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Bridal Shows, Inc. Newsletter December Edition
December 20, 2007


Another year has come and gone, how the time does fly! Time is such a precious commodity and one we all feel we could use more of. Make sure you are using your time wisely. Prioritize what is important in your life and budget your time accordingly. Our businesses are all very important to us, but never forget why they are important. What is the big picture in your life? Never lose sight of your "big picture." Life is too short. Live every day to the fullest and enjoy every minute!

From the Bridal Shows, Inc. family to yours... Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas.

NOTE: If you have enjoyed the articles from our newsletter, or they have helped you in any way, please email your testimonial to us so that we can share it with others.

in this issue
  • The Season of Giving
  • Want to be in the biggest bridal show of the year?
  • Grooms Cake Decorating Contest
  • Congratulations, Exhibitor Packet Winner!
  • Pink Books at the bridal shows!
  • Naomi's Notes: Don't Lose your Human Voice
    by: Naomi Hulme
  • New You Expo--produced by Encore! Event Management
  • Deepest Sympathies

  • Want to be in the biggest bridal show of the year?
    Dallas Show

    Time is running out but spaces are still available! Start 2008 off with a bang and watch your business grow throughout the year from the Dallas Bridal Show on January 26-27, 2008.

    Call us today to find out if there is still space remaining for your company!


    Holiday Hours

    Please note that the Bridal Shows, Inc. offices will be closed on the following dates in order to celebrate the holidays:

    Monday, December 24--CLOSED
    Tuesday, December 25--CLOSED

    Monday, December 31--CLOSED
    Tuesday, January 1--CLOSED

    Grooms Cake Decorating Contest

    Three years ago Ruthie Stivers with Delicious Cakes was trying to think of a way to involve her company in a stage event at the bridal shows. She wanted to involve the loyal grooms that sacrificed their weekend to taste cakes, look at flowers, and visit all the many wedding vendors at the bridal show. When she proposed a "Grooms Cake Decorating Contest" to Naomi, president of Bridal Shows, Inc. it was decided to have a trial run. The contest has proven to be such a success that at every bridal show Bridal Shows, Inc. produces you can expect to see grooms square off with icing in their hands and determination in their eyes.

    "I had seen and heard of grooms cake eating competitions at shows before, but wanted to do something original...."

    Ruthie explained that at first she was concerned about how the guys would do since in her opinion guys were usually awkward and clumsy when it comes to decorations. However now she feels much differently.

    "Every show I am amazed at the creativity and the personality that the grooms show through decorating the cakes."

    Delicious Cakes has stuck to the strict policy of "grooms only" in order to give something exclusively to the grooms in attendance. The results, as you can see from the photos, have been serious showdowns and a lot of fun for everyone involved. Next year Delicious Cakes has agreed to share the fun with a colleague, Candy Haven.

    We are very thankful for all the hard work and effort that goes into making the bridal show an exciting and fun time for the grooms as well as the brides.

    Congratulations, Exhibitor Packet Winner!
    exhibitor packer

    Prior to each bridal show exhibitor packets are mailed to participating vendors that contain complete information regarding set-up/take down, rules & regulations, new changes at the show, additional opportunities, order forms, and more.

    Although these exhibitor packets are often lengthy they contain vital information for helping the show run smoothly.

    This year we decided to reward the exhibitors that took the time to read the introductory letter to the exhibitor packet which contains a summary of all contents.

    The last paragraph of the letter reads as follows:

    "If you have read the exhibitor letter all the way until this point and are the first exhibitor to email with the subject saying "I read the Dallas exhibitor letter!" you will receive a twenty five dollar gift certificate to Bennigan's restaurant."

    Congratulations to Christina Ganshow of LaLa Music for being the first to read her letter and send an email! Christina will have dinner on us!

    Next time you receive an exhibitor packet you may want to make sure you don't miss anything, because you never know what we might do next!

    Pink Books at the bridal shows!

    The Pink Book is making its debut into the Dallas/Fort Worth Market as the "Ultimate Wedding Planner and Resource Guide."

    Brides will be able to receive the new Pink Books when they arrive at the bridal shows!

    Dallas Bridal Show -- January, 2008
    The first 600 brides each day will receive the premier local wedding planner, The Pink Book (value $24.95). There will also be an hourly drawing for The Pink Book--must be present to win.

