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Bridal Shows, Inc. Newsletter June Edition
June 21, 2007


The hot Texas sun is upon us and summer is now in full swing. We hope everyone is busy with weddings and understand how hectic things can get during these summer months. We are busy preparing for our two bridal shows next month, the Dallas Bridal Show on July 14-15 and the Fort Worth Bridal Show on July 21-22.

Sometimes it is hard to see the need for marketing when you are so busy you can hardly keep up. Many companies make the mistake of skipping the summer bridal shows due to hectic schedules and overbooked weekends. Keep in mind that the marketing you do now at the bridal shows will help you get through the slow autumn months. If there is any way you can hire extra staff to keep you from missing out on the bridal shows now, you will thank yourself later!

in this issue
  • Constant Contact Email Marketing
  • "Exhibiting 101" at the June PWG Meeting
  • Peter Merry at the Dallas Bridal Show!
  • "Merry Mixer" by: Tommy Evans, Specialty Sound
  • Naomi's Notes: Stress Can Be A Great Motivator
    by:Naomi Hulme
  • Lady Elizabeth Candles: Vendor Profile

  • "Exhibiting 101" at the June PWG Meeting

    Have you been thinking about attending a Professional Wedding Guild Luncheon? Next week would be a great time to learn more about this fantastic association as well as learn tips on successfully exhibiting in bridal shows from Bridal Shows, Inc. president and CEO, Naomi Hulme!

    Wednesday, June 27, 2007
    512 West 4th Street, FW, TX 76102

    If you have heard Naomi speak on "Exhibiting 101" before, you will still benefit from her new shorter version that is now more interactive. The seminar includes helpful information for first-time exhibitors and "old-pros." Everyone can learn more about how to gain better results from bridal shows.

    RSVP to attend today!

    Peter Merry at the Dallas Bridal Show!

    Bridal Shows, Inc. is pleased to announce that Peter Merry, author of "The Best Wedding Reception...EVER!" is coming to the Dallas Bridal Show on July 14-15, 2007. Peter will be speaking to brides and promoting his new book which offers ideas and professional insight on how to plan a memorable wedding reception.

    "Peter's new book 'The Best Wedding Reception...EVER!' has been capturing the attention of brides, grooms, and wedding professionals since it was first released in February. In his book, Peter covers every facet of planning a reception that is fun and entertaining - from choosing the time of year, to choosing the right vendors, to choosing your style of exit from the celebration." ~Tommy Evans, Specialty Sound.

    Peter Merry will be speaking at the Dallas Bridal Show stage on Saturday, July 14 at 2:00pm and on Sunday, July 15 at 3:00pm.

    This is just another way that we hope to help educate brides at the bridal show!

    "Merry Mixer" by: Tommy Evans, Specialty Sound

    On July 18th of this year, I am producing an event entitled "The Merry Mixer". Hosted at the Old Red Courthouse, this promises to be one of the biggest events available to both wedding professionals, as well as couples planning their wedding. The evening will begin with a social hour of networking, followed by a presentation by Peter Merry. The material is designed to help those of us in the industry to better serve our clients, and to help our clients have "The Best Wedding Reception...EVER!"

    Hors d'oeuvres and valet parking are included, as well as two drinks (compliments of The Perfect Wedding Guide). There will also be door prize drawings and goodie bags.

    For more information, and to register, please visit, or give me a call at 817-577- 3595. Feel free to pass this information on to any associations that you belong to, as well as to your clientele.

    I hope to see you there!

    ~Tommy Evans, Specialty Sound

    Bridal Shows, Inc. is one of the proud Platinum Sponsors supporting this event.

    Naomi's Notes: Stress Can Be A Great Motivator
    by:Naomi Hulme

    When managed properly, stress can create positive results. We all experience various levels of stress, and some handle those levels differently. In committing yourself to running a business or working for someone and doing your best, it creates a lot of demand on a person's physical and mental drive. How we deal with these demands is up to us. There are natural responses to stress which are triggered by reactions in the brain. Books on stress management explain the phases that we go through when stress happens. The heart pumps faster and blood is increased. According to Michael T. Murray, N.D.'s book "Stress, Anxiety & Insomnia," "while the effects of adrenal cortex hormones are quite necessary when the body is faced with danger, prolongation of the resistance reaction due to continued stress increases the risk of significant disease, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer, and results in the final stage of the general adaptation syndrome, exhaustion." Be careful of too much of the wrong stress. This can do some damage.

