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Bridal Shows, Inc. Newsletter October Edition
October 28, 2008


No tricks, just treats here at Bridal Shows, Inc. We are stirring up big things for 2009 beginning with our 20th Year Dallas Bridal Show on January 24-25! Every month we've been able to tell you something new that will be happening, and there is still more to come! If you are not already a part of this exciting event, call us today to see what opportunities are available for your company.

Have you seen the recent updates about the January Dallas Bridal Show on our website? Check it out to learn about all the neat things happening! Also, we are updating our page daily with a complete company listing of exhibitors booked in the Dallas Bridal Show on January 24-25. Make sure your name isn't missing from this list of expert marketers!

This month's newsletter is packed with helpful articles and information! We understand it may be a little lengthy, but take a moment to read through this very helpful tool.

in this issue
  • Last Newsletter Before the Conference!
  • Plano Bridal Show Photos
  • Dallas Bridal Show Sponsors
  • Dallas Brides Luxury Lounge
  • Naomi's Notes: "Main Reason Some Companies Do Not Do Well from Shows"
    by: Naomi Hulme
  • Special Appearances at Dallas Bridal Show
  • Benefits of our Bridal Shows
  • Naomi Hulme feature in Modern Luxury
  • Table Decorating Contest

  • Plano Bridal Show Photos

    Sorry for the delay, but now available are photos from the Plano Bridal Show held on September 14, 2008, at the Plano Centre. We had a great show and appreciate all the exhibitors that helped bring us success.

    Click here to view photos!

    Dallas Bridal Show Sponsors

    Bridal Shows, Inc. is happy to announce our Dallas Bridal Show January 2009 sponsors, and 106.1 Kiss FM!

    Through our partnership with these sponsors the Dallas Bridal Show will be promoted even further than the already established mass marketing campaign.

    As we approach our 20th year celebration in January we are making every effort to make this the best Dallas Bridal Show ever, and thanks to our sponsors we are well on our way!

    Read on in this newsletter as well as stay tuned for more exciting news regarding our 20th Anniversary Dallas Bridal Show.

    Dallas Brides Luxury Lounge

    Bridal Shows, Inc. has teamed up with Dallas Brides, a Modern Luxury Dallas magazine, to create a unique section for high-end brides at the Dallas Bridal Show.

    Located on the 100 aisle, the Dallas BridesLuxury Lounge will provide an elegant area for Dallas Bridal Show's high-end brides to meet with wedding businesses geared towards creating extravagant weddings. All of the exhibitors in the section will be current and/or future advertisers in the upscale Dallas Brides Magazine and will guide the brides through their dream wedding.

    In addition to the luxurious area, Dallas Brides will also be providing quality goody bags for the brides who bring a Dallas Brides invitation.

    If you are both an advertiser in Dallas Brides and a Dallas Bridal Show exhibitor, ask us how to be a part of this new opportunity to attract high-end business.

    Please feel free to call Sarah Walsh (214-647-5681) with Dallas Brides for advertising with the magazine.

    Naomi's Notes: "Main Reason Some Companies Do Not Do Well from Shows"
    by: Naomi Hulme

    Everything you do must be a win-win situation, a win for you, a win for the bride, and a win for the industry. You do that by giving the bride the opportunity to do business with you. We all can get very busy and feel like we don't have time to make calls or emails or put together a direct mail campaign, but it is so important for this win-win experience. Some people have a fear to call or contact people for their business. According to Marvin F. Brown, Sr., "If you do what no one else wants to do, you'll always be busy." Sales is the one critical component of building a business. Without sales, there is no business. Sales are generated through leads we obtain from various sources. Quality shows give you the tool to get those leads face-to-face.

    There are different choices of making contacts with potential clients. Some may be comfortable with calling and emailing. Others may only be comfortable with direct mail because of the fear of contacting people personally. Still others may only be comfortable with getting referrals from other wedding vendors-this is where the networking is critical. No matter what we are comfortable with, we have to work our leads somehow to be successful.