    Dallas Bridal Show -- July, 2008
    The first 500 brides each day will receive a Pink Book (value $24.95), with hourly drawings each day as well.

    Plano Bridal Show -- March, 2008
    First 300 brides will receive a copy of the wedding planner Pink Book (value $24.95). Drawings will be held each hour throughout the day.

    Plano Bridal Show -- September, 2008
    First 300 brides and hourly door prize winners will take home the Pink Book (value $24.95) to help plan their wedding.

    Naomi's Notes: Don't Lose your Human Voice
    by: Naomi Hulme

    In the current use of email, texting, blackberry, and other technology sources, the majority are losing the human voice. These advances have taken over some of us just talking and communicating. Our enthusiasm and voice inflection mean something when we are communicating with someone else. It is actually very important just as the human touch is. Be careful to not let speed and "too much to do" take the place of good communication and talking with one another.

    Years ago, I had so many tell me "You will love email." To this day, I cannot say I love it. Even though it is a part of my daily routine, I would much rather talk with someone either face to face or on the phone. That way we can really be in the presence of each other and see or hear the enthusiasm or the hurt that someone is facing. There are so many needs that people have. When we really communicate, we can sense that and can maybe help with those needs. Those of you who know me well know that I really enjoy helping others and giving to others. If we never talk to someone, we don't really know them.

    Communicate with someone during this Christmas season and help them feel special. It will be such a blessing to that someone else and to you.

    New You Expo--produced by Encore! Event Management

    The following information is being provided by a friend of Naomi's, Christine Fletcher, who is producing the "New You Expo.

    At last, a health and beauty expo designed to showcase and SELL your products, skills and services to thousands of affluent and conscientious consumers in the Dallas/Fort Worth market.

    Sponsored by Whole Foods, CORE Health, North Texas Hospital, Restylane (dermal filler) and Mineral Fusion mineral cosmetics, the New You Expo will be held at Dallas Market Hall just in time for swimsuit season on April 5 & 6, 2008 from 10am - 5pm.

    The organic and cosmetic enhancement industries are exploding! From Generation Xers who are approaching their 40th birthday to the Baby Boomers who comprise the largest market segment, consumers are seeking products and services to help them live longer and live better. These highly affluent and conscientious consumers are fighting the effects of age with every bone in their body and every dime in their pocket. Quite simply, they want to LOOK as good as they FEEL!

    Did you know . . .

    Trade shows impact purchases 6x more than ANY other type of media and are remembered 14x longer than print advertising?

    Expositions rank as the #1 source of purchasing information by 90% of attendees!

    Your success begins by bringing customers to your booth. To draw them in we are working with Media Partners Mix 102.9 and KVIL - the top 2 stations in the Dallas / Fort Worth market - to promote the event. The New You Expo will also be promoted within all area Whole Foods stores, in their calendar of events, and within their online newsletter.

    Don't miss this unique and profitable opportunity to showcase and SELL to thousands of new customers. Our floorplan is 50% SOLD OUT. . .

    Deepest Sympathies

    Again we are reminded that this life is temporary and to cherish every moment. We would like to take a moment to recognize two members of our circle that have passed on recently.

    Melvin Sye Spears - "Symel"
    March 10, 1959 -- November 30, 2007
    Symel was the co-owner of LeSoiree with business partner Vertima Smith. Bridal Shows, Inc had the pleasure of working with Symel at the Fort Worth Bridal Show last year. Vertima recently described her friend in a memorial "Symel was known to have a zest for life. He enjoyed cooking, gardening, sewing, and decorating. Symel believed in living life to its fullest! He will truly be missed." Our prayers are with Symel's family and with Vertima.

    Michael Connolly
    December 6, 2007
    The husband of Vanessa Connolly, the 106.1 KISS FM representative for Bridal Shows, Inc. Vanessa and Michael were married this summer at the beautiful Grand Canyon in Arizona. Our prayers are with the family and especially with Vanessa who has done and continues to do so much for Bridal Shows, Inc. in promoting the bridal shows.

