About SPD
Sensory Processing Disorder is a very special topic for us at Mountain Trip. Todd's 6 year old son Logan was diagnosed with SPD at age 3 1/2 and learning about the challenge and discovering strategies to help him has become a second full-time job.
Sensory processing (sometimes called
"sensory integration" or SI) is a term that refers to the way the
nervous system receives messages from the senses and turns them into
appropriate motor and behavioral responses.
SPD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that exists when sensory signals don't get organized into appropriate responses. It has been likened to a neurological "traffic jam" that prevents certain parts
of the brain from receiving the information needed to interpret sensory
information correctly. A person with SPD finds it difficult to process
and act upon information received through the senses, which creates
challenges in performing countless everyday tasks. Motor clumsiness,
behavioral problems, anxiety, depression, school failure, and other
impacts may result if the disorder is not treated effectively.
Skills For Living And Learning and The Piedra Learning Community
The Piedra Learning Community is a private alternative educational
program under the operation of Skills for Learning and Living, Inc. a
501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.
Their Mission is to provide an
alternative elementary education program based on developmental,
brain-based theories using eclectic, hands-on, practical teaching
strategies, tailored to meet the student's needs. A cooperative,
collaborative relationship between student, family and staff builds
the foundation on which the student can be successful academically,
socially and emotionally.

The Gorilla Room, where kids can get their fill of vestibular stimulation.
Todd's take: The staff at this school are some of the most
committed, dedicated, caring and determined people you will find in any
field, anywhere. Thank goodness they have focused their energies toward
helping kids!
Their facility is adequate, but aging and in need
of repair. They scrap for funding with the tenacity of terriers and are
still managing to change the lives of children.
They provide an
alternative, accredited education to kids in grades Kindergarten
through Third Grade. Each child's individual needs are accommodated
through assessments, observation and parent input. They have managed to
create a warm, accepting, comfortable environment for kids that
provides an academic education and feeds the vitally important sensory
diet of each child.
We want to help them put a down payment on a new facility, and this Benefit Climb will hopefully help them toward this goal.
I hope this finds you doing well and having enjoyed the holiday season. Our little community is deep in winter and we made the most of the time by having pot-puck dinners with friends and skiing with our families. Perhaps we have waxed a bit romantic over this season of giving, but we have decided to use our position as a Denali guide service to do some good work.
We have decided to donate all proceeds from our early season West Buttress climb on Denali to a small, non-profit school for children with an increasingly common challenge, Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD).
Climbing is often used as a metaphor for overcoming challenges. In this case it seems especially apt, as these kids often find themselves feeling out of sync in the world, just as we climbers often feel high on a mountain. They need to develop strategies to mentally plan seemingly basic, daily tasks. This too sounds familiar to those of us who have spent time up high.
The West Buttress of Denali sees roughly 1300 climbers a season. Currently, there are no other climbers registered for this time period. There is a good chance that we will be the first team of the season to summit, and without a doubt, this will be the only time of the season to experience a true wilderness setting on this part of the mountain.
Please see additional information below regarding this climb and we've included some information about SPD. We are offering special pricing as added incentive for those of you who might want to join this expedition.
Todd Rutledge
Mountain Trip
West Buttress Benefit Expedition
Wilderness and solace on this popular route
Mountain Trip began offering April Denali expeditions in 2005 at the urging of legendary South District Ranger Daryl Miller. These trips have become a favorite of our guides, as they enable climbers to have a very different experience from trips launching in early May.
This season, we are heading up glacier before the Park Service patrols start their way up the mountain. Camps will be deserted or nearly so, and the team will need to be more self sufficient than is generally typical of a West Buttress expedition.
Temperatures will probably be somewhat colder at all elevations, however the upper mountain does not see quite the temperature swings as does the lower glacier. You'll want to add a light down or puffy vest to your kit to compensate for this potential. Some years are quite warm, as we experienced on an even earlier trip in 2007.
The rewards for choosing to climb in early season will mostly be intangible, but the memories of seeing camps as basins of glistening hoar frost instead of clusters of snow walls will last forever. There is a very good chance that this team will be the first to summit for the 2010 season, but this is not our objective and we are not racing anyone for that distinction.
If you are familiar with Mountain Trip, you will know that we would not offer a trip that we did not feel was absolutely set up for success. Obviously, weather can, and often does, conspire to prevent teams from reaching the summit, but historically, we have seen as good of success rates for our April climbs as for any other week in the season. We think this will be a great trip, and are thrilled to offer it as a means to also do some really great work for a bunch of very special kids.All proceeds will go to Skills for Living and Learning and the Piedra Learning Community.West Buttress Benefit ClimbApril 18 - May 11, 2010 $5400
Thanks for your time.
It feels good to have a cause that we wholeheartedly believe in, that is meaningful, and one for which we can provide tangible benefits. We have always looked at our business as a means to do good work, and this is our most ambitious project to date. We appreciate your time in reading this.
Our best wishes for 2010!
Todd, Bill and the Gang at Mountain Trip
PO Box 658
Ophir, Colorado 81426