    The biggest reason someone may say "The show did not work" is that the leads received were not worked properly. Working leads is probably the most important part of making any show or advertising bring results.

    For any business to be successful, others must know about the business more than once or twice. If it bothers you to call or contact your leads in various ways, it is going to be very difficult for you to stay in business for the long-term.

    Generating leads that hopefully turn into future business is the goal for all advertising and marketing. Once a lead is generated, they will need to hear or see your message many times to even start noticing you. Even though it is lengthy, this next information is very important for everyone to read.

    In the book, "Guerrilla Marketing for Free," Jay Conrad Levinson states:

    "The researchers came with an answer: nine. Your message must penetrate a person's mind nine times before that person is ready to make a purchase from you. And that's the good news. The bad news is that for every three times you put out the word-via signs, letters, e-mail, whatever- people aren't paying attention two of those times. If you put the word three times, you've penetrated a mind once. What happens then?

    You promote your business six times. Then you've penetrated minds two times. What happens then? People realize that they've heard of you. Put out the word nine times, and they realize they've seen your marketing somewhere. They figure you must be a successful company because unsuccessful companies don't market. Put out the word twelve times, and they begin to think that one of these days they'll look into your offering. Put it out fifteen times, and you've penetrated their minds five times. This is when they'll read every word you say, send for your brochure, and visit your website. The momentum is well under way. But at this point most people figure their campaign isn't working, so they abandon it and begin again. Bad idea.

    Not until you've put forth your message twenty-seven times have you penetrated your prospects' minds nine times. And that's when they'll order what you're selling, treating you like a friend because of the familiarity you've built up. To go through such a long ordeal is just too much for most business owners. The only ones who survive to the end are those blessed with patience. They know that marketing does not work instantly and takes time."

    So many companies in the wedding industry also have opportunities for business not related to weddings. As we mention at our Exhibiting 101 seminars, there are birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, parties, births, and other events where your product or service might be needed. This is a great chance at getting more leads. Suppose you are able to book an anniversary event with the mother of a bride. She in turn lets her friends know about you. When the bride gets married, she tells her friends, and then has her anniversaries, and there could be potential business again. That's just talking about anniversaries.

    In essence, one bride lead can generate so many other referrals that can produce other leads and revenue for you.

    The key is to continue staying in touch until someone tells you to go away. We have all had those who said, "take us out of your system." But, we have so many more that appreciate us staying in touch.

    In today's system, we do have to pay attention to the avenues that can appear as spam. You may have to work with those that "opt in" for that specific source.

    There are ways to stay in touch on a continual basis without the bride feeling like you are a pest or a nuisance. Newsletters and "Specials" announcements are a great way to do this.

    The following information came from one attendee from the July 2008 Dallas Bridal Show. This person said that they were more impressed with the person that contacted them first and that has stayed in contact continually.

    According to this source, one company from the July Dallas Bridal Show sends out a newsletter twice each month with great information. By doing this, the brides do not feel pressured, but notice and remember this company because information is being received continuously. There were a few companies that made contact a couple of times and then quit. That will not produce the best results or even come close.

    The show took place over three months ago and some companies are not going to do great business from that show unless they understanding the need to "work the leads." I know a few have told me personally over the years, that no matter what, they only contact someone so many times and that's it. That is your decision. If what you do produces the business and revenue that you are comfortable with, then I understand.

    However, for the majority of companies, there is a real need to produce more business each year. It may take being even more consistent than ever before, especially in this tough economy.

    The real survivors never give up. I know how easy it is to get discouraged. I can recall one day many years ago when I was calling on our bridal shows and home shows when I was told "no" 19 times! Rather than throw in the towel, I allowed the experience to motivate me to continue because I knew it meant I was getting closer to a "yes." It ended up being a very productive day.

    Brides are busy just like you are. What you do may not be a priority on their mind today, but on that specific day when what you do comes to the top of the list, the bride may look at the current information that she has. It just may be that your competitor has been staying in touch.

    Generate Leads - Work those Leads!-Produce More Results!


    Generate Leads-Contact a few times and quit- Produce Less Results.