    Prepare for stress. It is going to happen anyway, so why not get ready for it and be prepared ahead of time before it happens? Each stressful situation can be another learning opportunity. We can get past whatever stressed us by recognizing it and figuring out a way to get through it as easily as possible. Practice what you find works for you and add other stress management principles each time so that you have different ideas to use and help reduce those stressful times. Hopefully by doing so, you will find it to be easier each time.

    Remain calm when you feel stressed about anything. Try to think clearly and breathe deeply--a lot. Many times it may not be as bad as we thought. We want to take care of our mind and body so that we can handle any situation that arises with a positive outlook and a calm demeanor.

    Being grateful helps reduce stress because it makes us focus on our blessings instead of focusing on the stress.

    Celebrate any achievement, even if it is small.

    Smile. Take a long walk with someone you love. Watch a funny movie. Take a bubble bath. Read a calming book. Listen to soft music.

    Take breaks when you can. Sometimes you are right on a deadline and cannot just stop, but concentrate on finding time for relaxing your mind. Breaks help rejuvenate your body and mind so that you can feel refreshed and pumped again to get back out there.

    It is very helpful to take time away from work, even if they are a few days here and there. Taking a real vacation to get away from the norm at least once a year is vital. Your mind and body will start adjusting to knowing that is going to happen and relieves some of the daily stress just knowing that this real vacation is going to take place each year. During that vacation, your whole being adjusts to "It's okay to take some time for me." It really does help you to come back refreshed with even more ideas.

    If you are like me and your mind will not shut up, even at night, you probably have a difficult time sleeping. Doing without caffeine has helped tremendously. Since Christmas time (Bonnie gave me this idea), I have found that if I read something totally different than a business book, like a novel or a magazine, on some nights for about 20 to 30 minutes, that it shifts my mind from business and puts it into another non-thinking frame of mind. If I cannot sleep all night, I get up and write things down. Many ideas have come to me during those short sleep nights over the years. From many years of this, I have accumulated so many ideas that we have used, which some have turned into the workbook and seminars, and now I have a book in progress. So you see, even though this is a challenge, something very good has come out of it.

    Stress can motivate us to get things done quick, on time, tasks completed, etc. Work at completing as many useful tasks as you can each day and crossing them off the list. Knowing your priorities daily and going through that list will keep you on track better. Focusing on each task until it is done will definitely relieve some stress. Don't think about the whole pile, just the task at hand. Some people have to move the pile elsewhere so that it does not keep calling at them while they are doing one task--Whatever works for you.

    Take a real break after a long period of consuming stress.

    Sometimes, stress is caused by a fear that we have at that moment. Take your fears by the horns and find the purpose in overcoming whatever fear it is. You will feel much better and healthier.

    If change is to happen to relieve any stress, change what you can and accept what you cannot change. Remember the Serenity Prayer?

    "Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

    Other Books on Stress:
    "Stress Free for Good," by Dr. Fred Luskin and Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier.
    "Stress Reduction for Busy People," by Dawn Groves
    "Stress Management for Busy People,"by Carol Turkington

    Lady Elizabeth Candles: Vendor Profile

    Lady Elizabeth candles are quickly gaining attention for their scents that infuse a room with luxurious fragrance. Lady Elizabeth candles truly are "Luxurious Home Fragrances that Come Beautifully Wrapped"! Indeed, each candle is hand wrapped in an organza type fabric and finished off with an organza/satin ribbon. These candles come so beautifully packaged they are instantly a delight to anyone who has been the recipient or giver of one of these beautiful candles.

    Lady Elizabeth candles are now being introduced to the wedding industry as gifts for the wedding party, hostess gifts, and any other opportunity the bride sees fit. Wedding Companies can also use the candles as appreciation gifts for their clients and business contacts.

    Each candle is hand-poured using only the finest grade candle oils and paraffin wax. This Keller, Texas based manufacturer is quickly gaining a loyal following of both customers and retailers. For information, photos, or product samples, please contact us.

