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Bridal Shows, Inc. Newsletter November Edition
November 19, 2007


Holidays starting to stress you out? It's easy to get tied up with all the obligations, appointments, dollar signs, and craziness that the holiday season brings. Take a moment to breathe deep and really enjoy your holiday season however you like to celebrate it best. Be thankful for all the opportunities in life, and all the freedoms we can enjoy. We are so thankful that you have taken the time to enjoy this newsletter and thankful to be part of this industry where we can help businesses grow.

We wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving celebration!

in this issue
  • Why Bridal Shows Work
  • 3rd Largest Bridal Show in the United States
  • New Name for Business Conference!
  • 10 x 10 Booth Carpet For Sale!
  • Job Posting: Marriage Makers
  • Naomi's Notes: Make a Difference
    by: Naomi Hulme
  • Wrapped Around You Helps with the Holidays
  • Beeshis Trees
  • In Honor of Our Sponsor

  • 3rd Largest Bridal Show in the United States
    Dallas Show

    Bridal Shows, Inc. is proud to produce the 3rd largest bridal event in the United States, the Dallas Bridal Show. Although we are pleased with our progress we are always striving to do more..which means becoming #1!

    How did the Dallas Bridal Show become the 3rd largest bridal show? One major factor is our intense advertising campaign. In a very large and diverse market such as Dallas/Fort Worth we have worked hard to seek out the best formats for targeting area brides. This is an ongoing process and one we are always striving to increase every year. Companies that exhibit with Bridal Shows, Inc. can rest assured that we are putting their money to work for them in as many different and profitable methods as we can.

    Currently our Dallas Bridal Show draws over 5,000 brides each year. Over 3,000 brides visit with exhibitors in our January event, and over 2,000 come to the Dallas Bridal Show in July.

    Are you ready to book more weddings next year? Let us help you by introducing you to the Dallas Bridal Show brides! Call to see if your category is still open today.


    New Name for Business Conference!

    After much consideration, Bridal Shows, Inc. has decided to change the name of the Wedding Industry Trade Show. The new name is...

    "Wedding Professionals Business Conference"

    Each part of this new name reflects what the business conference is all about.

    Wedding: The Conference was created to help those in the wedding industry. The wedding industry is compiled of talented and created individuals that are full of ambition and ready to learn.

    Professionals: Professionals are business people that are serious about what they do and take steps to educate themselves in order to improve their company. The Conference is an avenue for professionals to learn and grow.

    Business: Whether you are a business owner or dedicated employee, business is about the bottom line. Wedding Professionals love what they do, but they are also in business to support themselves and their families. The Conference provides the necessary tools for businesses to thrive.

    Conference: The Conference is a full-day event jam packed full of seminars, discussions, exhibit booths, and networking. The definition of "conference" is the act of conferring or consulting together; especially on an important or serious matter. In business-related terms, what is more important or serious than building your business?

    We are in the process of creating a new website to provide further details on next year's conference.

    Make sure you mark you calendar ahead of time to be at the Conference all day. The Conference will include breakfast, a morning snack, lunch, and an afternoon snack.

    Wedding Professionals Business Conference
    Wednesday, November 19, 2008
    Arlington Convention Center

    10 x 10 Booth Carpet For Sale!

    Neutral khaki shade, great for any decor. Full bound on all sides = NO FRAYING! Purchased at around $300, would sell for $75.

    Contact Stavey at Simple Moments Photography if interested.

    817-676-2729 or 214-770-2200

    Job Posting: Marriage Makers

    Marriage Makers is looking for caring people in the Dallas area to perform wedding ceremonies for our couples there. This is truly wonderful and meaningful work on a part-time basis, mostly on weekends. We also offer marriage preparation to our couples, so maturity and experience are necessary.

    Marriage Makers provides training, leads, methods, forms, and just about everything you will need. We will facilitate ordination. The income will average out to about $28 per hour you spend with your clients as an independent contractor.

    Call us today at 1-888-344-0504 and start doing something wonderful!

    Naomi's Notes: Make a Difference
    by: Naomi Hulme

    When we care about what we do, we make a difference in the world, whether we realize it at that time or not. As we all know, we are not alone. We work with so many people: our staff, suppliers, others in our own industry, building contractors, repair and maintenance, and many more. Be the best that you can be at what you do. Stay on top of the priorities each day and work on the little things as you can so that when the little things become priorities, you already have a handle on them.

    Care about the big picture. What are your goals next week, next month, next year, in two years? In five years? Not just in dollars and cents, but in improving yourself and your staff. What value do you bring to your industry? Build on making that value better each month so that in a year from now, you can definitely know that you are making a difference.

    We have been having weekly sales meetings for about six weeks now and are trying to keep that up forever. Because of my schedule, it has been a challenge for me over the years to accomplish sales meetings on a regular basis, but I am committed to doing so. It has already made a difference in our company and will continue to build confidence and help each one of us grow more as a team.

    Set a higher standard of excellence in everything you do. Yes, it is costly in time and money and creates different rules and regulations, but think of it as necessary to improve.

    Over deliver every time you have an opportunity to do so.

    Thank you for making a difference in our business. We appreciate your support and caring for our industry.

    Wrapped Around You Helps with the Holidays

    Wrapped Around YOU is ready to make your holidays a gift. We provide custom, seamless gift wrapping topped with a hand-tied bows. We offer several different wraps sure to fit any celebration this season. Our prices start at $5 per wrap. And that's not all: we will come to you! We also do holiday decor, complete with all the trimmings.

