navigator News(tm).  Read all the back issues and you'll continue to learn a lot more about Door County.  Enjoy!

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  1. The November/December  Super Giveaway is already running . . . have you entered yet?  A wonderful 2-night stay in Sister Bay at the Country House Resort plue 8 additional prizes all to ONE winner!  And the October Winner has been posted!
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Dan Silvestri

Door County Getaway:

Brussels & Algoma
          By Donna Marie Pocius             
Special to



Southern Door County and Belgian-American heritage are celebrated in Brussels.  Here are some attractions and points of interest in Brussels as well as in Algoma.


What's to do?  Brussels is renowned for being one of the largest Belgian-American settlements in the U.S.   You can experience the area's heritage by viewing unique architecture and taking part in festivals such as the kermis.   


A kermis is a traditional Belgian harvest festival. It typically includes church services, music, dancing, games and ethnic foods including Belgian pies, trippe and chickenBridgeport Waterfront Resort booyah.  Earlier this year, Brussels hosted a kermis on Sept. 26 to celebrate the Namur Belgian Heritage Foundation's acquisition of St. Mary of the Snows Church.  Plans include transforming the church building to the Wisconsin Belgian Heritage Center that will celebrate the history of the Belgian Americans who settled in the area in the 1850s.


You can see the church (repair and renovation work may be taking place) on the curve of Hwy. DK in Namur. Other architectural highlights to observe during a drive through Brussels include 1880s red brick houses, which are distinguished by modest size and gable-end, bull's-eye windows. Some have detached summer kitchens with bake ovens in the rear.  The Belgians, many of whom are devout Catholics, also have erected in the area numerous roadside votive chapels, similar to those in their homeland, according to the Wisconsin Historical Society.


Brussels is also home to the Ahnapee Ranch, 990 Shoemaker Rd.  This business offers private riding adventures, lessons, and has an indoor-outdoor arena as well as facilities for boarding horses.


What to buy:  Door County Sister Sweets, 1399 Cty. Rd. DK, Brussels, makes a wide variety of old-fashioned candy and treats including chocolate.  From Brussels, you can also head into Kewaunee County and visit some outstanding art galleries including the Flying Pig Gallery & Greenspace, N6975 Hwy. 42, Algoma. Here, arts lovers, caf� loungers and gardeners browse contemporary folk art, outsider-styled work and pieces made from recycled and repurposed materials.  The earth-powered green building is a work of art to itself. Also, the Eclipse Gallery, 507 4th St. Hwy. 42, Algoma, shows contemporary art and handmade design from local, national and international artists. Other shops in Algoma include Tina Marie Boutique, the Ivy Cottage, Good Tidings Nautical Gifts & D�cor and Clay on Steele.


Where to eat:  The Cattail Caf�, 1100 Cty. Rd. DK, Brussels, is a local favorite and often the site for events, as well.  The Flying Pig has a wonderful coffee bar inside the architecturally intriguing building. Consistent with the eco-conscious business, even the coffee cups are compostable. Check out nearby places to eat at


Historical highlights:  Brussels was created on Nov. 12, 1858.  The largest Belgian-American settlement in the U.S. is located in portions of Brown, Kewaunee and Door Counties. Walloons settled the region in the 1850s andNewport Resort Banner their descendents still constitute a high proportion of the population, according to the Wisconsin Historical Society. Many of the original wooden structures of the Belgian Americans were destroyed in a firestorm that swept southern Door County in October 1871, but a few of the stone houses, made of local dolomite survived. More common are the red brick houses (mentioned earlier).


Where to stay:  The Quiet Woods South Camping Resort is an area favorite. Check out many nearby hotels, B&Bs and resorts at



Music For A Holiday Mood


By Donna Marie Pocius

Special to


The seventh annual Renaissance Christmas concerts, sponsored by Midsummer's Music will take place throughout Door County Dec. 11 to 13.


The concerts will feature the Chicago Early Music Consort performing music by many of England's greatest composers:  Christopher Tye, Thomas Tallis, ThomasParkwood Lodge 2010 banner Morley and Thomas Weelkes. The Consort will also play several instrumental works by Anthony Holborne.


"Our program this year consists of vocal and instrumental music from the English Renaissance. This is a period from the reign of Henry VII through the reign of Charles I," said Gary Berkenstock, the Consort's artistic director.


The Chicago Early Music Consort includes Stephanie Sheffield, Gary Berkenstock, Joel Spears and Phillip Serna.  Performances will begin on Friday, Dec. 10, at Bjorklunden, Baileys Harbor, with a wine and hors d'oeuvres reception, silent auction and catered dinner by Alexander's. Cost is $60 per person and advance reservations are required.


The other two concert events feature goodwill offerings and take place 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 11, at Shepherd of the Bay in Ellison Bay; and at 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 12, atScandinavian Lodge Banner Birch Creek Music Performance Center, Egg Harbor.  A $10 goodwill offering is suggested.  For more information, or to make reservations, visit or call 920-854-7088. 


Information about the Chicago Early Music Consort is available online at .


 A Special Place: 

 D�cor D�j� Vu 


By Donna Marie Pocius

Special to

What's it about: D�cor D�j� Vu  is a resale shop, which opened in spring 2010.  It sells furnishings, including nice brands such as Flexsteel and Century-brand sofas.  Also available are wall art, lamps, accessories, throw pillows, handbags, frames and more. 


The owner, Cynthia DeLaMer, is a licensed professional interior redesigner and real estate stager. So, she also offers home interior services: home redesign, colorThe Shallows Resort Banner consulting, holiday decorating, table settings for special occasions and professional real estate staging.  She meets by appointment with consigners at the store or their homes, as well.


Why it's special:  The selection at D�cor D�j� Vu is arranged so nicely that you almost feel that you are in a store selling new furniture and accessories.  The items for sale are set up in groupings (instead of randomly placed on shelves or in aisles) to give you an idea of the way they may look in a room at home.


 "We do vignettes and put things together. In most resale shops, things are scattered everywhere and there is so much, you can't see anything. I try to make sense of everything-to put things together so people say, 'Oh, yes, I can use that at home,'" Cynthia said.


Quick facts: D�cor D�j� Vu, Hwy. 42 and School Rd. (Egg Harbor Shops red and white building), Egg Harbor, 920-421-1741.