Snow in March?!? What a crazy month! But then as the
saying goes... "Only in Texas!" We hope everyone had
a safe and fun winter wonderland. After one extreme
week we were pleased that the Plano Bridal Show
hosted beautiful 70 degree weather.
These past three months have been hectic and fun as
we ended our first three bridal shows of the year. Now
we are able to put all of our focus on the upcoming
summer shows and beyond. Most of the summer
shows are already over 70% booked, so call us to
reserve your booth if you have not done so already.
Also don't forget about the big 20th Year Dallas
Bridal Show in January, 2009. This is
one event you can't afford to miss! It has been such a
joy serving this industry since 1988 and in January we
are going to celebrate BIG!
Wishing you a productive month.
Exhibiting 101 Seminar: 23 Days Away! |
You are invited to one of our 2008 sessions of
Exhibiting 101!
For over 20 years, Naomi Hulme has helped
educate businesses on how to get better results from
exhibiting in consumer trade shows, and since 2005
through her
trademark seminar, Exhibiting 101. Now she's offering
the seminar again for repeat students and new
attendees that have not had the opportunity to glean
from her extensive knowledge. The seminar includes
exhibiting tips, workbook, networking opportunities
and door prizes! (including gas cards, restaurant gift
cards, movie tickets, books, etc.) If you would like to
donate a door prize, please let us know.
When: Thursday, April 10, 2008
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm (6:30pm Registration)
Where:Special Moments Chapel, 248 E.
Round Grove Road , Lewisville, TX, 75067
Limited space available,
Visit Us on Myspace |
That's right--we have officially joined myspace. In fact
we actually have three different myspace pages to
reflect our three bridal shows:
We will gradually build these pages as a resource for
brides to get details regarding upcoming shows as
well as comments and questions.
It will also be an avenue for brides to connect with
professional wedding businesses. This is a great
opportunity to network with businesses as well as
promote to brides.
Since the pages were put into place about a week
before the
Plano Bridal Show, we have already developed a large
number of "friends," mostly brides on the Plano Bridal
Show myspace. We look forward to growing the rest of
the pages as well.
If you have a myspace account and would like to join
a "friend" of one or all the shows, send us a friend
request! The more the merrier.
Bride Testimonial |
We were so thrilled to receive the following email from
a bride that attended our shows! She also used the
Tips for Brides video that is posted on our website.
I just wanted you all to know that I have gone to
many Bridal shows since getting engaged on Dec
24..and you guys have by far the absolute BEST bridal
shows...I have gone to so many bridal shows
(because I got free entrance but I paid for my friends to
go in) and OMG there is not a bridal show that can
compare to Bridal Show Inc. I have to tell you when I
went to the Dallas Bridal show I was overwhelmed
because I didn't know what to do but now I feel I am a
pro because of you guys..You guys got me in "training"
for the show I am waiting to attend before my wedding
and finalizing my vendors..I have heard so many
people comment on how organized I am..I tell them I
learned it from going to the Dallas Bridal Show in
January FIRST...the only thing I have gotten out of the
other smaller bridal shows is a lot of free cake and
free samples that I am going to use to make "goodie"
bags for my bridesmaids.
Again Thank you and I look forward to hitting the
shows in the Fall before my wedding on Oct 25,
Thanks for all the help and great tips
Dhalia Condon & Gary Wood
And what did Dhalia think of the Plano Bridal Show?
Great show...I am glad I was able to make it. Not as
big as Dallas but still ALOT to still took me 3
hours to get through it all...thanks for a great guys did another great job..see you at the
Dallas show in July and for my last Bridal show in
Sept in Plano again..Finalizing wedding with your
Plano show..Wedding on Oct 25, 2008..Thanks for all
your help and wonderful tips..
Fort Worth and Plano Reviews |
The past two months we have enjoyed two great bridal
shows! The Fort Worth Bridal Show on February 23-
24, and the Plano Bridal Show on March 9.
693 registered brides out of 2,799 total attendance
(includes paid adults, children, VIPs, & badged
were able to meet face to face with over 100 wedding
businesses at the
Fort Worth Bridal Show in February. The show,
sponsored by Fort Worth, Texas Magazine and CBS
11, was
another success and will continue to bring exhibitors
business throughout the year. Thank you to all the
companies that participated in the event.
The results of the "Coupon Contest" from the Fort
Worth Bridal Show are listed below. Winners will
receive their prizes on the next Fort Worth Bridal Show
on July 19-20, 2008.
Fort Worth Coupon
Contest Winners
First Place: (FREE 10 x 10 Booth) Perfect
Wedding Guide
Second Place: ($300 off Booth) Bliss
Bridal Salon
Third Place: ($150 off Booth) Party
Machine DJ Service
The Plano Bridal Show drew 424 registered
brides out of 1,682 total attendance (includes paid
adults, children, VIPs, & badged exhibitors).
