Summer is here and we are so excited about the
events Bridal Shows, Inc. has coming up in the next
few months!
We hope to see many of you at our upcoming Book
Give-A-Way Day! See the article below for details. This
will be a great opportunity for you to get some new
books and also a chance to network! Have you
reserved your booth at the summer bridal shows yet?
Space is going quickly for the Dallas Bridal Show on
July 11-12 and the Fort Worth Bridal Show on July 25-
We understand that summer is a busy time for
everyone, but don't forget to set aside a time every day
for following up on leads and making calls. Even if you
only make 5 calls a day, you will see progress! We are
always available to help you grow your business, so
don't hesitate to call.
Book Give-A-Way Day! |
Looking for some great summer reading that will help
you improve your business and personal life? Bridal
Shows, Inc. is "bailing you out" with a free Book Give-A-
Way Day!
Thursday, June 4th
(come and go)
Bridal Shows, Inc.
4821 Keller Springs Road
Addison, TX 75001
(Northeast corner of Addison Road and Keller Springs
Owner of Bridal Shows, Inc., Naomi Hulme has
nurtured a love for reading and has spent years
encouraging others to discover power and success
through the knowledge found in books. She
notoriously walks away from frequent visits at Half-
Priced Books with a car load of books. Now she wants
to share her library with you!
Do you have books lying around that you would
like to donate to fellow business professionals
looking to expand their library? Bring them along to
add to the group.
When you finish reading your group of books, you
can bring them back and exchange them for other
books. If everyone does this it will create a lot of
reading, learning, and fun!
Books will be given away on a first-come first-
serve basis and will be limited to 3 per person.
Soft drinks will be served all day and some finger
foods available from 11:30am - 1:00pm.
Click the link below for a current listing of available
books that will be given away.
Wedding Professionals Business Conference |
Planning for the 4th annual Wedding
Business Conference is well underway! The
Conference is open for wedding business
professionals to attend and enjoy seminars, an exhibit
floor where they can network with vendors geared
towards helping small business owners, round table
topics, door prizes, and more.
It is not too early to reserve your place at the
Conference! Early Bird prices currently available.
There are also opportunities to exhibit at the
Conference! If you market to businesses, then you
may be interested in exhibiting in order to present your
company to hundreds of wedding professionals. Here
is one testimonial from an exhibitor in last year's
" I love this Expo! Not only did I meet some great
people and do some
powerful networking, but I left at the end of the day with
a couple of
speaking engagements.
And then, in April, I received a call from a planner who
is now my
newest client."
~Jeff Klein, Klein
Stay tuned to our website for more details about the
Conference or call us with any questions!!
New Opportunity for Dallas Bridal Show exhibitors! |
Because of over 20 years of great media
relationships in the local Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex,
we have a true advantage and are able to bring you
some unique and fantastic opportunities. One
such opportunity is being debuted through
the upcoming July Dallas Bridal Show with Consumer
411 TV.� Sheryl Thacker has been very successful with
her Consumer 411 TV shows in Atlanta for the last
four years and has already started filming and airing
shows here in the DFW area.� Sheryl is a celebrity
host who brings a lot of energy and fun to her shows.�
She has the credibility to already know what to do
because she has done it.� The segments for
this event that will be airing the
week prior to our show were originally priced at $850
which includes production, owning the segment, and
being able to use it on your website or any other way
you wish to use it.� We found out that Sheryl is getting
married in September in Hawaii and is wanting to
have a reception here in Dallas sometime in October
or November of this year.� As always, we try to
negotiate a win-win situation for everyone.� We pitched
the idea to Sheryl that we could get vendors who
would be able to help with her reception and at the
same time, maybe get a better rate for the vendors
and other added value.� What was finalized was a
$500 segment cost that still included production and
owning the segment for those companies that want to
provide one of the components of her wedding
reception-one company per category-very
limited. Other added value with this opportunity
is that the
segment will be a part of The Wedding Show that will
run in October, and then will re-run in January, 2010.�
A link will also be provided on our websites
the email blasts that we send out to brides on our
website (average 3,500 plus at all times) for the
brides to view the segments in advance of the show.�
The total value of this package is over $3,000!
