It's hard to believe we have actually escaped the days of 100+ degree weather and are now quickly approaching the end of the year! October through December are exciting months full of tradition and holidays with family and friends. They are also busy busy busy! Before holiday season hits full swing, stop for a moment to prepare for 2012!
Right now is the BEST time to secure your booth space in the 2012 bridal shows. Getting in now means guaranteeing your slot before categories close out, and being able to enjoy the holidays knowing that you have already prepared your business for success in the new year. Also, booking your deposit early gives you the option to pay your total in 2 or more payments rather than having to pay all at once at the last minute.
Take a look at our Spring Bridal Show season and call our office at 972-713-9920 today to learn about how our shows can be your Best Marketing Tool to grow your business!
We are getting ready for a fantastic New Year for 2012:
Las Colinas Bridal Show, January 8, 2012, Irving Convention Center (New Show!)
Dallas Bridal Show, January 28-29, 2012, Dallas Market Hall (23rd year!)
Fort Worth Bridal Show, March 4, 2012, Fort Worth Convention Center (15th year!)
Plano Bridal Show, March 11, 2012, Plano Centre (23rd year!)
For a complete 2012 show schedule see the far right column.
New Website Look! |
New Website Look is finally here! New opportunities!
Check out our new website! We still have some improvements and finishing touches to make, but we are excited about the new face.
For many years, the website has been a very valuable tool to those companies that have advertised their business on the website. When you reserve space in our shows, you will receive a free basic listing for one category. Website Listings and Sponsorships are only available to companies that reserve booth space and exhibit in a Bridal Shows, Inc. bridal show. If a bridal show is cancelled or not rebooked, Ads and Listings will be removed at that time and no refund will be given. All payments are due up front with order.
Website Marketing Opportunities include the following:
- Site Sponsorship ($1,100 per year). Limit of five sponsors rotating, category exclusive). Link to your website, viewable from all pages on the website. Includes one Premium Listing, and monthly bride list.
- Category Sponsorship (limit of two sponsors per category) ($700 per year). Includes one Premium Listing and monthly bride lead list. Banner ad is placed in one category slot rotating with one other sponsor.
- Premium Listing per category ($200 per session: Options are January-June session, or
July -December session. "Business Card" ad on category page linked to your website, Map to your location-correct physical address required, One click email contact-bride can contact you from your listing, Links to your social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Yelp, Vimeo LinkedIn, etc.)
Basic Listing Free for 1st Category. $50 per each additional Category per Session.
Please call our office if you have reserved any of our 2012 shows and would like to advertise on the website. If you are already locked in for any of the website listings, please contact us around your renewal timeframe to renew and keep your position.
Dallas Bridal Show: Review |
The Dallas Bridal Show on July 30-31, 2011 was another success! 1,172 brides registered out of over 2,000 brides, 130 Mother of the Bride registered, and 121 Others registered (sometimes sister, maid of honor, etc.). Due to the tough economy, we had a few less vendors, but our total attendance was up some from a year ago. For those vendors that were able to take advantage of this prime opportunity for lead generation, be sure you are still following up with those leads! If you need any help or assistance with some ideas to continue working your leads, call your Account Executive and they will be more than happy to assist you.
Congratulations to the Dallas Bridal Show Coupon Contest Winners! The following companies brought in the most brides carrying a coupon with their corresponding company name on it. Prizes will be attributed to the next Dallas Bridal Show in January.
- First Place: Circle Park Bridal (FREE 10 x 10 booth!)
- Second Place: Amarillo Rose Floral ($300 off booth price)
- Third Place:Annie's Culinary Creations ($150 off booth price)
Plano Bridal Show: Review |
Thank you to everyone that participated in the recent Plano Bridal Show on September 11th at the Plano Centre. Over 100 bridal businesses had the opportunity to meet with brides, their friends and family face to face. 319 brides registered out of over 500 brides, 59 Mother of the Bride registered, and 55 Others registered.