Approximately 120 wedding businesses were present
to showcase their
businesses to the brides and their friends and family.
Energy levels were high and the show was a catalyst
for business relationships and more wedding
bookings for the companies involved.
There was a "Coupon Contest" at the Plano Bridal
Show as well. The winners of this contest will receive
their prizes at the Plano Bridal Show on September
14, 2008.
Plano Bridal Show
Coupon Contest Winners
First Place: (FREE 10 x 10 Booth) Perfect
Wedding Guide
Second Place: ($300 off Booth) Threejays
Third Place: ($150 off Booth) Bill Bates
Cowboy Ranch
Photos from both shows will be coming in next
month's newsletter.
Naomi's Notes: "Questions about exhibiting in other bridal shows" by: Naomi Hulme |
We have had many calls and questions over the
years about exhibiting in other bridal shows. This has
definitely been more prevalent in the last four to five
As in our Exhibiting 101 seminar, we suggest that
you do some research on your own so that you can
make a smart business decision to keep your lead
cost as minimal as possible. Some questions to ask
new, non-established shows for this area are as
- How many shows have you produced? And
where? (Verify with the previous facilities that the
shows actually took place.)
- How many shows have you produced in the
Dallas/Fort Worth area? And where? (Verify same as
#1.) If this is a new show to this market, it will be very
difficult for anyone.
- Have you contracted with the facility with a
deposit? (You can check this out with the facility.)
- Ask for names of companies and phone numbers
as referrals from each show and call those
companies yourself.
- What "real" number of brides have attended each
- What number of companies have exhibited in each
- What is your return percentage of exhibiting
- What "real" advertising will take place? (This is a
subject that I could spend hours on. So many
have "talked a good game," some even with deep
- Verify with each media source that the show is
scheduled to advertise as they promised to you.
- Ask how many brides are expected at the
upcoming show.
- Is your company a member of a wedding
association (local or elsewhere) and in good
- Ask what the show producer is going to do if they
(a) do not deliver the brides that they say they will, (b)
do not do what they say as far as advertising, or (c)
cancel the show.
Being informed can save you a lot of money,
time, and stress.
Do you think it is time for "new" shows to have to
prove that what they say verbally or in writing is actual
truth? If the show producer is not able to provide
anything from the media sources, it is doubtful that it
is truth.
As you can tell, we do care about you and this
industry. There are some well-established bridal
shows that do advertise in this market that can help
improve your business.
Since we began producing shows in 1988, our
foundation was and has always been "to do it right."
We have utilized an extensive advertising campaign
since the beginning and have done so even with
any "new" show that we produced (i.e., the Denton
Bridal Show). We are a professional company which
maintains an office in Addison five days a week with a
full-time staff. Not including the home improvement
show that we sold ten years ago and many other types
of shows, we have spent over six million dollars
advertising the bridal shows. We do what we say we
are going to do. You know your money is well spent
with our company. You also know that you are safe
with doing business with us as we are proven and
established and consistent year after year--and have
been from the very beginning.
We offer a superior value in this marketplace and
are continuing to set a higher standard of
professionalism for this industry.
Continue to feel free to call us with any questions.
We hope to help you in making an informed decision
about your marketing dollars.
More Testimonials |
The Winter/Spring 2008 Bridal Show season has now
concluded, and we've received more testimonials on
how these shows have worked for the exhibitors.
"I just wanted to compliment you on yet another
wonderful (Dallas) show! We had our best show to
date. We didn't book as many brides as years past,
but the quality of the brides was great and I believe we
had more serious shoppers than ever before. Also,
I'm currently experiencing more phone calls and
emails from those who saw us at the show than ever
before. We also had more click throughs than ever
from your site. I was happy to see that a couple
vendors I had suggested join the show did so. I will
continue to reccomend you guys!"
Jamie Jaksch,
Threejays Carriages
"I write this note to let you all know how successful
the Dallas and Ft. Worth Bridal Shows have been for
me. I have been in business only a year and a half,
and after doing three shows, I am almost totally
booked for '08 and am booking into August of '09. The
crowds are bigger in Dallas, but the folks are more
laid back in Fort Worth and are so thankful to have
someone listen to what they want, rather than having
someone pushing his or her own agenda. I have
received referrals from people for whom I have not yet
done work and even received an email from a mother
after her return to S. Carolina this past weekend who
notes differences in creativity and personality. Only by
meeting people face-to-face can this be
accomplished. Otherwise, I would just be one of the
first names in the phone book. In both Dallas and Fort
Worth, I have received overwhelming response to my
designs and am off and running with a great career
that I totally love. Thank you, Dallas Bridal Shows!"
