13. oktoober, 2010
Los Angelese eestlased

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Koguduse Teated

Oktoober Californias on olnud ilma poolest suvine. Kuigi ilm kutsub randa, on Eesti  Maja toimetamist t�is. Kuu kolmandal laup�eval kutsub Eesti K��k endale tavakohaselt k�lalise. USCs filosoofiat tudeeriv Indrek Reiland r��gib 16. oktoobril moodsast filosoofiast. Tulge s��ma ja kuulama! Meist k�igist oleneb, kas see tava j�rgmisel aastal j�tkub. Eesti kool kutsub lapsi j�lle eestikeelset koolitarkust n�udma. Nagu Leelo Tungal �tleb: "Emakeelne tere on see, mis meid �hendab l�bi aja ja kauguse". Taas on hakanud koos k�ima Los Angelese Eesti teater, mis on �ks v�heseid tegutsevaid teatritruppe v�ljaspool Eestit. Ajalehe "Vaba Eesti S�na" ja Kadri Speegi kirjaridade kaudu loeb ka �lej��nud eestikeelne Ameerika, mis Los Angelese Eesti Majas tehakse. Tatyana Elmanovichi novembri horoskoop l�henevatele kubernerivalimistele h�id v�ljavaateid ei luba. Suvemaiguline fotoalbum Apelsini maakonna rannap�evast annab lootust, et muinastuletraditsioon kestab ka siin mail. Suusaklubi on endale 50 aasta jooksul nime teinud. Juubelis�idud tulevad m�rtsis. Rahva tungival n�udmisel ilmub Los Angelese eestlasete suvealbumi teine osa. K�ige l�puks on uudis neile, kes lugenud Justin Petrone raamatut "My Estonia".  on v�imalik kohtuda autoriga reede, 29.oktoobri �htul Eesti Majas. Oodatud on ikka teised ka, kes raamatut lugenud ei ole! Eesti maja stendilt leiab soovija, kes arvutiga sinas�prust ei pea, Los Angelese eestlaste uudiskirja paberil v�ljatr�ki.

California's month of October presented us with an early "Indian Summer," warm and even very, very hot.  Although our beaches are still tempting us to enjoy their hospitality, it is the Estonian House which is offering a myriad of activities.  Traditionally, every third Saturday of the month the Estonian Kitchen beckons with promises of culinary treats.  USC's philosophy student, Indrek Reiland, will be speaking on contemporary philosophical thought.  Come - eat.  Come - listen!  But remember: These activities depend on our participation and support to guarantee continued next year's high quality offerings.  The Estonian School calls all children to further their education in their Estonian language and culture.  As Leelo Tungal says: "Our mother tongue is that which binds us over time and distance."   The Los Angeles Estonian Theatrical Troup, which is one of just a few theatrical groups outside Estonia, has already begun rehearsals for its next offering.  The rest of America can read about "what's up" at our Los Angeles Estonian House via The Free Estonian Word and Kadri Speek's reporting.  Tatyana Elmanovich's horoscope for November suggests a not so happy gubernatorial election season for Meg and Jerry.  The Orange County summer's beach day brings hope, that this "Night of Ancient Lights" may become a continuing tradition for us.  The Ski Club has already established its tradition, and will be celebrating 50 years of partying, fellowship and - oh, yes - skiing next March.  Due to popular demand, the second edition of the Summer Album will soon be published.  And finally, for those who have already read Justin Petrone's book, "My Estonian," there will be an opportunity to meet with the author Friday evening at the Estonian House.  For those who don't have computers or aren't particularly "friendly" with them, copies of the Newsletter are available for perusal on the Estonian House bulletin board.
EESTI K��K & K�LALISED: INDREK REILAND/The Estonian Kitchen & Guests: Indrek Reiland

Laup�eval, 16. oktoobril, 2010    
kl 12 p�eval k�laline                                   MEN��
kl 1 pl l�unas��k  $8              
liharullid kartulipudru ja lisanditega
Eesti Majas                                          rosinasupp j��tisega

lapsed s��vad tastuta (kuni 16.a)


Oktoobrikuu Eesti Koogi k�laline on Indrek Reiland.
Indrek on l�petanud Tartu �likooli riigiteaduste (BA, 2004) ja filosoofia (MA, 2006) erialal ning �pib hetkel kolmandat aastat University of Southern California (USC) filosoofia doktorantuuris. Peale filosoofia �ppimise ja �petamise tegeleb ta aktiivselt veel Brasiilia Jiu-Jitsuga.
Oma ettekandes "Filosoofiast ja filosoofiat" r��gib ta kaasaegsest filosoofiast ning proovib l�bi m�ne harjutuse kuulajad ka filosoofeerima panna.