Congratulations to the Plano Bridal Show Coupon Contest Winners! The following companies brought in the most brides carrying a coupon with their corresponding company name on it. Prizes will be attributed to the next Plano Bridal Show in March.
- First Place: Circle Park Bridal (FREE 10 x 10 booth!)
- Second Place: Pure Luxe Bridal ($300 off booth price)
- Third Place: Pounds & Inches ($150 off booth price)
Due to space limitations, the Plano Bridal Show closes out quickly! Now is the time to book your space at the next Plano Bridal Show on March 11, 2012. Call today to learn more about how the Plano Bridal Show can help you generate leads and build your business!
Fort Worth Bridal Show: Review |
The Fort Worth Bridal Show moved to a new location for the show on September 17-18. The new location, Fort Worth Convention Center, and newer facility made for a great show! 481 Brides registered out of over 700 brides, 72 mother of the Bride registered, and 49 Others registered.
Thank you to everyone that participated in this event! We will return to the Fort Worth Convention Center for our next Fort Worth Bridal Show on March 4, 2012. Hope to see your company there!
Naomi's Notes: "Main Reason Some Companies Do Not Do Well from Shows" by: Naomi Hulme, CEM |
The following article was originally published in our October 2008 Newsletter. This topic has brought the most interest with those serious companies over the last 24 years. So, back by popular demand... Everything you do must be a win-win situation, a win for you, a win for the bride, and a win for the industry. You do that by giving the bride the opportunity to do business with you. We all can get very busy and feel like we don't have time to make calls or emails or put together a direct mail campaign, but it is so important for this win-win experience. Some people have a fear to call or contact people for their business. According to Marvin F. Brown, Sr., "If you do what no one else wants to do, you'll always be busy." Sales is the one critical component of building a business. Without sales, there is no business. Sales are generated through leads we obtain from various sources. Quality shows give you the tool to get those leads face-to-face.
There are different choices of making contacts with potential clients. Some may be comfortable with calling and emailing. Others may only be comfortable with direct mail because of the fear of contacting people personally. Still others may only be comfortable with getting referrals from other wedding vendors-this is where the networking is critical. No matter what we are comfortable with, we have to work our leads somehow to be successful.
The biggest reason someone may say "The show did not work" is that the leads received were not worked properly. Working leads is probably the most important part of making any show or advertising bring results.
For any business to be successful, others must know about the business more than once or twice. If it bothers you to call or contact your leads in various ways, it is going to be very difficult for you to stay in business for the long-term.
Generating leads that hopefully turn into future business is the goal for all advertising and marketing. Once a lead is generated, they will need to hear or see your message many times to even start noticing you. Even though it is lengthy, this next information is very important for everyone to read.
In the book, "Guerrilla Marketing for Free," Jay Conrad Levinson states:
"The researchers came with an answer: nine. Your message must penetrate a person's mind nine times before that person is ready to make a purchase from you. And that's the good news. The bad news is that for every three times you put out the word-via signs, letters, e-mail, whatever- people aren't paying attention two of those times. If you put the word three times, you've penetrated a mind once. What happens then?
You promote your business six times. Then you've penetrated minds two times. What happens then? People realize that they've heard of you. Put out the word nine times, and they realize they've seen your marketing somewhere. They figure you must be a successful company because unsuccessful companies don't market. Put out the word twelve times, and they begin to think that one of these days they'll look into your offering. Put it out fifteen times, and you've penetrated their minds five times. This is when they'll read every word you say, send for your brochure, and visit your website. The momentum is well under way. But at this point most people figure their campaign isn't working, so they abandon it and begin again. Bad idea.
Not until you've put forth your message twenty-seven times have you penetrated your prospects' minds nine times. And that's when they'll order what you're selling, treating you like a friend because of the familiarity you've built up. To go through such a long ordeal is just too much for most business owners. The only ones who survive to the end are those blessed with patience. They know that marketing does not work instantly and takes time."
