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Bridal Shows, Inc. Newsletter Copyright 2009
by Naomi Hulme, Bridal Shows, Inc.
July 1, 2009


Welcome to the July Newsletter! We were unable to get a newsletter to you in June due to the fact that we are so busy in June getting ready for the July bridal shows. Now we are in line for hopefully getting newsletters out around the early part of the month.

We are just days away from the biggest bridal show of the summer, the Dallas Bridal Show on July 11-12, followed by the Fort Worth Bridal Show on July 25-26. The Dallas Bridal Show is already full and the Fort Worth Bridal Show is filling quickly, so call immediately to see if your company's category is still open.

We'd like to thank everyone that came out for the Free Book Give-A-Way Day last month. We hope you are all enjoying your new books! There are still several books left over at the Bridal Shows, Inc. office, along with many new books brought to us by those who came by on June 4th. Give us a call if you are interested in picking up some summer reading!

in this issue
  • Understanding Proper Nutrition
  • Sassiest Lifestyle Guru
  • Naomi's Notes: "Do What You Enjoy and Enjoy What You Do!"
    by: Naomi Hulme
  • Past Article Topics
  • Fort Worth Bridal Show - Marketing Campaign
  • New Employee!
  • Happy Anniversary Katherine!

  • Sassiest Lifestyle Guru
    Steve Kemble

    Steve Kemble, America's Sassiest Lifestyle Guru and one of Texas' favorite sons, has been announced as the host and presenter at the 2009 Dallas Bridal Show at Dallas Market Hall on Saturday, July 11 and Sunday, July 12, 2009.�

    Kemble ( will present Hot Wedding Trends at 12:40 pm each day at the event.� He will follow his presentation both days as host of the Sassiest Fashion Show at 1:00pm.� In addition, Kemble will be appearing at three booths during the Dallas Bridal Show: lite 103.7 (where Kemble is known as the voice of the "What's Hot" segment on the Gene & Julie Morning Show); Delicious Cakes; and LiveWire Special Events.�

    About Steve Kemble, America's Sassiest Lifestyle Guru:

    Steve Kemble, America's Sassiest Lifestyle Guru, has been the magic behind countless international events for more than 20 years.� From celebrating the accomplishments of NFL players to organizing parties for two Presidents, he has orchestrated a wide array of high profile events to create an unforgettable affair each time he is called upon.� Steve has cemented his place as America's favorite wedding planner by starring on WE tv's "Wedding Central," "Bling on the Bride," "Married by the In-Laws" and "Platinum Weddings." Additionally, Steve has showcased his event planning expertise by leading the "I Do Crew" in ABC's "Extreme Makeover: Wedding Edition" where a remarkable couple was granted a wedding of their dreams, as well as helping couples make their weddings a reality on the Style Network's "Whose Wedding Is It Anyway" and "Married Away." Steve has planned�incredible weddings in locations across the globe including Montreal and Ireland.� One of his most awe-inspiring wedding celebrations includes the 7/7/07 wedding of Amanda Dermid and former NFL football player Jimmy Ray Robinson, Jr.� They were married on the stage of Nashville's Ryman Auditorium with a 46 person gospel choir. ��His most recent high- profile wedding was held in December 2008 for MLB relief pitcher Kyle Farnsworth and his wife Shayla at the Mansion on Forsyth Park in Savannah, Georgia.�� �

    Visit Steve online at and For more information, contact ink PR at 310.860.0806.

    Naomi's Notes: "Do What You Enjoy and Enjoy What You Do!"
    by: Naomi Hulme

    A few years ago, a photographer told me at the end of a show that she had a bride come up to her at that show to let her know that she was switching her photography from another company to this photographer because of her smile. This photographer really enjoyed her business and had real passion for it. The bride could, of course, see this very clearly.

    Sometimes we can get comfortable doing the same thing over and over or we can get tired over time if our passion is no longer there.

    If you really enjoy what you do, everyone will see it and feel it and know it. This applies so much more when you are exhibiting in a trade show. If you are not really passionate about what you are promoting, don't expect anyone to do business with you.

    Give it all you've got if you really want to continue doing what you're doing. It may be best to renew your passion each day to bring the passion back. Have fun with what you do-it is essential. According to a quote by Theresa Helburn, shown in the book "Life Is Tremendous" by Charlie "Tremendous" Jones, "One's life work, I have learned, grows with the working and living. Do it as if your life depended on it, and first thing you know you'll have made a life out of it. A good life, too."