Check out the website (www.consume
to view other category segments, and watch the TV
show every Saturday morning at 8:30am on KTXA
Channel 21.� If you are interested in this
opportunity, please call
us immediately as this is definitely a limited one time
opportunity.� We are in the process at this very
moment finalizing details with a facility for the
reception.� That means at this time, the facility, food
and beverage, tables and chairs, and cake are taken
until further notice.
Naomi's Notes: "Positive Self-Talk" by: Naomi Hulme |
How many times have we heard others put
themselves down about something that really didn't
need to be said? Or, maybe you are the one using
negative language towards yourself. This draws
negative attention to you.
We all need to work on inspiring ourselves to be
the best we can be-to bring out the best in
ourselves. None of us are perfect. We are going to
make mistakes, but we need to learn from them and
not dwell on them.
Communication is the key in any relationship,
even with ourselves. Tell yourself what you are good
at, what your strengths are, what you like about
yourself. Then, tell yourself what you want to be better
at and work on that area. Take one area at a time.
Have realistic expectations of yourself. Appreciate and
rejoice in even the smallest accomplishments.
Bad habits can be changed over time. Practice
talking in a positive way about yourself to others and to
you. This helps improve every area of your life and
those around you. This starts in your mind.
David J. Lieberman, Ph.D., in his book Don't
Spend Years on the Couch! Instant Analysis. How
You Can Understand and Change-The 100 Most
Common, Puzzling, Annoying, Self-Defeating
Behaviors & Habits, states "Every significant battle
is first waged within your heart and in your mind. It's
there where you win or lose. How your reality unfolds
is only an expression of an outcome already decided
by you. You need to be on your own side. Life is hard
enough without the enemy having outposts in your
The great inspirational author Norman Vincent
Peale wrote "Whenever a negative thought concerning
your personal powers comes to mind, deliberately
voice a positive thought to cancel it out," from his well-
known book The Power of Positive
Attitude is everything! It not only helps us but is
also a major factor in our relationships with others. A
short excerpt taken from the book How to Win 7 Out
of 8 Days a Week by Landon Saunders is "The
better you like yourself, the more people are going to
enjoy being with you.
According to Marian Thomas, in A New
Attitude, she gives us the following words: "How
do you get your attitude working for you rather than
against you? Start by believing in yourself-by using
positive self-talk and visualizing positive things
happening to you. Learn to attack your problems
head-on and continually look for the bright side in any
situation. Rely on your sense of humor when the
going gets tough and try to make any task fun. Finally,
don't forget to reward yourself for a job well done."
Remember that God made us all unique and
special. Other statements by Landon Saunders in his
book mentioned above are: "Being unique means you
are irreplaceable and responsible. No one can ever
take your place, and you have a work to do no one
else can ever do. . . . Be the best possible you-at
work, at home, wherever you area. And then lie down
at night . . . and see how much more interesting the
day has been than when you were living just like
everyone else."
One of life's great thoughts by Dore Schary shown
in the book Life is Tremendous by
Charlie "Tremendous" Jones is "If you have a
weakness, make it work for you as a strength-and if
you have a strength, don't abuse it into a
When we talk and act in a positive way, it lifts
ourselves and others up and creates great energy for
Now, go think and talk positively, and you will be
happier for it. Life will have a new meaning.
Dallas Bridal Show: Marketing Campaign |
After 20 years, Bridal Shows, Inc. has built a
reputation for putting our vendors money to work
through mass marketing. Our goal is to bring you as
many brides as possible, and experience has taught
us that means advertising smart in many different
Before each show we outline a detailed marketing
campaign to inform our exhibitors on how we get the
news out. Below is the current listing of advertising
mediums being used to promote the July 11-12,
2009, Dallas Bridal Show.