    Which is your desire?

    Special Appearances at Dallas Bridal Show

    In addition to various fashion shows each day, we have already mentioned some of the guest speakers that will be presenting at the Dallas Bridal Show stage.

    Take note of the following speakers (two were mentioned in last month's newsletter):

      W. Donnie Brown
      Celebrity Wedding Planner W. Donnie Brown of The Style Network's "Whose Wedding Is it Anyway?" will be speaking at Noon each day on "The Importance and Value in Hiring a Wedding Planner." Autographs available after his performance. Donnie will also be on hand to judge a table decorating contest with the table decorating companies that are participating in the Dallas Bridal Show.
      Suzanne Kresse
      Personal appearance at 2:00pm each day by Suzanne Kresse, "The Wedding Lady." National Authority of Modern Wedding Trends Unique stage presentation of "WEDDINGWISE"-What's NEW & What's HOT in the Modern Wedding Trends. Given at each performance will be a Demetrios Designer Wedding Gown Gift Certificate and the 10 Most Wanted Gifts. Also, a Grand Prize will be given away at her performance on Sunday, January 25th -- a 5 day Honeymoon Cruise for 2 on a Celebrity Cruise Ship with Round-trip airfare. Must be present to win all gifts.
      Peter Merry
      Peter Merry, national author of the book, "The Best Wedding Reception, Ever" will be speaking both days at 4:00pm. His book will be available for sale along with autographs after his presentation.

    Benefits of our Bridal Shows

    Benefits of our Bridal Shows

    1. Best Products for Best Value in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.
    2. Established and Proven Company.
    3. See more brides in one weekend than you can on your own all year. (8,000 weddings in 6 shows!)
    4. Extensive mass marketing consistently since 1988 through radio stations, tv stations, billboards, media promotions, newspapers, The Knot, wedding publications, our website, our myspace sites that started earlier this year (,,, other websites, posters, press releases, email blasts, and other sources. (Great media relationships for over 20 years through more than 250 shows produced.)
    5. Our website has proven to be very beneficial to those companies that have advertised on the website. Because we drive traffic to the website through everything listed in #4 above, it has great value. Anyone currently exhibiting in our shows has their main category listed free.
    6. Education Tools Offered: (a) Wedding Professionals Business Conference (, (b) Exhibiting 101 seminars (, (c) our monthly newsletters with articles to help businesses grow, (d) Giving many books away at association meetings and Conference, along with other meet-up groups, (e) Library at the office for vendor use along with many books given away to companies-Let us know if you would like to come by, (f) mentoring services-most at no charge, (g) continually encouraging learning and growth. Become a student of your profession.
    7. Categories are limited so that every company has the fair opportunity to do business. Most companies appreciate our "fairness" policies. That's why we have more companies exhibiting with us than any other bridal show producer in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. If a show is over saturated with categories of the wedding compared to the number of brides who attend that show, it is difficult for every company to do well.
    8. Insurance Requirement. Brides can trust our exhibiting companies more because they are insured. Most companies in our shows have a yearly general liability policy, while the others carry the show event insurance. Who would you prefer to do business with if you were the bride? Someone who is insured, or not insured?
    9. Participating in shows proves that you are a smart marketer. You are using the best marketing tool to promote your business. You are doing business with the leader in the industry who is always striving to increase the professionalism of this industry.
    10. Face-to-face contact with a specific market. This is so important so that the bride can tell if you are someone they want to do business with. Trust and rapport are built immediately.
    11. Very competent and confident staff working with Bridal Shows, Inc.
    12. Show and Tell. You and your product or service can be fully understood now. This is a time to let your personality and professionalism shine through.
    13. Taste and See. Your food item(s) can be trusted so the bride feels good about the food choices she makes.
    14. Trends. This is the best opportunity to ask lots of brides and their friends about new and upcoming trends. New ideas will come from this immediately.
    15. Customize to the bride. It is difficult in any other advertising medium to let the bride know everything you can do for the wedding. Imagine how many times you can ask, "What can we do special for you?" This is an excellent time to let the bride know you can customize anything that you do.
    16. Demonstrating a Product. Again, it is very difficult for others to really comprehend a demonstration unless they are right in front of you.
    17. Educate. This can take some time for each person. It is more complete when they are able to see you, talk to you, see what you do, and ask questions. And, of course, you ask questions, also.
    18. Building Relationships/Networking. Many lasting relationships have been built from meeting others at our shows.
    19. Free gifts-excellent way to give out customized specialty promotional items other than business cards and literature.
    20. Competition. Because there will be a lot of companies exhibiting, you can view what your competition is doing.
    21. Frequency. Six shows a year. It is extremely important in keeping your company name out there in every way you can possibly afford. When you work your leads properly over time, you will generate profits. Our shows give you the opportunity to also meet with wedding publications, websites, wedding association members, and sometimes our media partners to find other avenues to add to your advertising mix.
    22. Learn. Learn what to do or what not to do. If you see someone standing and smiling and getting every lead they can, then learn from them for what to do. If you see someone sitting behind a table and folding their arms, then learn what not to do. Be personable and friendly and truly care about helping the bride- the bride will learn quickly to do business with you.
    23. Be consistent-Participating in 2 to 6 of our shows a year helps you to consistently have enough leads to work to thrive in your business.