    We are also aware of many that have lost loved ones recently. We know that this time of year is especially difficult for you and our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    The Season of Giving

    The beautiful thing about the holiday season is the giving attitudes we see all around us. We all have so much to be grateful for and can benefit immensely by sharing our gifts with others.

    In past articles we have discussed the importance of giving to current and past clients as a means of building relationships and referrals. Although this is an important tip for any business, we also need to be encouraged to give to local charities or special clients.

    We have been privileged to be able to offer some wonderful weddings in the past to brides in difficult circumstances thanks to many of our bridal show vendors willing to lend a helping hand.

    Several of our local wedding associations also contribute to various charities and toy drives helping to lighten someone else's load.

    Make it a holiday tradition in your company to reach out to those less fortunate and experience the joy that comes from giving.

    Eyecon Video Productions has had a long relationship with Bridal Shows, Inc. providing us with footage of the bridal shows to be used in our television commercials as well as other promotional items. Recently we learned about their involvement in Kiss 106.1's Kidd's Kids charity.

    Click here to learn more about how one company has chosen to give back to the community.

    2008 Conference

    Previously known as the Wedding Industry Trade Show, the 2008 Conference is going to be an event you won't want to miss. A full-day educational event, the Conference was designed to help business professionals related to the wedding industry to grow by exchanging ideas in round-table discussions, networking functions, as well as attending seminars and visiting the exhibit floor filled with booths geared towards helping small businesses.

    Mark those brand new 2008 calendars now!

    Wedding Professionals Business Conference
    Wednesday, November 19, 2008
    Arlington Convention Center

    The new website for the Wedding Professionals Business Conference is up! Bookmark this website for coming details regarding the conference.

    Please be patient as there is still some pages that are undergoing construction.

    Website Testimonials

    "Bridal Shows, Inc. was so easy to find on the internet, they responded very quickly to my inquiry and have been fantastic to work with! They have been more responsive and more fun to work with than any other group I've dealt with - I look forward to meeting them in person and working the show. Thanks, BSI for making everything a breeze!"

    ~Carol Hill, The Lodge at Santa Fe

    When making plans for the new year and the upcoming bridal show, I want to make sure that we are still prominently listed on No matter where or when, around show time, the market you attract is visiting your site for information, and in turn, they see the link to our site - and visit us too!

    Our website traffic report shows that the main results are from direct connections, and then from the major search engines. I am happy to say that the next highest level of traffic to our website comes from links from

    Being listed on introduces us to customers throughout the year. Thanks for all you do to promote our business to the bridal market. These young ladies and gentlemen are on their way to making a lifetime of special occasions and events to celebrate, both at home and at work. They are our favorite kind of customers!

    See you in January!

    ~Jay Cooper, Ducky Bob's

    The Dallas Bridal Show on January 26-27, 2008 is sponsored by:

    For more information on sponsorship opportunities please contact us. If you are not interested in a Title Sponsorship, there are also stage event sponsorships, program sponsorships, and more. Bridal Shows, Inc. is willing to meet with you to develop a customized sponsorship package to meet your needs and take your bridal show experience to the next level with more exposure! We are also accepting Newsletter Sponsorships. Call Naomi to discuss how we can further help you build your business. 972.713.9920

    Bridal Show Schedule

    Dallas Bridal Show
    January 26-27, 2008
    Dallas Market Hall
    Limited Space Remaining
    Many categories are closed and on a waiting list

    Fort Worth Bridal Show
    February 23-24, 2008
    Amon Carter Exhibit Hall
    Limited Space Remaining
    Many categories are closed and on a waiting list

    Plano Bridal Show
    March 9, 2008
    Plano Centre
    Limited Space Remaining
    Many categories are closed and on a waiting list

    Dallas Bridal Show
    July 12-13, 2008
    Dallas Market Hall

    Fort Worth Bridal Show
    July 19-20, 2008
    Amon Carter Exhibit Hall

    Plano Bridal Show
    September 14, 2008
    Plano Centre

    New Posters Are In!

    If you would like to display our Spring 2008 Schedule Poster, email with the following information:

    Your Name:
    Company Name:
    Street Address:
    City, State, Zip:
    How Many Posters Needed:

    A sample picture of the poster is below.

    Motivational Message

    "When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen."

    ~Ernest Hemingway

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    phone: (972) 713-9920