So many companies in the wedding industry also have opportunities for business not related to weddings. As we mention at our Exhibiting 101 seminars, there are birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, parties, births, and other events where your product or service might be needed. This is a great chance at getting more leads. Suppose you are able to book an anniversary event with the mother of a bride. She in turn lets her friends know about you. When the bride gets married, she tells her friends, and then has her anniversaries, and there could be potential business again. That's just talking about anniversaries.
In essence, one bride lead can generate so many other referrals that can produce other leads and revenue for you.
The key is to continue staying in touch until someone tells you to go away. We have all had those who said, "take us out of your system." But, we have so many more that appreciate us staying in touch.
In today's system, we do have to pay attention to the avenues that can appear as spam. You may have to work with those that "opt in" for that specific source.
There are ways to stay in touch on a continual basis without the bride feeling like you are a pest or a nuisance. Newsletters and "Specials" announcements are a great way to do this.
The following information came from one attendee from the July 2008 Dallas Bridal Show. This person said that they were more impressed with the person that contacted them first and that has stayed in contact continually.
According to this source, one company from the July Dallas Bridal Show sends out a newsletter twice each month with great information. By doing this, the brides do not feel pressured, but notice and remember this company because information is being received continuously. There were a few companies that made contact a couple of times and then quit. That will not produce the best results or even come close.
The show took place over three months ago and some companies are not going to do great business from that show unless they understanding the need to "work the leads." I know a few have told me personally over the years, that no matter what, they only contact someone so many times and that's it. That is your decision. If what you do produces the business and revenue that you are comfortable with, then I understand.
However, for the majority of companies, there is a real need�to produce more business each year. It may take being even more consistent than ever before, especially in a tough economy.
The real survivors never give up. I know how easy it is to get discouraged. I can recall one day many years ago when I was calling on our bridal shows and home shows when I was told "no" 19 times! Rather than throw in the towel, I allowed the experience to motivate me to continue because I knew it meant I was getting closer to a "yes." It ended up being a very productive day with many commitments.
Brides are busy just like you are. What you do may not be a priority on their mind today, but on that specific day when what you do comes to the top of the list, the bride may look at the current information that she has. It just may be that your competitor has been staying in touch.
Generate Leads - Work those Leads! - Produce More Results!
Generate Leads - Contact a few times and quit - Produce Less Results.
Which is your desire?
For Sale |
Still trying to downsize, Naomi is selling a lot of different items, including the following:
- hundreds of books at $3 each, CASH ONLY (business books, financial books, novels, cookbooks, etc.)-These will be available at our office in Addison (4821 Keller Springs Rd., Addison, TX 75001) soon. There will be new books brought to the office weekly. Please call and schedule a time with Betty.
Contact Naomi if you have interest in the following items that are also for sale:
- Stihl Grandfather Clock (like New, slightly used, no dings) $3,500
- Roseville Pottery (antique collection)
- Art (five originals): three (3) Sam Parks, 1 Shvaiko, and 1 Shortridge
- Crystal (Lalique, Lladro, Waterford, etc.)
- Digital Grand Piano $800 (beautiful piece of furniture!)
- Furs
For Rent |
Hawaii week timeshare (have two left between now and the end of March, 2012): $875 each, hotel only, one block from beach in Waikii.
Contact Naomi for more information!
7 Best Phone Sales Tips |
How many times have you received a sales call at home and was totally turned off in the first ten seconds? Did you ever stop to really examine why the person on the other end bothered you so much? Now think about the calls you make to prospects, how do you think they react to your opening lines? The phone is an amazing sales tool if used properly but it can destroy a brand, not to mention a commission check, if used incorrectly. Check out these seven phone sales tips to fine tune your first impression.