    Why would you wait? Call us today to reserve your space.

    If your category is on a waiting list, do not let that deter you. Appreciate the fact that once you are able to exhibit that you will have a fair opportunity.

    Our quality events provide you the very best shows with the most extensive advertising giving you the best value for your dollar.

    Naomi Hulme feature in Modern Luxury

    Naomi was featured in the "Dynamic Women" section of the July 2008 issue of Modern Luxury.

    Click here to view the profile from the magazine.

    Table Decorating Contest

    Any company exhibiting in the January 2009 Dallas Bridal Show will also have the opportunity to participate in the Table Decorating Contest that will be judged by Celebrity Wedding Planner W. Donnie Brown of The Style Network's "Whose Wedding Is it Anyway?"

    The criteria used for the judging will be as follows: (1) General Style, (2) Technical, (3) Inventive Nature of Design, (4) The Small Details, (5) Overall Look, (6) Use of Linen, (7) Use of Floral, and (8) Use of Rentals.

    Most likely, the judging will take place on Saturday so that the winners can be announced at the Vendor Appreciation Night Saturday evening. If you are exhibiting in the January show and would like to be a part of this event, please email your account executive so that we can make room for you.

    We already have a few verbals at this time. This is another opportunity to be able to showcase your unique designs (without having to pay for more show space) to the brides and to other wedding businesses that may start networking with you and those that are already using your services.

    Last Newsletter Before the Conference!

    When: Wednesday, November, 19, 2008, 9:00am-5:00pm
    Where: Arlington Convention Center
    What: Educational Full-day Conference to help build your business!

    It is hard to believe that the much anticipated Wedding Professionals Business Conference is now less than a month away! We have been busy planning this event for over a year and are excited to use this event to educate and motivate business professionals in the wedding industry and beyond!

    If you have not already registered to attend, then don't delay! You will not want to miss this event and here are a few reasons to not wait until the last minute:

  • Deadline for Regular Rate Attendee Tickets is Friday, November 7th! That is less than two weeks away! After November 7th, prices increase by $10 per person. Don't miss your chance to save money.

  • Seminars are closing out! In order to RSVP for a seminar, you must first register as an attendee. As of the publish date for this newsletter there is only 2-5 seats remaining in more than one of our popular seminars! Sign up quickly so you don't miss out on your favorite topics.

  • Donate a Door Prize! Attendees that register in advance have the opportunity to donate prizes and receive mention in our show program. Only door prizes submitted by November 7th will be listed in the program.
  • Check out the list of current door prizes to be given away at the Conference!

