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Issue 3 March 2008
In This Issue
Pure Maple Syrup!
Midsummer's Music Festival
A Special Place: Spin in Sturgeon Bay
Door County
"Lookin' Good!"
Cave Point - Jacksonport
Cave Point Splash
View From Cana Island - Baileys Harbor
View From Cana Island
Trees in the Woods
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Dan Silvestri
Maple Syrup on Tap

By Donna Marie Pocius

Special to


Celebrate the maple syrup harvest when you visit the Door Peninsula during March and April.


When temperatures dip below freezing at night and rise above freezing during the day, the time is ideal for tapping maple trees for sap.


"It should not be too cold at night," said Donna Jorns of the natural conditions necessary. "There are a lot of things one needs to look at."


Donna and Roland Jorns own Jorns Sugar The Shallows Resort BannerBush, 4518 Cty. T, Egg Harbor. Here, thousands of maple trees on the 200-acre property are tapped, syrup is made in the rustic sugar house and homemade products are sold.


Roland, who has been making maple syrup for 69 years, is an expert to be sure.  He aims for pure and light-colored maple syrup.


"Pure maple syrup is exactly that-100% maple syrup, nature's sweetest gift," he said. "No additives, colorings or preservatives, nothing artificial. Nothing but the unique, delicious pure flavor of maple which results from boiling down the water-like sap of the maple tree."


Jorns brand syrup has earned awards from the North American Maple Syrup Council, and Roland has held leadership positions with the organization as well.


The syrup is sold in various sizes and containers at Peninsula stores and markets in addition to Jorns Sugar Bush. It costs $44.50 a gallon (prices varying in harmony with the harvest).   


And my goodness, the couple has many tasty Country HOsue bannerideas for using that big gallon. Maple syrup is delicious on pancakes, French toast, grapefruit, cereal, ice cream, pudding, baked apples or beans, according to Roland. Instead of sugar, use maple syrup in recipes for cookies, pumpkin pie, apple pie and applesauce, Donna advised.


Find out more about Jorns maple syrup at, by calling 920-868-3161 or by visiting Jorns Sugar Bush, 4518 County Road T, Egg Harbor. 

Please tell them that sent you!


Intimate Concerts Coming Soon:

Midsummer's Music Festival

By Donna Marie Pocius

Special to


The violinist David Perry is breathing hard and fast as he rotates and pulls the bow. Meanwhile, violist Sally Chisholm rolls her eyes to look at him as if to ask, "What's next?"


At a Midsummer's Music Festival concert on the Door Peninsula, you can see facial expressions like these as well as hear beautiful classical music. That's because the concerts are staged in intimate venues such as St. Joseph Retreat's chapel, Baileys Harbor, T. Ashwell's (a restaurant), Ellison Bay and Frances Hardy Center for the Arts, Ephraim.Village Green Lodge banner


"We have played in so many different places. That's a characteristic of chamber music. It is highly portable," said James Berkenstock Midsummer's artistic director. 


Another characteristic of chamber music is that each performer plays music for winds, strings or piano on their own without a conductor or leader "It's a very democratic kind of art form," added Berkenstock, also a bassoonist.


Berkenstock creates the programs for the concerts, most taking place in June and early July in harmony with the summer solstice. Midsummer's also performs Labor Day weekend concerts and at other times during the year. Among Midsummer's musicians are principal players from the Lyric Opera Chicago, Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Pro Arte Quartet.  


People have an opportunity to meet and greet the musicians at receptions, which follow the concerts.


"What we are trying to do is create not just a concert, but an experience, and Door County is so ideal for that kind of situation," Berkenstock said.


"We present great music in beautiful spaces and try to enhance that with a very friendly, intimate atmosphere and a reception with food, wine and punch," he said.  Check out Midsummer's 2008 concert schedule at or call 920-854-7088. 

                  A Special Place: Spin


What's it about:  Spin is a place to purchase yarn for knitting and crocheting projects. Also, classes are held throughout the year on topics of interest to knitters at all levels.  Terry Smith-Kletzien, the owner, is a life-long knitter herself, who has also done contract knitting for Dale of Norway's handknit American division.


Why it's special:  In addition to Terry's expertise, Spin has three employees who are experienced knitters and very helpful.  The backdrop for this shop is a magnificent vintage building. Terry worked with area craftsmen to restore beautiful tin ceilings, marble accented walls, hardwood floors and more in this former bank building.  Classes take place on the upper level, where there is comfortable seating at large tables, to say nothing of the stunning view. There are all kinds of fibers for sale here from wools, alpaca and angora to organic cottons and yarns with sequins, beads and shimmer.


Quick facts: Spin, 108 S. Madison Avenue, Bridgeport Waterfront Resort Sturgeon Bay. For class schedule, call 920-746-SPIN (7746). A Web site is being developed, and an "avid knitter card" gives you discounts on purchases of yarn and class supplies.                                                                      - Donna Marie Pocius