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Bridal Shows, Inc. Newsletter Copyright 2009
by Naomi Hulme, Bridal Shows, Inc.
April 27, 2009


This week the world celebrated "Earth Day" in an effort to put more focus on keeping our Earth green. Have you thought of ways your business can help in this effort? Many of today's modern brides are interested in eco-friendly weddings! Use this opportunity to not only help Mother Earth, but help your business by promoting "green weddings!"

If you are currently using techniques to "go green" and/or have great ideas about eco-friendly weddings, we'd love for you to share your story in our next newsletter! Please email with your article.

Want help getting a little more green in your pocket? Call us today to learn about how exhibiting in a bridal show can help grow your business!

Happy Earth Day!

in this issue
  • I'll Go Anywhere, As Long As It's Forward
  • Taking Reservations for the Business Conference!
  • Booth at the Entrepreneur Expo
  • Welcome New Bridal Show Babies!
  • Featured Exhibitor Opportunity in July
  • Naomi's Notes: "Making Decisions"
    by: Naomi Hulme
  • Book Give-A-Way Day!
  • New Bridal Shows, Inc. Employee

  • Taking Reservations for the Business Conference!

    Did you attend the 2008 Wedding Professionals Business Conference? If so, you have the unique opportunity to purchase tickets to the 2009 Conference at a discounted rate!! However, your discount will expire April 30th, so call right away to register early.

    If you did not attend the 2008 Business Conference, make a committment to experience all the Conference has to offer in 2009. This will be our fourth year to produce the Conference and it grows bigger and better every year. We are currently accepting Early Bird reservations! Save money by purchasing your tickets early!

    Wedding Professionals Business Conference
    When: November 18, 2009
    Where: Plano Centre, Plano, TX

    Call us at 972-713-9920 or visit our website at for more information.

    Booth at the Entrepreneur Expo

    On Wednesday, April 22, Bridal Shows, Inc. exhibited in the 10th Annual Entrepreneur Expo in Fort Worth to promote our upcoming Wedding Professionals Business Conference. This was our third year to participate as an exhibitor at the expo and once again enjoyed making connections with business professionals and networking to build relationships and help the Conference grow!

    Welcome New Bridal Show Babies!

    Congratulations to two loyal Dallas Bridal Show exhibitors on the birth of their baby boys!

    Summer and Josh Satterfield of Capturing Moments Video celebrated the birth of Tyler Satterfield on January 13, 2009.

    Margaret and Byron Lake of Margaret Lake Photography welcomed adopted son, Jackson Lake on Feb. 26, 2009.

    Margaret and Summer actually met through the Dallas Bridal Show and have not only built a professional relationship but a long lasting friendship. They are excited that their two boys, only 44 days apart, will be able to continue that friendship as they grow up together.

    Featured Exhibitor Opportunity in July

    At the January Dallas Bridal Show we premiered a new opportunity for additional exposure called Featured Exhibitors.

    Featured Exhibitors were able to acquire placement at the front entrance of the show for an additional cost. The front "Featured Exhibitors" area went very well at the January 2009 Dallas Bridal Show, so we have decided to continue with this set-up at the Dallas Bridal Show on July 11-12, 2009.

    Some companies have already rebooked their prime front position. We have recently opened it up to other companies that wish to lock in this great opportunity. Keep in mind that each 10x10 is an additional $500 to your normal booth space cost. There is limited space available. The photography category is again closed out for this Featured Exhibitor area.

    In addition to your prime placement, your company name will be listed on the front entrance unit, bolded in the program, and featured on the myspace site.

    Call your account executive today if you wish to take advantage of gaining an additional edge in spotlighting your company in the show.

    Naomi's Notes: "Making Decisions"
    by: Naomi Hulme

    How do you make quick decisions that create a positive outcome?

    So many people and companies in business struggle with decision-making. Will my decision be okay with others? Will my team benefit from my decision? Will my clients and customers know that I care about them? Will what I decide give added value to everyone?

    We all make mistakes in our professional and personal lives. With some quick rational thinking along with a few or more facts, we can come up with what we think is the right decision at that moment. Stick with your decision. Accept and own your decision. In time, you will make some positive changes and directions to your original decision and have new and better decisions.

    Don't worry about what everyone else thinks. You are not going to please everyone anyway. Make your decision on what is best for your company, your team, and for your clients and customers long-term.

    Be proud of your decisions and don't look back. No matter what, don't be wishy-washy. Make a decision! The more you make decisions, the better you will become at it. Make the more important and difficult decisions first and get them out of the way.

    Move forward and continue to grow and learn so you will make better decisions this year than last year.


    One of the lesson titles in the book "Swim with the Sharks without Being Eaten Alive" by Harvey Mackay, is -----"Make your decisions with your heart, and what you'll end up with is heart disease."