~Gloria Parker,
Blooming Accents
"As a followup to the Fort Worth Bridal Show that
we just participated in I wanted to say "Thank You." At
DJ Connection we participate in nearly every show
available from Kansas City to Dallas, and we LOVE
YOUR SHOWS the best. The "Brides-To-Be" that show
up at your events actually have upcoming weddings
and generally not just window shoppers like we see at
many of the shows that do not charge admission.
Your bridal fair lists are always emailed promptly and
the traffic at the shows is always consistent."
Clay Clark,
DJ Connections
Special Note from PWG President |
You never know how something you say may
impact the life of someone else. God works in our
lives and our businesses in mysterious ways.
The following letter was sent to us after we
attending the PWG meeting on February 27th. Naomi
donated a book called "Letting Go of Your Bananas"
by Dr. David T. Drubin and talked about a section of
the book
with an enlightening analogy. It says that there's a
reason our windhield is several times bigger than our
review mirror. It's because we should be looking
forward at what's ahead more than what's behind
Naomi also won the PWG "Visionary of the Year"
award at the meeting. (She won this same award last
year from PWG also)
It was wonderful to see all of you at PWG today
and I appreciate all the support you give to the Guild.
I was especially moved by what you said today when
you donated the book and thought you might enjoy
the rest of the story. God works in mighty way.
One of our Sunday School class members just
had surgery and I took dinner to the family tonight. Her
was a minister but had a devastating experience at
the last church he pastored and has been feeling very
distrustful of people and relationships. While we were
talking this evening he brought up the hurt he was
I said..."Oh, let me share with you what I heard
today at our Guild meeting." I gave him a little
and then told him about the windshield - looking
forward and not behind. You said it so well. He
looked at me
and said - "You know you are so right, that's exactly
what I've been doing and that's not right".
We never know how God is going to use us to touch
the lives of others.
Congratulations on your award - you really
deserved it.
Lora Lea Nelson
The Professional Wedding Guild of Fort Worth
Happy Anniversary! |
On March 23, 2003, Tracy Kopinski joined Bridal
Inc. as our Administrative Manager and in 2004, also
became a part-time
Account Executive. Tracy is a vital part of our team and
has been an important role in the company for the
past 5 years.
Happy 5 Years Tracy!
Happy (Belated) St. Patrick's Day! |
Check out the following article by Dean Lindsay who
may be speaking at the 2008 Wedding Professionals
Business Conference on November 19, 2008, if his
schedule permits.
"Six Degrees of Practice": by Dean
Lindsay Networking is a skill. As with any skill,
you will get
better at it with practice.
To be proactive in building priceless business
relationships, it is vital that you get
over the stuff about networking that bothers you. If you
are scared of meeting people
or if you're worried about having nothing to say or
becoming tongue-tied, role-play with
a friend until you feel more confident.
The more you exercise your networking muscles,
the stronger they get and the easier networking
Networking is hard when you feel you HAVE to, and so
easy when you feel you WANT to.
Attitudes are contagious. Are yours worth
Remember, networking is as natural as eating
and sleeping. We do it all the time.
Whenever you talk with others and ask their opinions
to help you make an informed decision -
even if it's just to find a good book, tire store, or dog
groomer - you're networking.
Networking is a vital quality -of-life skill that anyone
can utilize to make more opportunities.
Meeting people is not really that tough, but
connecting with people and making a great first
impression is.
With practice, great first impressions can be honed
and perfected. Practice on strangers -
even that dude wearing flip-flops in front of you in line
at Mickey D's.
Start striking up conversations with strangers in
lines (grocery store checkout, movie ticket, hot dog
stand, etc.).
Make connecting a habit. Practice every day, every
chance you get.
Remember, every contact enlarges your net and
gets you closer to the people who could enrich
your life or utilize your products and services.
"You gotta try your luck at least once a day,
because you could be going around lucky all day
and not even know it." -- Jimmy Dean
Speak to as many people as possible, get as
many business cards as you can, and exchange e-
mail addresses.
Keep making contact. Keep in touch with those you
wish to influence. Communicate regularly with pivotal
people in your industry
and in other industries. Many have enormous power
that could help you gain access to almost anyone,
many of whom you could
never reach on your own.
If you have support from these people, you will
save yourself a lot of time and trouble in getting where
you want to go.
Doors will seem to magically fly open for you.
You are only a few contacts away from a great
opportunity. Do you remember the Six Degrees of
Kevin Bacon game?
It was all the rage a few years back. The game is
based on the main concept in John Guare's play Six
Degrees of Separation,
which was adapted into a movie with Will Smith. The
play theorizes that we are all connected by six or fewer
stages of
circumstance or acquaintance.