Saturday, October 16th, 2010                                                          MENU
at 12:00 p.m. guest                                                      meatrolls with mashed potatoe
at 1 pm lunch  $8                                                            raisin soup with icecream
Estonian House                                                             
                                         kids eat free (16 y)

                                          I WILL ATTEND!

The guest for the October Estonian Kitchen is Indrek Reiland.

Indrek completed his studies at Tartu University with a Bachelor's (2004) in Political Science and a Master's in Philosophy (2006).  He is currently a third-year doctoral candidate in philosophy at the University of Southern California (USC).  In addition to studying and teaching philosophy, he is active in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
In his presentation, "About Philosophy and Philosophy", he will speak about current philosophy and will try, via some exercises, to interest the audience in philosophy.

EESTI SEGAKOOR / Estonian choir

Reedel, 15. oktoobril, 2010
kell 7.30 pl
Eesti Majas

Ootame oma ridadesse uusi lauluh��li!

Friday, October 15th , 2010
at 7:30 p.m.
Estonian House

All new voices are welcome!

EESTI KOOL / Estonian School

Laup�eval, 23. oktoobril, 2010                                                Saturday, October 23rd, 2010 
Laup�eval, 13. novembril, 2010                                              Saturday, November 13th, 2010 
P�hap�eval, 21. novembril, 2010                                            Sunday, November 21st, 2010
Laup�eval, 11. detsembril, 2010                                              Saturday, December 11th, 2010
kell 10 el                                                                                  at 10:00 a.m.
Eesti Majas             Info: Milvi (310) 663-0676                             Estonian House
Tervitus Eestist:

Tore on m�elda, et kaugel ookeani taga istub koolipinki hulk Eestimaa juurtega lapsi, kellel on sooviks tundma �ppida ja meeles pidada oma esivanemate kultuuri, tavasid ja keelt. Emakeelne tere on see, mis meid �hendab l�bi aja ja kauguse. Meid - eesti keele k�nelejaid - pole maailmas kuigi palju ja v�ime olla uhked selle �le, et meie ilus emakeel on s�ilinud ja arenenud k�igile raskustele vaatamata. Ilusat ja �ksmeelset uut kooliaastat!

Kool ei ole ainult koolimaja -
kool on see, mis kestab eluaja
k�igi jaoks, kel soov on targaks saada,
�nnelikuks hakata ja j��da.

Koolis �heks pereks �hinevad 
lapsed, �petajad, isad-emad. 
Lihtne reegel kehtib l�bi aja:
k�igil meil on �ksteist  v�ga vaja!
                                                    Leelo Tungal                                                                     
Greetings from Estonia:
It's nice to think, that far across the sea a group of Estonian heritage children seat themselves at their school desks, wishing to learn and remember their ancestors' culture, practices and language.  The mother tongue is that which ties us together through time and distance.  There aren't many of us - the Estonian language speakers - in the world, and we can be proud that our beautiful mother tongue has survived and developed, regardless of hardships past and present.  Have a beautiful and harmonious school year!
                                                    Leelo Tungal

EESTI KIRIK / Estonian Church

P�hap�eval, 24. oktoober, 2010
P�hap�eval, 7. novembril, 2010
kell 2 pl
1927 Riverside Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90039

Sunday, October 24th, 2010
Sunday, November 7th, 2010
at 2:00 p.m.