    In the book "Keeping Your Head Up When Your Job's Got You Down," by Doug Sherman, he states, "To enjoy your work, you must have a compelling vision of what you do and why you do it." So many companies bring a lot of value to thousands of people. Think about the "why" in what you do.

    David Niven, PhD., has a quote in his book, "The 100 Simple Secrets of Successful People," that reads: "Co-workers and customers asked to rate the job satisfaction of retail store employees were three times as accurate as random chance. Customers were 70 percent more likely to continue to do business in the store if they found the employees satisfied with their jobs. (Hagan 1999)"

    Some people think they are going to retire someday. I am one of those who hope to be working until I can't anymore, because I love everything that I do. So many people that I have talked to that have retired were not as satisfied as they were working and are back out there. If you are in this dilemma, read the book "Don't Retire, Rewire! 5 Steps to Fulfilling Work that Fuels Your Passion, Suits Your Personality, or Fills Your Pocket."

    Many years ago, I heard Zig Ziglar say that he was not retired, he was refired. He meant that he was fired up again. Maybe we all need to fire ourselves up every once in a while.

    It is a true joy and a secure feeling when you really enjoy what you do. Everyone else will know it, also.

    Past Article Topics

    Are you a new subscriber to our newsletter? Or did you miss reading certain articles on a busy month? Here's a helpful review of "Naomi's Notes" articles from previous newsletters. Follow the links or visit the Newsletter Archives at to read the following topics:

    Fort Worth Bridal Show - Marketing Campaign

    Before each show, we outline a marketing campaign to inform our exhibitors on how we get the news out and get the brides in the door. A detailed listing of the marketing campaign for the July 11-12, 2009 Dallas Bridal Show can be found in the May 2009 Newsletter on the Newsletter Archives.

    Below is the current listing of advertising mediums being used to promote the July 25-26, 2009 Fort Worth Bridal Show.

    TV: Fox 4, WFAA 8, AMGTV Digital 31.4

    Radio: KISS FM, KVIL, The Wolf

    Clear Channel Outdoor

    (Start date around June 29---up for 4 weeks)

  • Jacksboro Hwy. North of Long Ave. ES
  • Hwy. 360 North of Ave. J ES
  • Collins St. North of Abram St. ES
  • Pioneer Pkwy. West of Bowen Rd. NS
  • West Frwy. East of Chapel Creek SS
  • South Frwy. North of Everman Rd. WS

  • Mobile Truck Billboard

    Internet:,,,,,,,,, and many others

    Publications: Bride & Groom Magazine, Dallas Brides (Modern Luxury), DWeddings, Elite Bride Magazine, Metro Woman Directory, Perfect Wedding Guide, Premier Bride

    Other: Multiple press releases, various local calendar listings, posters located at exhibitors' locations throughout the Metroplex, many email blasts through our website and to previously registered brides. Other marketing sources are always in the works.

    New Employee!

    We are excited to have a new team member at Bridal Shows, Inc., Nichole Brawner. Nichole will be taking on the responsibilities associated with the Wedding Professionals Business Conference on November 18, 2009, at the Plano Centre. This full-day business to business conference is an excellent resource for all wedding business professionals and small business owners in general. With Nichole's help, the 4th annual Business Conference will be even bigger and better than last year!

    Nichole Brawner
    972.713.9920 ext. 106

    Happy Anniversary Katherine!

    Congratulations to Katherine Shields who is celebrating her 1 year Anniversary as an Account Executive for Bridal Shows, Inc.!

    Last year Katherine joined us just weeks before the Dallas Bridal Show, but this year she will assisting exhibitors at the Dallas Bridal Show as a seasoned professional.

    As an Account Executive, Katherine assists exhibitors before, during, and after a bridal show. She is a vital part of the Bridal Shows, Inc. team and we are grateful for all of her hard work. Let Katherine know how she has helped you during the past year!

    Understanding Proper Nutrition

    Like so many others, did you make a New Year's resolution to lose weight and/or get healthier and find yourself halfway through the year and needing some support? Enjoy this two part article from Bridal Shows, Inc. President, Naomi Hulme's very own Personal Trainer, Elaine Bullard of Core Essential Personal Fitness.