TV: Fox 4, WFAA 8, The 33, KTXA 21,
AMGTV Digital 31.4
Radio: KISS FM, KVIL, The Wolf
Newspaper: Dallas Morning News, Quick
Clear Channel Outdoor (Start date around
May 18-all up for 8 weeks)
Stemmons Frwy. S/O Sandy Lake Rd. ES
Coit Rd. S/O LBJ Frwy. ES
LBJ Frwy. E/O Plano Rd. NS
Thornton Frwy. W/O Hunnicut SS
Thornton Frwy. S/O Illinois Ave. WS
Central Expwy. N/O Grand Ave. WS
Central Expwy. N/O University ES
Lamar Outdoor (Start date around June
15-all up for 4 weeks)
I-35E N/O Royal Ln. ES
I-35E N/O Trinity Mills WS
I-30 @ Sylvan
CBS Outdoor
LBJ W/O Plano Rd. SS
(Start date around June 15-up for 4 weeks)
Loop 12 S/O Connector ES
(Start date around June 15-up for 4 weeks)
183 N/O Mockingbird Ln. ES
(Start date around June 22-up for 3 weeks)
3 Dallas Daily Boards (up Jan 15, 16, 22,
and 23)
Tollway @ Beltline July 3, 4, 10, 11
Central @ Parker July 3, 4
Central @ LBJ Frwy. July 3, 4, 10, 11
Mobile Truck Billboard
and many others
Wedding Publications: Bride & Groom
Magazine, Dallas Brides (Modern Luxury),
DWeddings, Elite Bride Magazine, For the Bride
(National Magazine), Metro Woman Directory, Perfect
Wedding Guide, Premier Bride
Other: News Flash-through The Knot,
Multiple press releases, various local calendar
listings, posters located at exhibitors' locations
throughout the Metroplex, many email blasts through
our website and to previously registered brides. Other
marketing sources are always in the works.
Learn How to Be A Wedding Consultant! |
ACPWC Offering Classes in the Houston
Area June
22-26, 2009
By: Deborah Moody, ACPWC Director
Thinking of changing your career or supplementing
your current one? Have you always wanted to become
a wedding consultant or Church/Facility Coordinator,
but never knew how or where to start?
The Association of Certified Professional Wedding
Consultants (ACPWC) is a national organization
celebrating eighteen years of industry excellence.
ACPWC offers a comprehensive training and
certification program for Wedding Consultants.
ACPWC offers personalized training courses and
classes for people who would like to become
Wedding Consultants or Church/Facility Coordinators.
We also offer a Home Study program for those with
challenging schedules or those who want to learn at
their own pace. Graduate members of the Association
of Certified Professional Wedding Consultants have
the opportunity to achieve Professional status and
Certification. Members not only receive valuable
information, but also benefit from the continuing
education support system offered by the Association.
Our motto is "Members helping members to
succeed." Register now for any of the
upcoming training
How to Read a Business Book |
Excerpt from Jay Ehret's blog, The Marketing
Reading books is like getting your master's
degree without the tests and the student loans.
Formal education is great, but four years after
graduation, only half of college graduates are in jobs
related to their major. The real education and career
development comes after school.
Academic text books are, well, academic. They are
written to deliver basic, fundamental knowledge of
how things work. Your college text books were written
by academicians, not practitioners. The authors do a
good job of studying the subject, but they often have
little to no real life hands-on experience. Business
books, on the other hand, are written by the soldiers of
business. The authors are specialists in the trenches
learning, and then writing, from actual experience.
Consume business books, don't read them. Think
of each book as a college course. The table of
contents is like a syllabus. I rarely read more than one
chapter a day, because each chapter of a business
book usually has one central idea. Consume that idea
and let it roll around in your head for a full day. How
does it apply to what you do? How can you practically
use the concept of that chapter?
Never read a business book without a pen or
highlighter in hand. Make notes, underline key
passages, put stars in the margin next to important
points. Use the chapter divider pages to summarize
the chapter in your own words. When you get an
important idea while reading, write it on those blank
pages in the back of the book. Not only will you get
more out of your book, you will also index your book for
future use. Later, when you want to review an
important idea in the book, you won't have to search
through all the text.
