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Bridal Shows, Inc. Newsletter March Edition
March 30, 2009


It's hard to believe we are already 3 months into the new year. With the success of the Spring bridal shows behind us, we now turn our full attention to the Summer bridal show season! The Dallas Bridal Show on July 11-12 already promises to be the largest July bridal show to date. Have you reserved your booth yet? Categories are already closing out.

Also, don't forget to book your space for the Fort Worth Bridal Show on July 25-26 and the Plano Bridal Show on September 13, 2009.

We hope everyone is enjoying their spring weddings and working hard on following up new leads every day to ensure a profitable year. Remember, we are here to help in any way we can, so don't hesitate to call!

in this issue
  • 2009 Wedding Professionals Business Conference
  • Plano Bridal Show: Review
  • Photos from Fort Worth Bridal Show
  • Stage Decor by Quest Drape
  • Steve Kemble at the Plano Bridal Show
  • Naomi's Notes: Ethics - What Should You Do?
    by: Naomi Hulme
  • Testimonial
  • Happy Anniversary!

  • Plano Bridal Show: Review

    On Sunday, March 8, 404 registered brides out of nearly 1,900 total attendees met with over 100 wedding businesses. The show was a huge success and allowed for companies to book business on-site as well as gather quality leads to follow up on throughout the year. Remember to continue contacting each bride you meet at a bridal show! She'll feel honored and special that you remembered her.

    Congratulations to the following winners of our famous Coupon Contest. These exhibiting wedding companies brought in the most brides with dollar off coupons. Prizes will be applied to the next Plano Bridal Show on September 13, 2009.

    • First Place: (FREE 10 x 10 booth!) Perfect Wedding Guide
    • Second Place: ($300 off booth price) Memory Maker Travel
    • Third Place: *TIE* ($150 off booth price) Matana's Gifts, and ($150 off booth price) Designs by Delissa

    The Plano Bridal Show is very limited on space and always fills quickly. We are already over 50% booked for the September 13th show! If you have not already reserved your space, call your Account Executive today to see if your category is still available.

    Photos from Fort Worth Bridal Show

    The photos from last month's Fort Worth Bridal Show were not ready in time for the February newsletter, so we hope you enjoy revisiting the successful Tarrant county show by taking a look at some pictures from the event.

    Stage Decor by Quest Drape

    The Spring 2009 bridal shows had an added touch of elegance with the help of Quest Drape. Noel Pearce of Quest Drape created beautiful masterpieces on the fashion show stage at the Dallas Bridal Show, January 24-25, the Fort Worth Bridal Show, February 21-22, and the Plano Bridal Show, March 8. The creativity and professionalism of Quest Drape really took all stage events to the next level and created a memorable experience for all the brides in attendance.

    The picture on the right shows the design from the Dallas Bridal Show (top and middle) (with gowns from Distinct Elegance) and the Plano Bridal Show (bottom).

    Noel Pearce, National Events Manager/ Design and Marketing, appeared on a feature of Quest Drape on the Lifetime Network TV show, Get Married, and will be featured again with Colin Cowie in an upcoming full episode. (To see the episode with Quest Drape on, click on "Search for Videos" and type "Quest")

    Quest Drape is a national company with regional offices in Austin, Dallas, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Orlando, Phoenix and San Diego. Visit their website at and their new site dedicated to creating dream weddings at

    Steve Kemble at the Plano Bridal Show

    It was an honor to have Steve Kemble, America's Sassiest Lifestyle Guru, as our guest at the Plano Bridal Show!

    Steve has cemented his place as America's favorite wedding planner by starring on WE tv's "Wedding Central," "Bling on the Bride," "Married by the In-Laws" and "Platinum Weddings." Additionally, Steve has showcased his event planning expertise by leading the "I Do Crew" in ABC's "Extreme Makeover: Wedding Edition" where a remarkable couple was granted a wedding of their dreams, as well as helping couples make their weddings a reality on the Style Network's "Whose Wedding Is It Anyway" and "Married Away."

    Thank you, Steve, for being a part of the show!

    Naomi's Notes: Ethics - What Should You Do?
    by: Naomi Hulme

    What standards or values do you have that you stick to, no matter what? Each of us were raised differently and may have certain values based on how we were raised. As adults, we are responsible for our decisions, and those decisions determine our outcome.

    Take a stand for what is right and be a leader for having integrity. Be honest and do what you say you are going to do.

    Do the right things and do those things right. In the book, "Commitment to Quality," written and compiled by Harold R. McAlindon, one of the sayings in the book is "The difference in failure and success is doing a thing nearly right and doing a thing exactly right."

    According to Martha Stout, Ph.D., in her book "The Sociopath Next Door," one in 25 ordinary Americans secretly has no conscience and can do anything at all without feeling guilty. That means some people do not care anything about ethics because they do not have a conscience. Those that do have a conscience have a responsibility to stand up to those that do not have a conscience, and try to make sure things are done right.