    In "The Rules of Business-55 Essential Ideas to Help Smart People (and Organizations) Perform at Their Best," by Fast Company, the decision-making process is broken down into these four steps: "

    1. Framing, that is, deciding what you are going to decide--and not decide.
    2. Gathering intelligence: real intelligence, not just information that will support internal biases.
    3. Coming to conclusions, which is another way of saying acting on the intelligence you gather.
    4. Learning from experience, because the only thing worse than not knowing how to make a decision is having to make the same decision over and over again."


    According to Bill Goodwin, Jr., CEO of CCA Industries, "Make good, simple, honest, and ethical decisions." (See his chapter in "Leadership Secrets of the World's Most Successful CEOs" by Eric Yaverbaum.)

    Book Give-A-Way Day!

    As most of you know, Naomi loves to encourage others to read and learn more each day. As an added value to already giving away so many books each year, we are now starting a "Book Give-a-Way Day" on Thursday, June 4th, from 9am to 4pm, here at our office located at 4821 Keller Springs Rd., Addison, TX 75001 (Northeast corner of Addison Rd. and Keller Springs Rd.).

    We will try to have a list of some of the books in the next newsletter for you. Books will be limited to no more than 3 per person. Most are used books that Naomi has bought from Half Price Books in the last few years.

    Please understand that these will be first come/first serve to those that show up. We will have soft drinks available all day, and some finger food from 11:30am to 1pm.

    If you have some books that you would like to bring to donate to the pile of books to be given away, bring those with you. We appreciate any assistance with helping others to grow their business.

    Happy Reading!

    New Bridal Shows, Inc. Employee

    As Bridal Shows, Inc. grows, so does our team. We are pleased to introduce our newest team member, Cookie Hoffmann. Cookie is joining us as a Project Assistant and will be working on numerous in-house projects as well as assisting onsite at various events.

    Please help us welcome Cookie to the family!

    Cookie Hoffmann's Contact Info:
    972-713-9920 ext. 104

    I'll Go Anywhere, As Long As It's Forward

    by: Robert Warlow
    Small Business Success

    I saw a great quote the other day on an advertising board, from Dr David Livingstone, "I'll go anywhere as long as it's forward."

    Obviously said in the context of his goal to explore the depths of darkest Africa but isn't it a great maxim to live your life by?

    By living your life with the goal that every action you take has to move you forward, you will quickly see possibilities which you never saw before. Your mind will seek out new opportunities to move you forward.

    I am sure we all have friends or family members who either spend their time at best, standing still, or at worse, going backwards in life. Look at your life now, compared to how it was 5 years ago. Have you gone backwards, stood still or moved forward? If it's the first two, then it's time to shift your view of life!

    Let's look at which areas of your life you should shake up.

    Are you spending enough time with them? What can you do to bring more balance in your life?

    Over the last few years have you gained a few extra pounds? In moving forward could you change your eating habits?

    To move forward in life it helps to meet new people and experience new things. Can you widen your social horizons?

    Are there relationships in your life which are holding you back? Do you need to develop new relationships?

    Do you know where you want to be in 5 or 10 years time? To progress in life you have to have clear goals.

    Money, or the lack of it, can hold you back. Put a plan in place which will provide a financial nest egg for the future.

    What are your career goals? Do you see yourself in the same role in 5 years? If not, what do you have to do to plan your next move?

    Take some time out to look at where you are now. Decide that all your actions should now be framed with the aim of moving forward. Remember, go anywhere as long as it's forward!

    Robert Warlow
    Small Business Success

    Small Business Success is a resource dedicated to helping small business owners be more successful. If you are looking for a regular flow of ideas and tips then subscribe to Small Business Success a free newsletter, which provides you with quick tips, ideas and articles.

    For more information visit

    Summer Bridal Shows Booking Fast!

    Don't miss out on this summer's premier bridal shows! The Dallas Bridal Show on July 11-12, the Fort Worth Bridal Show on July 25-26 and the Plano Bridal Show on September 13th.

    Summer is just around the corner and categories are closing quickly. Ask your Account Executive about a payment plan so that you can reserve your booth today!

    Naomi's Book of the Month

    This month's book selection is:

    The Ripple Effect: Maximizing the Power of Relationships for Life and Business
    by: Steve Harper

    You may request a copy of my "Book Suggestions" at any time.

    Happy Reading!

    Bridal Show Schedule

    Dallas Bridal Show
    ** 20th Year **
    July 11-12, 2009
    Dallas Market Hall

    Fort Worth Bridal Show
    ** 12th Year **
    July 25-26, 2009
    Amon Carter Exhibit Hall

    Plano Bridal Show
    ** 20th Year **
    September 13, 2009
    Plano Centre

    Visit us on myspace!! In order to connect with brides we have joined countless others on Check out our pages using the links below:

    Do you have a myspace account? Add us as a friend to keep the network growing!

    New Posters

    We have posters for the upcoming Summer shows. If you are interested in receiving one or more posters, email with the following information:

    Your Name:
    Company Name:
    Street Address:
    City, State, Zip:
    How Many Posters Needed:

    A sample picture of the poster is below.

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    phone: (972) 713-9920