1927 Riverside Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90039
Service                                                                      KOGUDUSE TEATED, OKTOOBER 2010

REEDE �HTUL EESTI MAJAS  / Friday evening at the Estonian House

Reedel, 29. oktoobril, 2010     
kell 9 pl                                                   TULEN!
Eesti Majas

Eestis elav ameeriklane, raamatu "My Estonia" ("Minu Eesti") autor Justin Petrone viibib Los Angeleses. Oma ringreisil k�lastab ta ka Los Angelese Eesti Maja, et r��kida nii enda kui ka oma abikaasa Epp Petrone raamatust  "Around the Heart in 11 Years" ("Kas s�da on �mmargune"). "My Estonia" on m��gil Amazonis! Raamatute link.
Friday, October 29th , 2010
at 9 p.m.                                             WILL ATTEND!
Estonian House

An American living in Estonian, Justin Petrone, author of  "Minu Eesti/My Estonia", is currently staying in Los Angeles.  On his tour he is also going to visit the Los Angeles Estonian House to speak about his and his wife Epp Petrone's book, "Kas S�da on �mmargune" / "Around the Heart in 11 Years"Link to the books. "My Estonia" is on sale on Amazon!

LOS ANGELESE EESTI TEATER / Los Angeles Estonian Theater

Los Angelese Eesti teater alustas oma hooaega, v�ttes sedakorda ette n�itekirjanik John Patrici sulest ilmunud kom��dia "Opal otsib meest" (Opal's Husband). Selle t�ki sai n�itetrupp Eestist, n�itleja ja lavastaja T�nu Aava k�est. 
Opal on �ksik naisterahvas ja tal on kuldne s�da. Ta arvab, et tema s�branna Rosie k�igi h�dade peap�hjuseks on elukaaslase puudumine. Ajalehest leiabki ta sobiva tutvumiskuulutuse ja astub mehekandidaadiga s�branna nimel kirjavahetusse.
Saabubki p�ev, mil toimub tulevase paari esimene kokkusaamine... Millega see kohtumine l�peb ning mis seiklusi ja sekeldusi see Opalile kaasa toob, seda siinkohal avaldada ei saa - siis ei oleks ju etendust enam vajagi. �tleme vaid seda, et �kski heategu ei j��... tagaj�rgedeta.

Osades: Leila McLaughlin (Opal), Eeve Sork (Opali s�branna), Johannes Nukk (kapten Mooney), Hedi Truus (kapteni t�tar), Aivar Kokam�gi (kapteni t�tre mees).
N�itejuhina paneb �la alla mitmeid Los Angelese Eesti teatri etendusi lavastanud Astra Shore. Teatri direktor on Valdur Kaskla. Ette�tleja Mall Arusalu.

Los Angelese Eesti teater k�ib Eesti Majas koos kord n�dalas reedeti. Teatri ajalugu - kliki siia!

Teatrirahva s�gispidu/The Theater Group Fall party - click here!

The Los Angeles Estonian Theater Group began its season, choosing a comedy from the pen of John Patric, "Opal's Husband". This piece was sent to the Group from Estonia by actor and producer T�nu Aav. 
Opal is a single lady with a golden heart.  She thinks that all of her girlfriend Rosie's problems arise from the lack of a husband.  She finds an appropriate candidate in a matchmaking ad in the newspaper and starts corresponding with the potential husband-to-be in her girlfriend's name.  And the day arrives when the future partners are to meet.  How this meeting ends and what kind of adventures and trials and tribulations accrue to Opal from that meeting cannot herein be disclosed - after all, then there would be no point for the performance.  Let's just say that no good deed will remain without its comedic consequences.

The Los Angeles Theatrical Group meets weekly on Fridays at the Estonian House.

The Actors: Leila McLaughlin (Opal), Eeve Sork (Opal's girlfriend), Johannes Nukk (Capt. Mooney), Hedi Truus (Captain's daughter), Aivar Kokam�gi (Capt. Mooney's daughter's husband).

Director of many Los Angeles Theater Productions, Astra Shore, will shoulder the responsibilities as this production's producer.  The director is Valdur Kaskla and prompter is Mall Arusalu.

T�HED R��GIVAD / Listen To The Stars

Arvatavasti huvitab rahvast, millised on Meg Whitmani  ja Jerry Browni astroloogilised v�ljavaated 2. Novembril, Kalifornia kuberneri valimiste p�eval.
Novembrikuu horoskoop, loe edasi

Folks probably want to know what Meg Whitman's and Jerry Brown's stars say about their prospects for the 2010 California gubernatorial election to be held on November 2nd to choose California's next Governor.  It's strange, but the prospects are not too bright for either candidate
Read more about September and October horoscope!

Tatyana Elmanovich


Apelsini maakonna rannap�evast kujunes kodune l�kkeohtu rannaliival.
Loodame sellest muinastulede ��st kujundada iga-aastase traditsiooni. Muinastulede �� on 1992. aastal Soome rannikul alustatud ning hiljem L��nemere-��rsete riikide elanike poolt j�rgitud muinastulede s��tamise traditsioon augusti viimasel laup�eval. Kaasaegsete muinastulede kandev idee on �htsuse propageerimine L��nemere ranna- ja maarahva seas, maaelu edendamine, kultuurip�randi s�ilitamine, maapiirkondade omavahelise l�bik�imise ja koost�� arendamine. Tuled s��datakse ka nende m�lestuseks, kes igaveseks merele j��nud.

          Pildialbum/Photoalbum - click here!                              Ancient Lihts Web

The Orange County Beach Day turned into a friendly family oriented seashore bonfire event.  Let's hope this Night of Ancient Lights 2010 night becomes a yearly tradition. Night of Ancient Lights an annual event by the citizens of the countries bordering on the Baltic Sea and  celebrated on the last Saturday of August.  The contemporary ancient liights supporting idea is to propogate unity among the peoples living on the shores of the Baltic Sea with those living inland, foster suburban lifestyles, preserve cultural heritage, and develop cooperative activities among neighboring geographical communities. These fires are also lit in memory of those who have forever remained in the oceans.

ARTIKKEL VABA EESTI S�NAS / Free Estonian Word Newspaper Article

Eesti k��k ja k�laline Los Angelese Eesti majas
Kaast�� Kadri Speek.

Estonian kitchen and guest at the Los Angeles Estonian House
By Kadri Speek.

LOS ANGELESE EESTLASTE SUVEALBUM / Los Angeles Estonians' Summer Album

Los Angelese eestlastel on olnud tore suvi!

The Los Angeles Estonians had a great summer
                               Take a look! Part 1

                               Take a look! Part 2

SUUSAKLUBI 50. AASTAP�EV / Skiclub's 50th Anniversary

10. -13. m�rts 2011
China Peak
Pane kuup�evad kalendrisse kirja!
J�rgmises uudiskirjas r��gime suusap�evadest pikemalt.

Find us on Facebook
March 10-13, 2011
China Peak
Reserve those dates in your calendar!
In the next newsletter we'll have more about the ski club's upcoming event.

PORTLAND KUTSUB / Welcome to Portland

Teretulemast XXX L��neranniku Eesti P�evadele Portland Oregoni!  Festival toimub 3-7. augustini 2011. a Portlandi linnas, Doubletree hotellis. veebileht

Welcome to Portland, Oregon for the XXX West Coast Estonian Days of 2011! The festival will be held August 3-7, 2011 at the Doubletree Hotel Portland. website

TEADE / Notice

Los Angelese Eestlaste uudiskirja v�ljaprint on saadaval Eesti Maja stendil k�igile neile kes arvutiga sinas�prust ei pea.

The Los Angeles Estonians' newsletter printout is available at the Estonian House information stand for all who don't have a friendship with computers.


Teata huvitavatest s�ndmustest, mis kusagil toimuvad; kirjat�kkidest, saadetest, filmidest jms, mis on �ksk�ik, kus silma ette j��nud ja millest oleks k�igil kasulik teada, ja uudistest, millest teistel veel aimugi pole!  info@eesti.us

Let us know of any interesting events, articles, etc. which would be interesting to read as well as news items of which no one is aware. Email:  info@eesti.us
TOIMKOND / Editors

Toimetajad/Editorial Reet Rand, Leila McLaughlin
Keeletoimetaja/Syntactic editor Margus V�lja
Kaast��/Contributors Tatyana Elmanovich, Kadri Speek, Leelo Tungal
T�lkija/Translation Matti Riivald
Fotod/Photos Reet Rand, Kiino Villand

Tagasiside/Feedback email

www.eesti.us webpage

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