    Take notice of people and attitudes around you. What do you see? What do you see yourself thinking and acting on? Speak up when you see unethical behavior. It just might save someone else later.

    Steve Harper, in "The Ripple Effect," states "At a fundamental level, just doing business with integrity, fairness and honesty will create positive ripples."

    If a person, or company, or group has policies and standards, these standards should be adhered to and not ignored. This shows credibility, and provides trust and security. Commit to a higher standard of professionalism.

    "If we take care in the beginning, the end will take care of itself," according to Kenneth Blanchard and Norman Vincent Peale, in their book "The Power of Ethical Management."

    Another quote in "Leadership 101," by John C. Maxwell, is "Present choices determine future consequences."

    If there is a question about what to do, ask yourself, "What is the right and ethical thing to do?"


    After exhibiting in the Dallas Bridal show along with the Ft. Worth Bridal show, my sales increased significantly in spite of the economic challenges. Weddings I booked from contacts made at the show were above and beyond what I normally book, and I am continuing to receive calls.

    The broad exposure my business received is valuable in itself. I am located in Keller and would not have met that many attendees in 2 days ANY other way. They now know who and where to find Kathy's Floral and Event Design.

    Lastly, I was able to network and begin building new business relationships with fellow vendors which benefit all involved. Thank you Dallas Bridal Show.

    ~Kathy Womble
    Kathy's Floral and Event Design

    Happy Anniversary!

    The Bridal Shows, Inc. family celebrated two employee anniversaries this month!

    Tracy Kopinski: 6 years!! -- Handling the bulk of administrative opperations including inputing contracts and payments, Tracy keeps the Bridal Show machine running smoothly. She also is a part-time Account Executive, helping numerous clients participate in bridal shows. After 6 years, Tracy is very knowledgeable and helpful to Bridal Show's Inc.'s success.

    Betty Yankee: 3 years!! -- As our receptionist, Betty greets each phone call with positive energy. She does so much more than transfer phone calls though! Helping out with several projects, Betty has become an invaluable part of the Bridal Shows, Inc. team.

    2009 Wedding Professionals Business Conference

    Plan early to be at the 4th annual 2009 Wedding Professionals Business Conference:

    Wednesday, November 18, 2009
    Plano Centre

    The 2008 Conference was a huge success and gave wedding business professionals an opportunity to network, attend seminars, visit with vendors, and win door prizes! Planning is underway for the 4th annual Conference this fall. You won't want to miss this event, so clear your calendar and plan to bring your staff for the entire day!

    We are still in the process of booking speakers for the event, and are happy to announce that Alan Berg from The Knot will be conducting a seminar titled, "10 Ways Your Website is Killing Your Business."

    With more than 25 years experience in sales and marketing, over 18 in wedding related advertising, Alan Berg is uniquely qualified to help local wedding professionals achieve their goals. He is Vice President of Local Strategic Solutions and Director of The Knot Market Intelligence, the company's Resource for Education, Information and Market Research.

    Alan is a professional speaker and a member of the National Speakers Association, the leading organization for professional speakers. He speaks to thousands of local business professionals every year through monthly webinars and live presentations.

    Stay tuned to the Conference Website for future details.

    Why Do Summer Shows?

    Too often wedding companies make the mistake of not exhibiting in summer bridal shows. Even though schedules are hectic with weddings during the summer, and you may even be booked through the end of the year, the summer bridal shows are an opportunity for you to finish the year strong, but more importantly to make a powerful impact on 2010!

    Prepare for your company's future by meeting with brides that are planning a year or more in advance. Also, many of the brides that visit the Spring shows, return in the Summer only to find the company they were looking for isn't there, so they end up going with the competition because they are present and available.

    If you feel you are unable to do a summer bridal show due to manpower, finances, etc., call our sales team for practical solutions so you don't miss out on meeting with thousands of brides!

    Naomi's Book of the Month

    This month's book selection is:

    The Power of Ethical Management
    by: Norman V. Peale and Ken Blanchard

    You may request a copy of my "Book Suggestions" at any time.

    Happy Reading!

    Bridal Show Schedule

    Dallas Bridal Show
    ** 20th Year **
    July 11-12, 2009
    Dallas Market Hall

    Fort Worth Bridal Show
    ** 12th Year **
    July 25-26, 2009
    Amon Carter Exhibit Hall

    Plano Bridal Show
    ** 20th Year **
    September 13, 2009
    Plano Centre

    Visit us on myspace!! In order to connect with brides we have joined countless others on Check out our pages using the links below:

    Do you have a myspace account? Add us as a friend to keep the network growing!

    New Posters Coming Soon

    We will be ordering posters for the upcoming Summer shows soon. If you are interested in receiving one or more posters when they come in, email with the following information:

    Your Name:
    Company Name:
    Street Address:
    City, State, Zip:
    How Many Posters Needed:

    A sample picture of the poster is below. (Summer dates will be shown in place of the Spring dates)

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