    Give us a call to set an appointment for a gift wrapping party with friends or to treat yourself to having all of your gifts wrapped with minimal stress.

    If you mention this article, you will receive a $1 off each wrap.

    Happy Holidays!!

    Contact Denice at 214-546-3345

    Beeshis Trees

    Beeshis Trees is here! We have found a way to spread the Christmas cheer! Don't have time to decorate your Christmas tree and home for the holiday season? Beeshis Trees, founded by Amanda Carter and April Caplette, will come to your home to set up and decorate your Christmas trees! We will meet with each client to discuss every option: orament inventory, themed decor, pricing, etc. We will then provide each client with a detailed list of additional items needed for your tree or we can shop for you! Finally, we will show up on time to your home to customize a beautiful Christmas tree just for you and your family.

    Give us a call at 214-597-8750 and speak to April!

    Happy Holidays!

    (The tree pictured above is Bridal Shows, Inc. president, Naomi Hulme's personal 7.5' tree decorated by Beeshis Trees!)

    In Honor of Our Sponsor

    As was recently announced the Dallas Bridal Show in January of 2008 is being sponsored by Macy's!

    In honor of our sponsor we want to remind you of one of the great Thanksgiving traditions which is right around the corner... the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! In existence since 1924, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade has become the kick-off for the holiday season every year. Don't forget to tune in to NBC Thursday 22, from 9 AM- NOON for all the fun.

    Why Bridal Shows Work

    The following article was taken from, home of Bridal Show Producers International.

    1. Bridal Shows provide a lot of new prospects in a short period of time. Imagine how many potential new customers you could meet in one or two days?

    2. Bridal shows allow you to outshine the competition on the spot! Exhibiting allows your prospects and customers to immediately comparison shop. If you really have something of value, they'll know it right away. This helps you cut down the sales cycle and outshine the competition.

    3. Bridal shows allow more opportunities to demonstrate your products. Gives your potential customer the hands on opportunities so important in the sales process.

    4. Bridal shows are great relationship builders with customers. Whether the attendee is already your customer or one you would like to have as a customer, you have the opportunity to communicate with them in a non-pressured environment.

    5. Bridal shows allow you to feel the pulse of the industry. Find out what sort of products your prospects are looking for. What are the trends for the year? Take surveys that will help you make buying decisions. Meet other wedding related professionals and extend your networking group.

    6. Bridal shows help build staff morale. When your staff has the opportunity to help your company stand out in the crowd, they feel a stronger loyalty to you. We all like to be on the winning team!

    7. Bridal shows increase your bottom line! Watch your sales increase as the brides contact you after the show ready to purchase your product.

    Exhibiting Tips from BSPi:

    Click HERE to read another great article from BSPi outlining how to conquer the following key exhibiting tips:

    • Pre-Show Promotion
    • Salesmanship
    • Creative Displays
    • Post-show Follow Up

    Exhibiting 101 -- on hiatus

    For the past two years we have been holding Exhibiting 101 seminars during the month of November. Unfortunately we have had to postpone the seminars until a later date.

    The next Exhibiting 101 seminar will take place on April 10, 2008, at 7pm at the Special Moments Chapel in Lewisville. (248 E. Round Grove Rd., Lewisville, TX 75067)

    We will be giving more information later. As in the past, seating will be limited. Once we have the website updated, you will be able to reserve the seminar.

    Thanksgiving Forecast

    Turkeys will thaw in the morning, then warm in the oven to an afternoon high near 190F. The kitchen will turn hot and humid, and if you bother the cook, be ready for a severe squall or cold shoulder.

    During the late afternoon and evening, the cold front of a knife will slice through the turkey, causing an accumulation of one to two inches on plates. Mashed potatoes will drift across one side while cranberry sauce creates slippery spots on the other. Please pass the gravy.

    A weight watch and indigestion warning have been issued for the entire area, with increased stuffiness around the beltway. During the evening, the turkey will diminish and taper off to leftovers, dropping to a low of 34F in the refrigerator.

    Looking ahead to Friday and Saturday, high pressure to eat sandwiches will be established. Flurries of leftovers can be expected both days with a 50 percent chance of scattered soup late in the day. We expect a warming trend where soup develops. By early next week, eating pressure will be low as the only wish left will be the bone.

    Bridal Show Schedule

    Dallas Bridal Show
    January 26-27, 2008
    Dallas Market Hall
    Limited Space Remaining
    Many categories are closed and on a waiting list

    Fort Worth Bridal Show
    February 23-24, 2008
    Amon Carter Exhibit Hall
    Limited Space Remaining
    Many categories are closed and on a waiting list

    Plano Bridal Show
    March 9, 2008
    Plano Centre
    Limited Space Remaining
    Many categories are closed and on a waiting list

    Dallas Bridal Show
    July 12-13, 2008
    Dallas Market Hall

    Fort Worth Bridal Show
    July 19-20, 2008
    Amon Carter Exhibit Hall

    Plano Bridal Show
    September 14, 2008
    Plano Centre

    New Posters Are In!

    If you would like to display our Spring 2008 Schedule Poster, email with the following information:

    Your Name:
    Company Name:
    Street Address:
    City, State, Zip:
    How Many Posters Needed:

    A sample picture of the poster is below.

    Motivational Messages

    "Always serve too much hot fudge sauce on hot fudge sundaes. It makes people overjoyed, and puts them in your debt."

    ~Judith Olney

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