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Issue 13 January 2009
In This Issue
Candlelight Cross-Country Skiing!
Get it Framed! Art & More!
A Special Place: Candleworks of Door County

Door County - Lookin' Good!    
Gills Rock Winter
Gills Rock
Winter Bench 
Winter Bench - Have A Seat!
Ice and Trees 
Snow Fences
 Home in Winter
 Home in Winter
 Snowy Road
Snowy Road

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Dan Silvestri

Candlelight Cross-Country Skiing a different
way to feel the sport, see the forest

By Donna Marie Pocius
Special to

Ski cross-country trails after dark, and get a different view of winter on the Door Peninsula.
Trails are all aglow during candlelight skiing events. Naturalists and volunteers use candles in old milk jugs or bags to illuminate gently rolling trails. Moonlight also goes a long way to moving the crowds, which vary in size with weather conditions.
Hit the trails with your family, a partner or alongside a friend. Bridgeport Waterfront Resort This is a time to rekindle love for the sport and check out creatures of the night and not such a good time for breaking personal records by skiing fast and far.
At night, cross-country skiers experience something called "flat" light, according to the Cross-Country Ski Areas Association. The minimal light condition causes skiers to lose depth perception. And when skiers can't see a trail as well as they can during the day, they feel it instead. 
So, you become sensitive to the slope under your skis and more attuned to nature. 
The upcoming Door County candlelight cross-country ski events include Whitefish Dunes State Park Candlelight Ski, 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 24; Peninsula State Park Candlelight Ski, 5:30 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 7; and Newport State Park Candlelight Ski, Hike and Snowshoe, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 14.
Each park takes on a different aura at dark, as compared to the day.  Night skiers, for example, may hear owls hoot and see small animals scamper around.    
At Whitefish Dunes, for example, the open trail for candlelight skiing is just over a mile long. It's lit with luminaria (candles in white bags). Candles in plastic containers help people find their way from a dark parking lot.
Friends of Whitefish Dunes prepare the luminaria, serve homemade cookies in a shelter building and groom the trails for the event as well as the entire season.    Richard Dirks, a volunteers and ski instructor, spends as much time as possible, day and night, on Whitefish Dunes trails.
His tips?  "You have to be more alert, more sensitive to conditions especially moguls and bumps, as compared to the day," he explains. "For the average skier, going out at night, diagonal striding on a good track set by a machine makes it a little easier."
Diagonal stride is a classical technique of cross-country skiing. In another style, called skating, skiers push the skis to the side and glide.
Dirks, who has relied on night skiing to train for citizen ski races, finds that Mother Nature helps light trails, too.      Egg Harbor Lodge Banner
"One of the real joys of cross-country skiing at night is doing it when there is a full moon. There's something real special about being out in the woods at night under the moonlight-skiing during the hours of darkness," Dirks says.   
Be prepared and check snow conditions by calling the host in advance.  The ideal situation is about four inches of base topped by a fresh snowfall.
Also, don't ski a trail for the first time at night, according to Carolyn Rock, the park naturalist at Whitefish Dunes. She encourages people to come to the park during the day and learn the trail then.
"Don't pick a new trail to go to a night ski; there are always twists and turns," Rock says.
Dress for a cardiovascular workout by layering quality The Shallows Resort Bannerfabrics, and wear a hat or headband and gloves.
In the end, skiing by candlelight is a dreamy escapade.
To learn about more candlelight skiing events in the state parks on the Door Peninsula or to check conditions, visit or call:

Whitefish Dunes State Park, 920/823-2400
Peninsula State Park, 920-868-3258
Newport State Park, 920-854-2500

Jump over to Frogtown Framing and Gallery
By Donna Marie Pocius
Special to

When a customer comes into Frogtown Framing and Gallery with something to be framed-say a painting they purchased or a vintage family photograph-they learn of the steps necessary to protecting and accentuating the art.
Included are the backing, mat, mouldings used to make frames and glass covering.
Colleen McCarty, the owner of the business located at 8142 Hwy. 57, Baileys Harbor, treats each piece of art with special care. 
"It doesn't have to be valuable in terms of selling it. If it has strong memories, or
they want to pass it on to someone else, then you treat it like a rare piece of art. Because it is one-of-a-kind," McCarty says.Scandinavian Lodge Banner
She advises her customers to choose a frame and mat to harmonize with the art and not necessarily the sofa or carpet.  
Customers, with art in tow, put their project on a spacious Frogtown Framing work table. Nearby, hang vast wood, metal and colorful mouldings for frames. And mats of all colors and textures can be browsed as well. It may take a while for the customer to choose a mat and frame. And that's OK by McCarty.
"It's never too long. It's always a small amount of time compared to how long something will be hanging on a wall," McCarty says.
Frogtown also has a gallery with watercolor paintings, etchings, prints, wood sculpture, ceramics and jewelry for sale.  "It's a nice fit with the framing," McCarty says.  Winter hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesdays through Saturdays.  Call 920-839-2566 for more information.

A Special Place: Candleworks of Door County
By Donna Marie Pocius
Special to

What's it about:  Candleworks of Door County is a place where scented candles are made and sold.  Candleworks carries soy wax as well as quality paraffin candles. It promotes "Door County's largest selection of scented candles and accessories." 
Ten new soy candle scents are available in 18 ounce glass jars. They include apple cobbler, French pastry, fresh cut Newport Resort Bannerlavender and lilac.  Many more scents are available in the paraffin wax variety. They are sold as votives or in glass jars at 5.5 ounce, 16 ounce and 26 ounce sizes.  The fragrances have names like cranberry chutney and orange clove. Also available are sandalwood, banana nut bread and back porch gardenia.
Why it's special:  This is a great place to walk around and breathe the air. It's spacious and stroller and wheelchair friendly. Candles in jars are displayed on shelves and votives are corralled in large containers. You can also see staff (who are friendly and helpful) make the candles right here, as the open floor plan affords views to the area where candles are poured. 
If they are not crafting candles, an educational video is running to share information.  Kids can try their hands at dipping their own candles, too.  The scents are truly wonderful and long-lasting. And if candles are not for you, you can purchase wax chips in one ounce or eight ounce bags.  Also sold here are accessories such as melting pots to use with the chips.
Quick facts: Candleworks of Door County, 5789 Hwy. 42, Carlsville, 877-263-5975 or 920-746-2125 - and tell them told you about them!