Whenever you read a business book, use a 3x5 index
card as your bookmark. Seth Godin suggests that
before you start reading, decide that you're going to
change three things about how you work. Then, as you
read, find the three things you're going to change.
Write those three things on the index card.
Here's what you'll take away if you use the above
- Notes about important concepts and key ideas,
easily accessible in the future.
- Notable quotes from the book that you can use in
your own writings, or just to impress your friends.
- Three things to change how you work.
The Marketing Spot to read more about benefiting
from business books as well as other useful articles
for small business owners.
Weddings Coming Soon
From the nearly 2,400 brides that registered at our
January 2009 Dallas Bridal Show (out of over 3,000
brides), the following statistics might be helpful for
those businesses who participate in our shows or are
looking to participate:
23% of brides were getting married within 6
months after the show (540)
45% of brides were getting married between 6 and
12 months after the show (1077)
16% of brides were getting married between 12
and 18 months after the show (378)
4% of brides were getting married between 18 and
24 months after the show (88)
10 brides gave dates of between 2 and 3 years,
and 5 brides showed a date in the 4th year??
11% showed no date (265)
We hope you find this information useful in your
marketing plan for the Dallas/Fort Worth area.
Naomi's Book of the Month
This month's book selection is:

and Valleys: Making Good and Bad Times Work for
You--At Work and In Life
by: Spencer Johnson
You may request a copy of my "Book Suggestions"
at any time.
Happy Reading!
Updated Website Coming Soon!
As an added bonus to our exhibitors, we list
companies on our
Bridal Shows, Inc. website and also offer
opportunities for additional advertising. We've heard
from so many over the years that the website alone
has drawn quality brides to their business.
This year we are excited to be updating the look of our
website as well as adding some new features to
make it more user-friendly.
Stay tuned for more information about the new and
improved website!
Bridal Show Schedule
Dallas Bridal Show
** 20th Year **
July 11-12, 2009
Dallas Market Hall
Fort Worth Bridal Show
** 12th Year **
July 25-26, 2009
Amon Carter Exhibit Hall
Plano Bridal Show
** 20th Year **
September 13, 2009
Plano Centre
Dallas Bridal Show
** 21st Year **
January 23-24, 2010
Dallas Market Hall
Fort Worth Bridal Show
** 13th Year **
February 20-21, 2010
Amon Carter Exhibit Hall
Plano Bridal Show
** 21st Year **
March 14, 2010
Plano Centre
Want to learn more about Constant Contact and
email marketing??
Julie Niehoff of Constant Contact will be speaking
at the next AWP (Association of Wedding
Professionals) Meeting on June 9, 2009. The meeting
will be hosted by Hilton Park Cities Hotel and begins
at 6:15. Visit the AWP
website to learn more and to RSVP! This is not
only a great opportunity to learn about email marketing
but to also networking with other wedding
professionals in the area.
Visit us on myspace!! In order to connect with
brides we have joined countless others on Check out our pages using the links
Do you have a myspace account? Add us as a
friend to keep the network growing!
Summer Shows Less Than 2 Months Away!!
One only needs to walk outside to see that
summer is
now upon us. Along with the summer heat comes the
busy summer wedding season and more great
opportunities to build your business with summer
bridal shows!
Sometimes it's difficult to think about marketing for
future when you are busy, but summer is a crucial
time to participate in bridal shows and talk to brides
planning their weddings for fall of 2009, all of 2010
and even 2011!
Our summer bridal shows continue to grow and
an excellent source for making sure your well never
runs dry. Space and categories are limited, so call us
today to see what options are available to you.
Dallas Bridal Show, July 11-12, 2009,
Market Hall
Fort Worth Bridal Show, July 25-26, 2009,
Amon Carter Exhibit Hall Plano Bridal
Show, September 13, 2009,
Plano Centre
New Posters We
have posters for the upcoming Summer shows. If you
are interested
in receiving one or more posters,
email with the
following information:
Your Name:
Company Name:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
How Many Posters Needed:
A sample picture of the poster is below.