    • (4) $25 Office Depot Cards from Bridal Shows, Inc.
    • (4) $20 Gas Cards from Bridal Shows, Inc
    • Several Great Business Books (amt TBD) from Bridal Shows, Inc.
    • Several Restaurant Gift Cards (amt TBD) from Bridal Shows, Inc.
    • Other Gift Cards to be determined from Bridal Shows, Inc.
    • One Night Stay Gift Certificate from Hampton Inn & Suites DFW West
    • (2) "30 Seconds to Success" Audio CDs ($29 each) from Jeff Klein, Klein Creative
    • (2) Free Photo Sessions and 8 x 10 Portraits ($160.50 each) from Margaret Lake Photography
    • Shopping Bag with 2 Watches and other goodies from Guaranty Bank ($25)
    • Gift Bag with Candle and Room Spray ($43) from Scentsy "Wickless Candles"
    • (2) Free Lunch Coupons to Professional Wedding Guild Luncheon from the Professional Wedding Guild.
    • Building Address Energy Consultation and Shift ($80) from Great Eight Address Consultation

    There's no reason to wait, and plenty of reason to act now!

    Click HERE to Register Today!!

    Or visit our website for more information at:

    See you soon!

    Featured Exhibitors

    In addition to sponsorships, Bridal Shows, Inc. has created another avenue for exhibitors to enhance their bridal show experience with the Featured Exhibitors section. Featured Exhibitors will receive prime placement at the front of the show along with mention on our website, myspace, program, and signage.

    Currently the Featured Exhibitors for the January 24-25th Dallas Bridal Show are as follows:

    There are still a very limited number of Featured Exhibitor spaces still available. Call us today at 972-713-9920 for more details.

    "What are you selling?"

    by Denice Halstied, Wrapped Around You

    At every bridal show, vendors try to make their booth the biggest, brightest, tallest in the building. When the bride approaches the booth, does the bride know what products/services are being offered? Many vendors provide an array of products/services that may not be easily detected by simply looking. Can a bride know what you do by the name of the business? In some cases, the answer would be yes (i.e. Delicious Cakes or Mockingbird Florist). What about the business whose name does not hone in on exactly what is being offered? These businesses need to focus on what they want the bride to know based on the props used in the booth.

    This task could be more challenging and would require some creativity. Whatever props the vendor chooses to use, the props must entice the bride enough to want to enter the booth and ask questions. The vendor must also be ready to express what the business can do for the bride. This will give the vendor the opportunity to sell their products/services to an audience of interested buyers.

    Regardless of what you offer, do not be afraid to try different props or make changes to increase the number of brides to your booth. What may work for your business may not work for someone else in the same business. Remember: every bride is different, so is every business. Go get connected!

    Naomi's Book of the Month

    This month's book selection is:

    49 Marketing Secrets (That Work) to Grow Sales
    by: Ron Finklestein

    You may request a copy of my "Book Suggestions" at any time.

    Happy Reading!

    Vendor Appreciation Night

    This exciting event will take place Saturday evening January 24th soon after the show closes. This is only open to exhibitors and participants in the January 2009 Dallas Bridal Show. Those attending that evening will have a chance to register to win some fantastic door prizes.

    Some of the current prizes include:

    • One of Naomi's own Hawaii vacation weeks, including air fare for two, plus some spending money. (approximate value = $3,900)
    • Multiple Restaurant Gift Cards
    • $300 credit toward next Dallas July 2009 show
    • Various door prizes from other vendors

    Dallas Bridal Show exhibitors are pitching in to help with the event! Thank you to the following companies that have already committed to providing food for the event. (An updated list will be provided in next month's newsletter)

    Allie's Catering
    Blue Goose Cantina

    We have others not listed that have committed verbally and we will list them later upon written confirmation. This is a great opportunity for you to showcase what you are known for.

    Some of the entertainment will be provided by: Saxophonist, David Carr, Jr.

    If you would like to contribute to this event in some way, please contact your Account Executive at 972-713- 9920.