    One key element to weight lose is being able to understand proper nutrition. Basically, the majority of the American population is clueless as to how to properly fuel their bodies. All the processed low fat, fat free, sugar free, low sodium and fast food meals we consume are so calorie packed it's ridiculous. Recently scientists have realized that these specialty diet foods that we have been consuming for the past several decades actually confuse our bodies metabolism to the extent the system does not know how to process the volume that we consume. Therefore; we just hold on to it, turning it into this (NO OFFENSES) but; Jaba the Hut looking body fat.

    For instance diet sodas, they are supposed to be calorie free. But how do you feel after drinking one? Slightly bloated right? This is because you've just consumed volume; or substance and your system is trying to determine how to process it, it realizes there is something there. But; where do I need to distribute it to supply my energy needs? It's fluid but not water, there's no nutritional value, it is chemical packed and useless to your system but its there, so it's just stored. This is also part of the problem with many of the meal replacement shakes on the market. Many of them actually contain a gum that can not be processed. Giving you a feeling of fullness curbing your appetite, but this gum is a foreign substance that the body does not know how to process. In order for our bodies to assimilate nutrition we have to produce saliva to activate gastric fluids which in turn digest food or calories consumed. So if you are using meal replacement shakes, make sure that it does not contain any gums and try to at least eat an animal or graham cracker or perhaps a little bit of fruit with it.

    Most fast foods are of absolutely no nutritional value and talk about calorie packed, a small cheese burger off of the Mc Donald's $.99 cent menu is 250 calories with 3.5 grams of saturated fat and let's look at the sodium 520 mg. The white flour used to make the buns, is pretty much poison to our systems and just clogs our digestive tract interfering with the bodies ability to absorb nutrition when we do ingest it.

    Looking at a healthier choices --- Salads, ok so maybe as far as calories are concerned that could be a healthier choice. But; let's check out the balance of the macronutrients.

    Macronutrients, for those of you how don't know are carbohydrates, protein, and fats. Now in order for the human body to function properly; and what I mean by this is for our metabolism to work right, our blood sugar to maintain a steady level and our brain to think... We require approximately four times the amount of carbohydrates as we do protein and essential fatty acids should make up about 10-30 percent of our daily calories.

    Now; before we go any further, let's go back the salad discussion looking at our list of salads; how many of them provide us with proper balance? The Southwest Salad w/o chicken is the only one I see to be properly balanced.

    So now that we've been enlightened on proper nutrition lets talk about some of our more popular diets that you guys may have tried in the past.

    (to be continued in next month's newsletter...)

    For more info and direction on where to find healthy recipes contact
    Elaine Bullard of
    Core Essential Personal Fitness
    Dallas, TX -- 214-226-2500



    Naomi's Book of the Month

    This month's book selection is:

    Lessons from the Mouse
    by: Dennis Snow

    You may request a copy of my "Book Suggestions" at any time.

    Happy Reading!

    Updated Website Coming Soon!

    As an added bonus to our exhibitors, we list exhibiting companies on our Bridal Shows, Inc. website and also offer opportunities for additional advertising. We've heard from so many over the years that the website alone has drawn quality brides to to their business and has been a tremendous marketing avenue for getting business.

    This year we are excited to be updating the look of our website as well as adding some new features to make it more user-friendly.

    Stay tuned for more information about the new and improved website!

    Bridal Show Schedule

    Dallas Bridal Show
    ** 20th Year **
    July 11-12, 2009
    Dallas Market Hall

    Fort Worth Bridal Show
    ** 12th Year **
    July 25-26, 2009
    Amon Carter Exhibit Hall

    Plano Bridal Show
    ** 20th Year **
    September 13, 2009
    Plano Centre

    Dallas Bridal Show
    ** 21st Year **
    January 23-24, 2010
    Dallas Market Hall

    Fort Worth Bridal Show
    ** 13th Year **
    February 20-21, 2010
    Amon Carter Exhibit Hall

    Plano Bridal Show
    ** 21st Year **
    March 14, 2010
    Plano Centre

    Visit us on myspace!! In order to connect with brides we have joined countless others on Check out our pages using the links below:

    Do you have a myspace account? Add us as a friend to keep the network growing!

    New Posters

    We have posters for the upcoming Summer shows. If you are interested in receiving one or more posters, email with the following information:

    Your Name:
    Company Name:
    Street Address:
    City, State, Zip:
    How Many Posters Needed:

    A sample picture of the poster is below.

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    phone: (972) 713-9920