Flowers are blooming, grass is growing, the days are
longer, and the fresh smell of spring fills the air!
Renew your spirit and use this opportunity to refresh
your business by doing some spring cleaning and
lead blitzing! Brush off the dust from those old leads
sitting on the shelf and re-establish a connection with
brides still searching for someone to help with their
dream wedding.
Make sure to plan ahead for our summer shows as
they are already booking quickly. The Dallas Bridal
Show is already over 85% full.
Also, we hope you are able to attend our Home
Improvement Show at the Dallas Convention
Center on March 27-28, 2010. If you know someone in
the home improvement industry who might be
interested in exhibiting in our August 28-29, 2010,
show, have them call us to reserve their booth at
Fort Worth Bridal Show: Review |
The Fort Worth Bridal Show was recently held at the
Amon Carter Exhibit Hall on February 20-21, 2010.
Over 100 businesses came together to make
wedding dreams come
true for the 619 registered brides (out of over
700 brides) out of nearly 3,000 total
attendance! Thank you to all of the vendors that
participated in another great Fort Worth Bridal Show.
Coupon Contest Winners!
As always, exhibitors in the Fort Worth Bridal Show
the opportunity to participate in a coupon contest.
Exhibitors distribute $1 off coupons to their brides,
and the company that brings the most brides to the
show wins! Prizes are applied to the July 2010
Fort Worth Bridal Show. Congratulations to our
- First Place: (FREE 10 x 10 booth) Bliss
Bridal Salon
- Second Place: ($300 off) *TIE* Southern
Flair Photography and Bride & Groom Magazine
- Third Place: ($150 off) Perfect Wedding
Plano Bridal Show: Review |
Thank you to everyone that participated in the Plano
Bridal Show held on March 14, 2010 at the Plano
Centre. This high-end regional show attracted 368
registered brides out of a total attendance of 1,602.
Over 100 wedding businesses were able to meet face
to face with potential clients and book weddings. The
leads from this show can be worked throughout the
year and beyond to continue to bring our vendors
Coupon Contest Winner!
Congrats to our coupon contest winner from the Plano
Bridal Show! This exhibitor brought in the most brides
carrying a coupon from their company. Prize will be
applied to the September Plano Bridal Show this fall.
- First Place: (FREE 10 x 10 booth) Designs
by Delissa
(No other winners)
Business Conference Testimonial |
I attended "The Business Conference" this year
and have already implemented several valuable
strategies, practices, and tips that I learned. Most of
the best ideas transcend the wedding business and
will be valuable to any entrepreneur. It is really exciting
that "The Business Conference" has been expanded
to include allbusinesses! I highly recommend "The
Business Conference"!
Randy Roberson
Randy Ro Entertainment
Be sure to mark your calendars to attend The
Business Conference on November 17, 2010 at
the Arlington Convention Center.
Stay tuned to for further details!
If you are interested in participating in The Business
Conference as a vendor or speaker please contact
Bridal Shows, Inc on Facebook! |
Bridal Shows, Inc. now has a Facebook fan page!
Become a fan to receive updates about upcoming
events as well as connect with other companies in the
industry and brides searching for wedding vendors.
Naomi's Notes: "Positive Thinking Time" by: Naomi Hulme, CEM |
As stated in the book Beef Up Your Brain by
Michel Noir, Ph.D. & Bernard Croisile, M.D.,
Ph.D., "Research on the physical results of thinking
hard-as one is bound to do when solving a puzzle-
has shown that just using the brain actually expands
the links that interconnect brain cells. The more we
think, the better our brains function... regardless of
age. The renowned brain researcher Dr. Marian
Diamond says, "The nervous system possesses not
just a 'morning' of flexibility, but an 'afternoon' and
an 'evening' as well." Dr. Diamond found that whether
we are young or old, we can continue to broaden our
minds. The brain can change at any age."
Many times when I cannot sleep, I write down a lot
of thoughts and ideas that come to me. So many great
ideas and answers have been revealed in my
thoughts when I do this. It is amazing in those quiet
times how God has helped me through so many
When you stop and spend some quiet time with
no distractions, no noise, it can be so rewarding in
many ways. It's a brainstorming session with yourself.
Open your mind when you have these quiet times and
let the ideas flow.