    Bridal Show Schedule

    Dallas Bridal Show
    ** 20th Year **
    January 24-25, 2009
    Dallas Market Hall

    Fort Worth Bridal Show
    ** 11th Year **
    February 21-22, 2009
    Amon Carter Exhibit Hall

    Plano Bridal Show
    ** 20th Year **
    March 8, 2009
    Plano Centre

    Dallas Bridal Show
    ** 20th Year **
    July 11-12, 2009
    Dallas Market Hall

    Fort Worth Bridal Show
    ** 11th Year **
    July 25-26, 2009
    Amon Carter Exhibit Hall

    Plano Bridal Show
    ** 20th Year **
    September 13, 2009
    Plano Centre

    Virtual Bliss Online Bridal Show

    The Virtual Bliss Online Bridal Show is sponsored by 106.1 KISS FM, 102.1 the Edge, Mix 102.9, Elite Bride Magazine, and Dallas Bridal Show, and will be promoted On-Air and Online from December 1st, 2008, through January 25th, 2009. Listeners can go to the stations' websites where they can gather product and service information in addition to registering to Win the Grand Prize Wedding Package (see below*). The pre-register form is to be brought to the KISS FM Booth at the Dallas Bridal show. There are different levels of participation in this internet marketing opportunity that offer a variety of choices at different rates. Because this is being promoted along with the Dallas Bridal Show, this will have a greater impact. Frequency is very important with any advertising you do. With this added value opportunity, the bride can see you at the show, hear about you on the radio with the mentions received, and be able to link to your website from the stations' websites.

    1. Co-Presenting Sponsorship $5,000 net (value $78,000). Exclusive listing within Category. Featured Prominently on the Virtual Bliss webpage across the three stations' sites. Minimum 120 promos On-Air across the three stations. Also Thirty (30) 30-second audio online commercials PER WEEK, PER STATION = 720 30-second Streaming Commercials!!
    2. Gold Sponsorship $1,500 net (value $39,000). Seventy-five (75) 30-second streaming audio online commercials Per Week for 8 weeks = 600 30- second Commercials.
    3. Silver Sponsorship $1,000 net (value $27,000). Forty-five (45) 30-second streaming audio online commercials Per Week for 8 weeks = 360 30-second Commercials.
    4. Bronze Sponsorship $500 net (value $9,000).

    Levels #1 through 3 shown above include a certain number of commercials. All levels have a listing within their product or service category (unless that listing is taken with the Co-Presenting Sponsor) on the Virtual Bliss feature page, a logo, link to your website, text describing your business, and a downloadable coupon that can be printed out by the viewer and redeemed at your location(s). Other add- ons are available.

    **Through the Virtual Bliss, KISS FM, the Edge, and Mix will be promoting the Wedding Give-a-way that has been locked in from the following companies that are exhibiting in the Dallas Bridal Show currently: Wedding Consulting from "Wrapped Around You," Photography from "Phase 3 Photography," Gown from "Lenz Boutique," Cakes from "Delicious Cakes" and "Candy Haven," Invitations from "Celebrations Invitations & More," Menswear from "Al's Formal Wear," Videography from "Blalock Video," and Travel from "Ahoy Cruises." (Other categories will be added.)

    Call Vanessa (214-866-8560) with KISS FM if you would like to participate in this exciting online event, and Jill Odle (214-533-3356) if you would like to participate in the Wedding Give-a-way (must be a January Dallas Bridal Show exhibitor to be a part of these).

    Visit us on myspace!! In order to connect with brides we have joined countless others on Check out our pages using the links below:

    Do you have a myspace account? Add us as a friend to keep the network growing!

    Daylight Savings Time!!!!

    Don't forget to turn back the clock this Saturday, November 1st!

    We hope you enjoy your extra hour whether you are rocking out at a wedding or catching some extra "z's."

    New Posters Are Here!

    If you would like to display our Spring 2009 Schedule Poster, email with the following information:

    Your Name:
    Company Name:
    Street Address:
    City, State, Zip:
    How Many Posters Needed:

    A picture of the Summer poster is below.

    Motivational Message

    "Quality isn't something that can be argued into an article or promised into it. It must be put there. If it isn't put there, the finest sales talk in the world won't act as a substitute."

    ~C.G. Campbell

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    phone: (972) 713-9920