    You will be able to see Lady Elizabeth Candles at the Dallas Bridal Show on July 14-15 and the Fort Worth Bridal Show on July 21-22!

    Sharelle Alaimo
    (682) 551-2125

    Constant Contact Email Marketing

    As email marketing is becoming more and more popular many people are turning to companies that assist in the email campaign process. You will find that there are many options to choose from when using a mass email service. Bridal Shows, Inc. has been a customer of Constant Contact for over a year and a half and we have found an increase in success and efficiency as a result of it. Many other companies in our industry have begun using this service as well and occasionally they will ask for advice concerning the company.

    Just a Few Benefits of Constant Contact:

    • Create professional looking emails that include your company logo, photos, and links to various websites.
    • For me, the highest benefit is how quickly you are able to stay in touch with thousands of contacts.
    • Offer Coupons or discounts via email
    • Convert mailing lists easily to Constant Contact Groups
    • Allow your contacts to "unsubscribe" if no longer interested in receiving emails
    Constant Contact Tips:
    • Use colorful images and photos to attract attention
    • Keep your message as brief as possible for highest readability
    • Track the activity from your email campaign through the "Reports" provided by Constant Contact
    • If mailing to a large list, include a disclaimer at the top of your email reminding recipients about how you received their information. (This helps reduce spam reports which I will touch on more in a minute)
    • Use the campaign to draw activity to your website. Always encourage traffic with a link!
    • Use the Spell Check tool and have someone double check your work before sending
    • Include a link on your website to "Add to Mailing List"

    Another benefit of Constant Contact is that they are a highly reputable company that protects against spam mail. Because of this they will track any spam alerts that are raised by your recipients. We have learned that when you are sending to a high volume of brides you must always remember the following three rules:

    1. Include a Disclaimer. Give the brides the opportunity to unsubscribe and remind them of how you got their information
    2. Keep lists current. Delete old lists unless they are clients you wish to continue doing business with. Brides from one to two years ago may see your email as spam because they are already married.
    3. Check your Email Reports to keep track of Spam Alarms. Constant Contact allows for 1 spam alarm for every 1,000 recipients. If you are over this number, call their help line for further advice.

    Overall I have been impressed by Constant Contact's User-Friendly site and great customer service. If you have any questions regarding Bridal Shows, Inc.'s use of Constant Contact please feel free to call me at 972-713-9920 ext. 105

    Bonnie Crumpton
    Newsletter Editor

    Limited Space Remaining!

    There is still time to reserve your booth at one of our upcoming shows this summer. The Dallas Bridal Show on July 14-15, the Fort Worth Bridal Show on July 21-22, and the Plano Bridal Show on September 16 are closing categories quickly so make the call today to find out if there is still an opportunity available for your company!


    Bridal Show Schedule

    Dallas Bridal Show
    July 14-15, 2007
    Dallas Market Hall

    Fort Worth Bridal Show
    July 21-22, 2007
    Amon Carter Exhibit Hall

    Plano Bridal Show
    September 16, 2007
    Plano Centre

    Dallas Bridal Show
    January 26-27, 2008
    Dallas Market Hall

    Fort Worth Bridal Show
    February 23-24, 2008
    Amon Carter Exhibit Hall

    Plano Bridal Show
    March 9, 2008
    Plano Centre

    Dallas Bridal Show
    July 12-13, 2008
    Dallas Market Hall

    Fort Worth Bridal Show
    July 19-20, 2008
    Amon Carter Exhibit Hall

    Plano Bridal Show
    September 14, 2008
    Plano Centre

    New Posters are in!

    If you would like to display our 2007-2008 Schedule Poster, email with the following information:

    Your Name:
    Company Name:
    Street Address:
    City, State, Zip:
    How Many Posters Needed:

    A picture of the poster is below.

    Motivational Message

    "I am not drowning in a sea of opportunity, but I am swimming very hard.."

    ~Frances Hesselbein

    "Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises."


    "Undertake to do something that is difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow."

    ~Ronald E. Osborng

    Tips for your Brides!

    As you invite your brides to come visit the upcoming bridal shows, direct them to our website to view a short video containing tips for what to do at a bridal show!

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    phone: (972) 713-9920