In one of the CD's that I listened to recently by
Brian Tracy, he mentioned to do this for 30 minutes to
an hour for your mind to get away from the clutter. Of
course, you can't do this every day (or night). Try to
schedule this time at least twice a month if
This "thinking time" can be very beneficial to your
business, as well as every area of your life. Only think
positive. Do not let negative thoughts take over at
Once you start this thinking time, you may find
yourself spending up to two hours sometimes. We
have all heard that we only use a portion of our brain
capacity. If we use more of our brain, it will open up so
many more ideas and opportunities than we could
ever imagine. Take your brain to the next level!
Current Statistics |
According to the information in
The Wedding Report,
there will be an estimated 2,176,000 weddings to take
place in the United States in 2010. From those
numbers, there is an estimate of 54,297 weddings
this year in the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington area,
spending an average amount of $26,790 which
equates to $1,454,616,630.
Our six bridal shows bring in 8,000 brides which is
15% of the yearly weddings in the Metroplex. Based on
just the average spending, this equates to over $200
million that our bridal shows bring to the local market!
Thank you to all companies that participate in our
shows! We work very diligently to make every year as
profitable for you as possible. Keep up the good work!
Plant the Seed, Help it Grow |
Spring has sprung and green thumbs everywhere
are busy planting their gardens. It is so fulfilling to
watch a plant grow from a tiny seed, but any good
garderner knows that you must nurture each seedling
to have a productive outcome. If one plants a crop of
seeds and then leaves them to fend for themselves
they will have mixed results. It's a gamble. Some of
the seeds will take root, some will not. Maybe none
will grow to their full capacity. But a garden that is
properly cared for will have amazing results.
The same is true when it comes to business
leads. Too often when someone acquires a large
amount of leads (from a bridal show, or elsewhere)
they will put in one or two calls and then leave
those "seedlings" alone to see what happens. They
might get lucky and have some response, but if they
continue to nuture and care for their leads for the long-
haul, then they can assure themselves a bountiful
Don't risk leaving your leads to the elements, give
them the time and dedication they require and help
your business grow!
"DirectBuy is North America's largest private
buying service for families wanting to furnish decorate
and remodel their homes without all the markup
charged by retail stores. With millions of items for gifts
as well as home remodeling from 700 namebrand
manufacturers -at half the price of stores - we couldn't
convince brides that we weren't some kind of furniture
store even though we have a superb wedding
In 2009 we heard about the Dallas Bridal Show
and talked with an exhibitor that got 200 leads with
just a modest booth. We went to the 2010 show and
got nearly 400 leads that brought brides through our
door about a week after the show. We anticipate a
flood of new business!
We have signed up for all the Bridal Shows, Inc
shows and their home shows for 2010.
We are pleased with the professional way the shows
are handled, their prompt response to our questions
and the service."
Rich Koshner
Sr. Director
DirectBuy Sunnyvale (Dallas, TX)
Naomi's Book of the Month
This month's book selection is:

Leadership from the Inside Out: Becoming a
Leader for Life
by: Kevin Cashman
You may request a copy of my "Book Suggestions"
at any time.
Happy Reading!
Bridal Show Schedule
Fort Worth Bridal Show
** 13th Year **
July 17-18, 2010
Amon Carter Exhibit Hall
Dallas Bridal Show
** 21st Year **
July 31-August 1, 2010
Dallas Market Hall
Plano Bridal Show
** 21st Year **
September 12, 2010
Plano Centre
Dallas Bridal Show
** 22nd Year **
January 29-30, 2011
Dallas Market Hall
Fort Worth Bridal Show
** 14th Year **
February 19-20, 2011
Amon Carter Exhibit Hall
Plano Bridal Show
** 22nd Year **
March 13, 2011
Plano Centre
Fort Worth Bridal Show
** 14th Year **
July 16-17, 2011
Amon Carter Exhibit Hall
Dallas Bridal Show
** 22nd Year **
July 30-31, 2011
Dallas Market Hall
Plano Bridal Show
** 22nd Year **
September 11, 2011
Plano Centre
Visit us on myspace!! In order to connect with
brides we have joined countless others on Check out our pages using the links
Do you have a myspace account? Add us as a
friend to keep the network growing!
New Posters Coming
Soon New Posters are being made
the Summer 2010 Bridal Show Season! If you
are interested
in receiving one or more posters,
email with the
following information:
Your Name:
Company Name:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
How Many Posters Needed:
A sample picture of the poster is below.