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon takes this concept
one step further (or back). Kevin Bacon has been in a
ton of movies and many of them
were ensemble films, like Diner and Mystic River. If
you use Kevin as an end point, you can link him in six
steps (degrees) or fewer
to almost any other performer. For example, Kevin
Bacon links to John Lithgow in one quick link: Both
were in Footloose. (1)
Kris Kristofferson, however, may take all six steps
to make the chain. Let's see:
Kris was in A Star Is Born with Barbra Streisand. (1)
Barbra was in The Way We Were with Robert Redford.
Robert was in Brubaker with Morgan Freeman. (3)
Morgan was in Driving Miss Daisy with Dan Ackroyd.
Dan was in The Blues Brothers with John Belushi. (5)
John was in Animal House with Kevin Bacon. (6)
I'm sure you can get from Kris to Kevin in fewer
but I wanted to give an example of the full six degrees
of separation.
Wildly Unimportant FYI:
I am linked to Kevin in two moves.
Dean was in Twister with Bill Paxton. (1)
Bill was in Apollo 13 with Kevin Bacon. (2)
Yes, I was in Twister. Don't blink. The flying cow
ended up with a bigger part than I did.
I was one of the 'bad guys' driving the black vans.
There is so much I could share that is interesting
but not relevant to this topic.
I will share this: Bill Paxton is cool. Great everyman-
type leader. Grade-A stuff.
He makes everyone around him feel great. Bill Paxton
Be Progress.
Business Speaker and Author,
Dean Lindsay delivers killer keynotes, breakouts,
general session presentations, and interactive boot
camps that
Empower Progress in sales, service and workplace
performance. For more information log onto:
2008 Conference
Hopefully by now you all have the date marked on your
calendar for the 2008 Wedding Professionals
Business Conference on November 19, 2008.
If your company markets to business
professionals in any capacity and you are interested in
reserving a booth at the conference to show
business owners and wedding professionals what
you have to offer, then please call us today to learn
If you know of a
company that has greatly helped you out and would
like to share their talents with the industry, please
send them our way!
For more information on the Conference please
visit our website at
Naomi's Book of the Month
Each month I will give you a suggested book to
read. This month's selection is:

Letting Go of Your Bananas
by: Dr. Daniel T. Drubin
You may request a copy of my "Book Suggestions"
at any time.
Happy Reading!
Plano Marketing
We always want to inform you about exactly how
we advertise for the shows. Listed below is the
marketing campaign used to promote the Plano Bridal
Show on March 9, 2008.
TV: Fox 4, NBC 5, ABC 8 (WFAA)
Radio: 106.1 Kiss FM, 103.7 KVIL, 96.7
The Texas Twister
Newspaper: Dallas Morning News, Quick,
Plano Insider, Plano Star Courier
Wedding Publications: Bride & Groom
Magazine, Dallas Brides (through Modern Luxury), D
Weddings, Fort Worth Texas Magazine, Modern Bride,
Perfect Wedding Guide, The Pink Book, Premier Bride,
Wedding & Party Guide
Websites:,,,,,,,,, and many
other vendor and industry websites.
- Clear Channel (up for 30 days):*Hwy. 121 SS, W/O
Fm 2281, and *Central Expwy ES, N/O Spring Creek
- Dallas Daily Billboards: *Preston/Hwy. 190 NB
(March 6,7,8,9), *Tollway/Beltline (March 3,4), and
*Central/Parker Rd. (March 6,7,8,9)
Other: Posters throughout the city at
wedding business locations, email campaigns to
registered brides, various calendar listings from
press releases sent out about the show.
Bridal Show Schedule
Dallas Bridal Show
July 12-13, 2008
Dallas Market Hall
Fort Worth Bridal Show
** 10th Year **
July 19-20, 2008
Amon Carter Exhibit Hall
Plano Bridal Show
September 14, 2008
Plano Centre
Dallas Bridal Show
** 20th Year **
January 24-25, 2009
Dallas Market Hall
Fort Worth Bridal Show
February 21-22, 2009
Amon Carter Exhibit Hall
Plano Bridal Show
** 20th Year **
March 8, 2009
Plano Centre
Dallas Bridal Show
** 20th Year **
July 11-12, 2009
Dallas Market Hall
New Posters Coming Soon!
If you would like to display
our Summer 2008 Schedule Poster, email with the
following information:
Your Name:
Company Name:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
How Many Posters Needed:
A sample picture of the Spring poster is below.
Motivational Messages
"Motivation is the art of getting people to do
what you want them to do because they want to do
~Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Being sincere is the easiest part of selling. It's
simply a matter of caring about your customer and
believing in what you sell. If you don't feel this way, my
advice to you is to seek other employment or find a
product to sell that you believe in."
~Joe Girard
"Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else
tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn
very briefly."
~Stephen R. Covey