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Bridal Shows, Inc. Newsletter Copyright 2010
by Naomi Hulme, CEM, Bridal Shows, Inc.
June 14, 2010


The heat is on and summer is definitely here. Make sure you stay hydrated at all those crazy outdoor weddings this season! Luckily the best "can't miss events" of the summer will not only help boost your business, but are happily indoors! That's right, the 2010 Summer Bridal Show season is quickly approaching. It may not be too late to reserve your booth, but don't wait another second as many categories are already closed out with more on the verge of being full.

Call us at 972-713-9920 to learn more about how you can grow your business through exhibiting in the Fort Worth Bridal Show, July 17-18, the Dallas Bridal Show, July 31-August 1, and the Plano Bridal Show on September 12.

in this issue
  • Dallas Bridal Show
    Coming Soon!!
  • Project Husband
  • Naomi's Notes: "Pick Yourself Up off of the Floor"
    by: Naomi Hulme, CEM
  • 2010 Business Conference
  • Business Conference Speakers

  • Project Husband

    Come meet Lisa Linehan at the Dallas Bridal Show! She will be appearing in the CW33 booth. She's featured on CW 33's website and a weekly appearance on the 9 O'clock news.� Lisa is all set for her wedding on February 15, 2011. She just needs the groom!

    Lisa Linehan created Project Husband to find her (nearly) perfect mate.� As she reflected on her 35th birthday, she realized, more than ever, what had been missing her life - a soul mate. She dreamed of true love, but had never found it. Believing in the power of positive thinking, she decided to put it out there - "I am ready to be married. I've never been married, and I have no children. I want to find someone special and start a family."

    The date and venue are set - Tuesday, February 15, 2011 at Piazza in the Village in Colleyville, TX (just outside Dallas). The date is the anniversary of her grandparents, who were married nearly 46 years, until the day her grandfather died. All she needs is her man! Project Husband is her journey to find true love. Over the next year, she is organizing several events in the Dallas area to uncover some potentially wonderful mates. She is working with a couple of nonprofit organizations, as well, to do something positive for the community, while doing something to enrich her own life. She is looking for potential grooms who are kind, loving, fun, music-appreciating, expressive, honest and adventurous. This will be an adventure in dating.

    For all of her life, she has been independent, outgoing and strong-willed. Now it's time to meet her match. She knows he's out there somewhere.

    Some of the Dallas vendors that are participating in the Project Husband event are:� Pea Pod Group, Brides by Demetrios, Delicious Cakes, and Dick's Last Resort.

    Naomi's Notes: "Pick Yourself Up off of the Floor"
    by: Naomi Hulme, CEM

    Life is going to have challenges. Just know that. If it was easy, we wouldn't learn anything. Knowing that we are going to face challenges should give us the wake-up call every day to do something about it, to plan, to be proactive, to try to create as many positive experiences so that the challenges are less than what they would have been otherwise.

    Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D., in his book Taking Responsibility-Self-Reliance and the Accountable Life, writes about being responsible ourselves, ". . . to be innovative, committed to continuous improvement, and accountable. . . Taking responsibility for every choice, decision, and action without blaming or finding alibis. . .Being fully accountable for all promises and commitments made. . ."

    Don't wait for someone else to jolt you into doing what needs to be done. Be your own mentor. Encourage yourself and get rid of any negative or defeatist attitudes. You really can do it-accept that you can do it-know you can do it-make it happen.

    According to Ken Blanchard, author of Self Leadership and The One Minute Manager, states "When goals work out, it is usually because you instinctively take the initiative to be a self leader and get what you need to succeed."

    Write down all of your strengths and positive attitudes that you have on one sheet. On another sheet, list your weaknesses and negative attitudes that you have. Now, put the negative list in a drawer and leave it there for a month-don't look at it during this time. Only focus on your strengths and positive attitudes. Think about adding other things to this list-positive things that you learn each day, asking yourself what you can change in a positive way today. What can you do today that will motivate you? One thing you can do is read the book 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself by Steve Chandler. After a month of focusing on your strengths and positive attitudes, pull out your negative list and see if anything on that list can be crossed off. I think you will be amazed at how many items on the list will change for the positive because you cared about making a difference. One step at a time, one day at a time. Don't look back!

    2010 Business Conference

    Planning for the fifth annual Business Conference is well underway as we gather sponsors and speakers that will help enhance your business. This is an event you won't want to miss! Bring the whole staff to encourage and inspire them to achieve further success.

    Current Business Conference Sponsors:

    Official Bag Sponsor: Mothernode

    Mothernode is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) business system that offers Small and Medium Business (SMB) a suite of powerful on-demand applications, components and expansion packs designed to streamline all aspects of operations. The software suite includes Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Order Fulfillment, Quoting and Proposals, Inventory Control Systems (ICS), Vendor Access, Invoicing, Performance Indicators and so much more. Mothernode was developed with the principles of making the user more productive by automating tasks, simplifying workflow and streamlining business processes. The program is highly configurable making it easy for customers to modify it for their industry and basic needs. The software was designed as competitively priced alternative to longstanding provider of SaaS business services, and other competing on-demand software. The Mothernode software model is much simpler - giving the user more for less, and consists of a broad core that offers a suite of powerful modules and tools, essential to most any business, complimented by expansion packs that provide extended services and features based on industry or need. Mothernode contains features and capabilities that often come at an additional expense in competing software, making Mothernode the best value for the money

    Sponsor: Metro Woman Fort Worth

    Mark Your Calendar and plan in advance to be there!

    The Business Conference
    Wednesday, November 17, 2010
    Arlington Convention Centre

    We exhibited in the "DFW Do It Yourself PR" Mega Event on June 8. Nichole Brawner, our Conference Director, made some great contacts with vendors and speakers. We are continually working to bring more added value to every business through our Business Conference.

    The Business Conference will be exhibiting at the Nothing But Net Event put on by Magnus Media on Friday, June 18th, so stop by and visit us to learn more about the conference as well as network with other business professionals!

    Business Conference Speakers

    Take a look at some of the speakers lined up to present at the 2010 Business Conference in November!

    David Dennard
    Profiles International, Inc

    We've all been there. After an extensive and thorough search for a line manager, one candidate stands out. This candidate has the right experience, solid qualifications, and a relevant work history, and she gave an impressive performance during the interview process. She said the right things, put forward some great ideas and generally presented very well. You hired her.

    Three months later, you begin to question your decision. Your new hire's team appears disgruntled, morale is low, and output and productivity are well behind the figures from the previous quarter. Your new hire is not a good cultural fit and one or more factors could be at play. Find out how to avoid this situation at your company.

    Glenna Hecht
    President & Founder
    Humanistic Consulting LLC

    I hate HR, but I gotta do it anyway!! Did you get into business to deal with employee issues and administration? Do you ever say to yourself "I don't know what I don't know" when it comes to this hr stuff? If these questions have crossed your mind then this free session is for you!

    You will learn about:

    • The employee lifecycle
    • 10 laws that apply to businesses with one employee
    • Guidelines for Employees vs. Contractors
    • Results VS. Job Descriptions
    • How Good HR practices can save you 20% in your errors & omissions insurance

    Jeff Klein
    Business Results Revolution

    Chamber of Commerce - Plaque on the Wall or Source of Revenue?

    Too many business owners see their Chamber membership as a civic obligation and don't take advantage of the contacts and opportunities available. By implementing the networking tools & tips Jeff Klein teaches, business professionals can grow their revenue at their Chamber.

    Jeff Crilley

    Marketing Without Money: All of us would like to take our PR game to the next level. And who better to help us do that than a media insider? Emmy Award winning TV reporter Jeff Crilley will share the secrets to getting good news stories that even many seasoned PR pros don't know.

    Mike Crow
    Marketing Success Formula

    Mike is excited about serving You as a NO B.S. Business Advisor and as such is eager to help you improve your marketing skills and take your business to the next level. Mike Crow works with hundreds of business owners - from small business owners all the way up to national franchises. Mike founded and successfully managed one of the largest multi-inspector firms across North America and began coaching home inspectors on how to build their businesses while systematizing their marketing processes and now coaches hundreds of home inspectors across North America. Mike also coaches others that want to become a coach for their industry.

    Howard Stephen Berg
    The World's Fastest reader
    Howard Stephen Berg Learning Solutions, LLC

    Did you know that the information your business depends upon doubles every six months? In the time it takes you read this sentence, Howard Berg, the world's fastest reader, can read this entire page-and another as well! Imagine learning to: (1) read faster, (2) improve comprehension, (3) precisely target what you need to learn, (4) improve your memory and recall, and much, much more.

    Intel estimates that missed or forgotten information is costing their company a billion dollars a year! In today's knowledge-driven economy learning faster is a requirement for profitability. This workshop will provide your solution.

    You may have seen Howard on Cavuto reading the Health Care Bill in only 50 minutes. Forbe's FYI, Red Book, Men's Health, Selling, and over 1,000 radio and television shows have featured his work. Be prepared for a life changing experience that will empower you to turn your information-overload into information-riches.

    Naomi Hulme, CEM
    President and CEO
    Bridal Shows, Inc.
    Home Improvement Shows, Inc.

    Naomi offers her services to help you turn consumer shows into your best marketing tool! Her seminar, Exhibiting 101, includes exhibiting tips, networking, seminar workbook, and valuable information to help you build your business. Whether you are an experienced exhibitor or completely new to consumer show marketing, Exhibiting 101 has been designed to help everyone achieve better results! The professional business person is always looking for ways to improve. Take advantage of this unique educational experience to gather new ideas as well as learn from a well-established, respected business owner in the industry.

    Barbara Craft
    Craft Training Center

    Dallas Bridal Show
    Coming Soon!!

    The largest bridal show in the DFW Metroplex is just around the corner! Don't miss the Dallas Bridal Show on July 31-August 1st at Dallas Market Hall. Call our office today to find out if there is still an opening for your business. (Some categories are already closed out) We are very excited to announce our sponsors for this summer's Dallas Bridal Show!


    CW 33


    Hear what one Dallas Bridal Show exhibitor has to say about their experience:

    Before participating in the Bridal Shows Inc Dallas show, my company was spending over $7000 a year in marketing. After we did our first show in January 2009, I decided to drop all of the marketing after booking 7 weddings from that one show. My staff and I loved being there, it was so much fun to meet brides and get to talk to other wedding professionals in a fun environment. I have booked a total of 23 weddings from the 3 shows we have participated in, including my biggest destination wedding to date in Phuket, Thailand. I'm not sure if other vendors did as well or even better than us, but we have been so happy with the brides we've booked and are thrilled with our involvement. We're looking forward to working with Naomi and her staff for many years!

    Cristina Wisner
    Wisner Photo

    Executive Chef Culinary Challenge

    "The BEST of the Wedding Chef's Cuisine," as the Dallas Bridal Show describes it, will feature Chef Contestants from various restaurants and hotels who will be tasked with creating the ultimate culinary experience for the bride using the Dallas Bridal Show as their venue!

    To participate in the contest, the Company must first have a paid booth in the show. If you are interested in learning more about this exciting event or would like to participate, contact us today at 972-713-9920.

    Naomi's Book of the Month

    This month's book selection is:

    Rules of Thumb: How to Stay Productive and Inspired Even in the Most Turbulent Times
    by: Alan M. Webber

    You may request a copy of my "Book Suggestions" at any time.

    Happy Reading!

    Are You a Home Owner?

    Make plans to attend the upcoming Home Improvement Show, August 28-29, 2010, at the Dallas Convention Center (Hall A). David Yates, host of "The Home Improvement Zone," will be appearing both days. Register on-site at the show to win fantastic door prizes, including an Outdoor Living Oasis Giveaway.

    Bridal Show Schedule

    Fort Worth Bridal Show
    ** 13th Year **
    July 17-18, 2010
    Amon Carter Exhibit Hall

    Dallas Bridal Show
    ** 21st Year **
    July 31-August 1, 2010
    Dallas Market Hall

    Plano Bridal Show
    ** 21st Year **
    September 12, 2010
    Plano Centre

    Dallas Bridal Show
    ** 22nd Year **
    January 29-30, 2011
    Dallas Market Hall

    Plano Bridal Show
    ** 22nd Year **
    March 13, 2011
    Plano Centre

    Fort Worth Bridal Show
    ** 14th Year **
    April 2-3, 2011
    Amon Carter Exhibit Hall

    Dallas Bridal Show
    ** 22nd Year **
    July 30-31, 2011
    Dallas Market Hall

    Plano Bridal Show
    ** 22nd Year **
    September 11, 2011
    Plano Centre

    Fort Worth Bridal Show
    ** 14th Year **
    September 17-18, 2011
    Amon Carter Exhibit Hall

    View photos, get updates, and connect with both professionals and brides at the Bridal Shows, Inc. facebook page.

    Also join our Business Conference facebook page and receive Naomi's "Business Tip of the Day".

    Visit us on myspace!! Check out our pages using the links below:

    Do you have a myspace account? Add us as a friend to keep the network growing!

    New Posters Are Here!

    New Posters have been made for the Summer 2010 Bridal Show Season! If you are interested in receiving one or more posters, email with the following information:

    Your Name:
    Company Name:
    Street Address:
    City, State, Zip:
    How Many Posters Needed:

    A sample picture of the poster is below.

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    phone: (972) 713-9920