1. The first ten seconds
Within the first ten seconds of the call you are going to make an impression that is going to determine how the rest of your call is going to be received by the prospect or customer. Every call, regardless if it's the first call to a prospect or the fiftieth call to a customer creates a "first" impression. Know why you are making the call and what you are going to say in that first 10 seconds. Above all else, be natural; don't sound like you are reading a script even if you are.
2. Scripts can make or break you
Some organizations place great trust in a phone script. They paid good money to have a professional (who may or may not have ever made a prospecting call on the phone) come up with just the right wording to elicit the desired response. They may have invested in a contact management system that has scripted responses for every situation. If you have to use a script, practice it until it sounds like your normal conversational style. If you use a script it has to sound like it's the first time you have spoken those words. Nothing turns people off faster than being "read to" on the telephone.
3. Clean up your language
Have you ever noticed that network anchors don't have a discernable accent (except one noted Canadian)? There's a reason for that. People tend to trust what they consider an "educated" voice more than they do a voice that uses slang or "lazy" English like fer for for and yer for your. Practice reading aloud into a recorder and focus on speaking clearly and correctly. For a real challenge read the ingredient list off almost any package and try to make it sound conversational.
4. Listen without prejudice
This is tough particularly if you are accustomed to making 50 to 100 calls a day. What you need to do is to be able to really hear what the person is saying. You may hear the same response to a question a dozen times a day but you have to refrain from thinking that this individual means the same thing as the other eleven people did. Let them finish their answer before your brain starts searching for the "canned" response. In other words, treat the individual as an individual and not a survey sample. Many managers will tell you that prospecting is a numbers game but if you hear something you don't like and blow off the rest of the call you may have sailed right past a close.
5. The more they talk the better
Try using open ended questions that encourage detailed responses. The more the other person talks the more the call is perceived as being about them and their issues rather than you. The more they talk the more information you mine and the better you'll understand their needs and what motivates them.
6. Stay positive
Any subject can be presented in a positive, negative or neutral manner. "He died so young." "He's in a much better place now." "He's dead." Keep all your dialogue positive. Use words that elicit optimism. You don't have to be Mr. Sunshine but you do want to leave an impression that you have a positive attitude and you truly believe in whatever it is you're selling.
7. Stay honest
Don't give in to the temptation to stretch a truth to keep the conversation going. Honesty and integrity, unfortunately, are still something of a scarce commodity and honest responses will be received as a breath of fresh air.
There are some amazingly successful sales people who earn significant incomes and who have never seen their clients face to face. Their secret is their telephone presence and their ability to really understand a client's needs. Working on that first impression is the first step in joining that group of successful pros.
Mark Polman has made his fair share of sales calls in his career in business management and consulting and understands the importance of creating a "trusted" phone presence. If you'd like to learn even more phone sales tips, Mark suggests you visit Sales Training now!
Article Source:
Naomi's Book of the Month
This month's book selection is:

Emotional Intelligence 2.0
by: Travis Bradberry and Jean Graves
You may request a copy of my "Book Suggestions"
at any time.
Happy Reading!
Bridal Show Schedule
Las Colinas Bridal Show
** New Show!**
January 8, 2012
New Irving Convention Center
Dallas Bridal Show
** 23rd Year **
January 28-29, 2012
Dallas Market Hall
Fort Worth Bridal Show
** 15th Year **
March 4, 2012
Fort Worth Convention Center
Plano Bridal Show
** 23rd Year **
March11, 2012
Plano Centre
Dallas Bridal Show
** 23rd Year **
July 28-29, 2012
Dallas Market Hall
Plano Bridal Show
** 23rd Year **
September 9, 2012
Plano Centre
Social Networking
View photos, get updates, and connect with both
professionals and brides at the
Bridal Shows, Inc. facebook page.
If you
are interested
in receiving one or more posters to display in your store front with info regarding upcoming bridal shows,
email with the
following information:
Your Name:
Company Name:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
How Many Posters Needed: