The air is cooler, the nights are longer, and the
holidays are just around the corner! We hope
everyone is enjoying the fall season and gearing up
for the new year as well.
The temperatures outside might be getting cooler, but
as usual things are heating up at Bridal Shows, Inc.!
We always have something cooking to help build
businesses. Right now, our focus is on our Spring
bridal show season, putting together a new and
improved website, and the upcoming 4th
Wedding Professionals Business Conference on
November 18, at the Plano Centre.
If you have not already registered to attend the
Business Conference, don't wait a second longer! Not
only do you save money by registering early, you also
secure your seat at the seminars of your choice.
Visit our
website or give us a call at 972-713-9920 for
further details.
In promoting the Business Conference, Bridal Shows,
Inc. exhibited in the Celebration Enterprise event at the
Plano Center on Wednesday, September 30th,
produced by Collin County Business Press. Thank
you to Nichole Brawner and Nicole Albanese for
helping Naomi at the show. Thank you to Banks and
the Collin County Business Press for sponsoring our
Business Conference.
Plano Bridal Show: Review |
Thank you to all the companies that participated in the
Plano Bridal Show last month on September 13th at
the Plano Centre. Exhibitors were able to meet face to
face with 461 registered brides out of over 1,800 total
attendance. The event was a great success as
wedding businesses made on the spot bookings and
gathered hot leads to follow up on throughout the next
year. Thank you to "Brides by Demetrios" for a
fantastic fashion show! Because the Plano Bridal
Show is always very
limited on space, be sure and book your booth for
both Plano Bridal Show dates in 2010 now! (March 14
and September 12, 2010)
Congratulations to the two companies that brought in
the most coupons for the Plano Bridal Show Coupon
Contest! Prizes will be credited to the March 2010
Plano Bridal Show.
First Place: (FREE 10 x 10 Booth) Perfect
Wedding Guide
Second Place:($300 off) Heard National
Science Museum
From Cakes to Bridal Show Promotions! |
Ruthie Stivers (Delicious Cakes) has had a 22
year relationship with Naomi Hulme and Bridal
Shows, Inc. Ruthie's husband, Butch, having recently
retired from a 27 year career in the Trane Company,
needed something to do. The two decided that he
would continue to run Delicious Cakes so Ruthie
could pursue her REAL passion of Promotions, PR,
and developing sponsorships with Naomi and Bridal
Shows, Inc.
Ruthie has spent the last 6 years building the
image of Delicious Cakes and will now use her
talents to assist Naomi and Bridal Shows, Inc. grow to
the next level!
Get ready for this exciting new leap forward!
Business Conference Round Table Event! |
Part of our full-day Wedding Professionals Business
Conference includes the popular Round Table
Discussions. This is an opportunity for business
professionals to brainstorm with one another on
industry topics, solutions to common obstacles, and
tips on how to improve and grow their businesses.
Tables will be set up with different discussion topics
and will each have a different Discussion Leader. If
you are interested in becoming a Round Table
Discussion Leader, please contact Nichole Brawner
at 972-713-9920 as soon as possible to see if there
are still openings.
Here's a sneak peek at some of the Round Table
Topics/Leaders that we currently have scheduled:
Discussion Topic: TBD
Discussion Leader: Meredith Liewehr,
Perfect Wedding Guide
Discussion Topic: Owning Your Business
From 2009 On
Discussion Leader: H&R Block
We can help you learn about every tax advantage and
then some. Starting a business, Running a business,
Retirment Planning, Net Operating Losses, Hiring
your children etc.
Discussion Topic: What Does the IRS
Look For When They Review Your Return?
Discussion Leader: H&R Block
Learn about what the IRS is looking for when they
audit your return, both your
business return and your personal return. Make sure
you are following the new 2009 tax regulations.
Discussion Topic: Your Money or Your
Discussion Leader:
Rapid Success Partners
Does it feel like a certain choice keeps cropping up in
your life? If so, this roundtable discussion will offer
ideas that can bring balance to your life while
increasing your bank account.
Discussion Topic: Fearless
Discussion Leader: Rapid
Success Partners
If passion at work is fizzling, then it's time to play a
bigger game. Fearless Manifesting offers three easy
steps to rev up your passion and profits. Go from Now
what? to What's next? Business growth strategist and
CEO of Rapid Success Partners, Tina Ferguson,
shares how doing less will actually help you make
We have more verbal commitments for round table
discussions and are working to confirm these. If you
are an exhibitor or attendee planning to be at the
Conference and you would like to lead a round table
discussion, please call Nichole Brawner at 972-713-
9920, x. 106.
Benefits of Exhibiting at the Conference |
If your business markets to wedding professionals
and/or business owners then the Wedding Professionals Business Conference is
a great opportunity for you to exhibit what you have to
offer to hundreds of professionals!
The wedding industry is a vast and diverse group of
individuals that desire to grow their businesses and
achieve their dreams. Just like any other business
they need assistance from companies that specialize
in areas outside
their expertise such as promotions, marketing,
accounting, insurance needs, printing, training,
suppliers, etc.
If you are unsure how exhibiting in the Business
Conference could benefit you or want to learn more
about this exciting opportunity to make face-to-face
interactions with potential customers, call Nichole
Brawner at 972-713-9920 or email her at
Naomi's Notes: Expertise by: Naomi Hulme, CEM |
Once you decide to start a business or decide to
improve the business you have, it takes a lot of
determination to learn everything you can and stick to
it for a long time. Making a commitment to working
on your business is a daily task. It can either be a
joy or a burden, depending on how you look at it.
Learning the hard way is usually the road most people
take. Hopefully over time, those things we learn help
us become better at what we do, and then we
learn again because everything changes
continually. The key is "we must learn" or the
trials and challenges didn't change us.
Time is always moving on. Therefore, we must
learn today. Today is the day we decide to be the
best that we can be. Learn as much as you can to
be an expert in your field. Be a student of your
profession. Write articles about your expertise.
Design your own experience by having a plan. Do
not be afraid to take a risk or make a mistake.
Learning from our mistakes is part of what makes us
better at what we do. If we learn one new thing each
day, imagine what knowledge and experience we will
have over time.
Get out there and make it happen. Strive to be an
outstanding expert-and never stop!
New Wedding Trends |
In last month's newsletter we asked for companies to
send in current wedding trends they see happening
right now. Thank you to Susan Clark of Sweet
Memories Cakes & Caterings for submitting the
following info. Restaurant Gift Certificates were sent
her way! If you would still like to share current trends
you've observed, please email us at and we will send you
a gift as well!
From Susan Clark, Sweet
Memories Cakes & Catering:
New trends that we see in the market place: With
catering some girls with smaller budgets are going
back to the wedding cake reception and offering 2-3
small hor'd while they are having their pictures taken.
Don't forget to share with the guest that there will be a
cake rececption following the wedding. This will allow
the guest to eat before or after the wedding reception
so they will not leave the reception and not have a
chance to visit with the bride.
Cake trends are really fun. Color is really in and
so is the BLING!!! There is also excitement in the
Indian Weddings as they have some beautiful color
trends and design of their own.
New colors trends are the purples, pinks, olive
greens, turquoise, along with black and browns.
Who loves Door Prizes?! |
Who DOESN'T love door prizes?! Anyone that has
been around Bridal Shows, Inc. for very long knows
that we love to give stuff away! An added perk to
attending the Wedding Professionals Business
Conference is the many door prizes we give away. We
try to make sure as many people as possible leave
that day with a prize in hand.
Door prizes will include business books, cd's,
restaurant gift cards, and more!
If you are interested in gaining a little added
by donating a door prize, call Nichole Brawner at 972-
713-9920 ext. 106. All companies donating door
prizes will be
listed in the conference program (if given enough
advance notice) and announced at the event.
Keep in mind that the door prize must be FREE, in
other words no "$50 off a $100 purchase," or "20%
off," etc.
Congratulations! |
Congratulations Ruthie on her new baby, no it's not a
cake, it's a granddaughter, Amelia (Abby & Andre's
little baby girl).
Happy Halloween! |
Turn Over a New Leaf |
Who says you have to wait until January 1st to
make new resolutions? Resolve to make changes
today that will increase business and productivity and
help you achieve your goals.
The world around us changes everyday, so if you
are not growing constantly you are not just remaining
stagnant, you are acutally going backwards! Invest in
yourself and your business by attending seminars
and reading books and articles. Poll your peers and
seek advice from successful business owners to
garner new ideas for your own life.
One great way to boost your knowledge and
connections is to attend the 4th annual
Wedding Professionals Business Conference on
November 18th at the Plano Centre. This educational
event was designed to help YOU with seminars,
exhibits, networking, and round table dicussions.
Make the time to advance your mind and
business! Register to attend
today, or call us for more information.
Don't let your dreams blow away with the changing
winds, take charge of your own development and
growth today!
Congratulations Naomi!
Naomi has received the Certified in
Exhibition Management (CEM) designation through
the International Association of Exhibitions and Events
As of last year, the CEM Learning Program had
certified 840 graduates from 15 countries. The CEM
designation, created in 1975, is recognized globally
throughout the exhibitions and events industry as the
premier mark of professional achievement.
Programming is conducted globally through IAEE's
network of licensees.
The program can take up to three years, and
Naomi completed it in less than a year. Naomi has
produced over 250 consumer and trade shows since
1988. After doing some research, Naomi is currently
the only consumer bridal show producer to hold this
Four Steps to Retake Control of Your Time!
Sarah Zink (speaker at 4th annual
Wedding Professional Business Conference)
Cost Your Time
How much is your time worth? Take a moment
to figure out how much you're worth. Using your
gross salary, factor in what your company
pays on your behalf for benefits, perks, etc.
Divide that by 45 hours per week (NO, you can't
divide by 60, or 50... even if you work that
much). Use this figure when trying to determine
tasks. Is it worth it for you to do any given task
based on what you cost the company per hour?
If you're spending hours organizing the supply
cabinet, and it's not your job to do so, you're
not only wasting time, you're wasting the
company's money.
Block Your Time
Be aggressive about planning your time, because
in essence, you are managing your energy. When
your co-workers invade your office to chat,
make a point that you're happy to meet them in
the break room at 10:15, and block off 15
minutes for that purpose. Block off other chunks
of time to read and answer emails and
voicemails, and to work on larger projects. Don't
hesitate to close your door or put a sign on your
door/cubicle indicating your need some quiet
time to focus.
Set Goals
How do you know you're successful at planning
your time if you don't set goals? Turning reports
in on time, creating/finishing projects, etc. are
the benchmarks for many people when
determining if they are successful at time
management. Decide for yourself what the goals
are for you and then see what it will take to
make that happen.
Learn to say "No"
All too often, we are tempted to say "yes" in
order to be cooperative, when in reality, we are
simply self-sabotaging. In the privacy of your
home, car, or office, practice saying "no" in a
firm, yet pleasant way. "Thank you so much for
thinking of me, but I simply can't take on
another task right now." If it's your boss asking
you to take on more work, let them know that if
you are going to work on the new task,
something else will have to slide... give them
the opportunity to decide what task WON'T get
done in order for you to complete this new one.
Naomi's Book of the Month
This month's book selection is:

Successful People Think: Change Your Thinking,
Change Your Life
by: John C. Maxwell
You may request a copy of my "Book Suggestions"
at any time.
Happy Reading!
"I am so very pleased with the amount of
referrals/results (that are still coming in by the way) we
have received from the Dallas Bridal Show. It was our
first show and it will not be our last. We are looking
forward to showing in the January show!"
~Monique Heidari-Ramos, Maple Manor Hotel
Bridal Show Schedule
Dallas Bridal Show
** 21st Year **
January 23-24, 2010
Dallas Market Hall
Fort Worth Bridal Show
** 13th Year **
February 20-21, 2010
Amon Carter Exhibit Hall
Plano Bridal Show
** 21st Year **
March 14, 2010
Plano Centre
Fort Worth Bridal Show
** 13th Year **
July 17-18, 2010
Amon Carter Exhibit Hall
Dallas Bridal Show
** 21st Year **
January 31-August 1, 2010
Dallas Market Hall
Plano Bridal Show
** 21st Year **
September 12, 2010
Plano Centre
Visit us on myspace!! In order to connect with
brides we have joined countless others on Check out our pages using the links
Do you have a myspace account? Add us as a
friend to keep the network growing!
Updated Website Coming Soon!
As an added bonus to our exhibitors, we list
exhibiting companies on our Bridal Shows,
Inc. website and also offer opportunities for
additional advertising. We've heard from so many over
the years that the website alone has drawn quality
brides to to their business and has been a
tremendous marketing avenue for getting business.
This year we are excited to be updating the look of our
website as well as adding some new features to
make it more user-friendly.
Stay tuned for more information about the new and
improved website!
New Posters Coming
Soon We
will be ordering new posters to promote the Spring
2010 Bridal Show Season. If you
are interested
in receiving one or more posters,
email with the
following information:
Your Name:
Company Name:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
How Many Posters Needed:
A sample picture of the poster is below.