We truly hope this month has brought everyone some
Saint Patty's luck! But in reality we all know that
nothing comes easy. The best things in life have to be
worked for. We strive everyday to meet our goals in
both our business and personal lives. The road to
success can oftentimes be difficult, but that just
makes the victory all the more sweet!
Please let us know if there is any way we can assist
you as you journey down that road. We are so blessed
to be able to help businesses achieve the growth they
are searching for.
In Memory of Pat Bielss |
Pat Bielss of Eagle Sound Entertainment ended her
fight with breast cancer on March 7, 2007. She will be
sorely missed, not only by her family (her husband
Otto, and her son and
business partner, Paul) but by the entire
wedding industry.
Bridal Shows, Inc. had the privilege of working with
Pat for many years. Her positive attitude made her a
joy to work with and we will always remember her.
In honor of her memory we are making a donation to
the Susan G. Komen Foundation in her name. If you
would like to contribute to this donation, please
contact us before NOON on Friday, March 30, 2007.
Please include the Bielss family and Eagle Sound
Entertainment in your thoughts and prayers as they
struggle through this difficult time.
Summer Shows 2007 |
Spring has just arrived and summer is right around
the corner. We are busy getting ready for the next set
of bridal shows beginning in July. Many of the brides
from the spring shows will also attend the shows this
summer now that they are ready to book vendors as
well as new brides that are either planning a
fall/winter wedding or planning in advance for a 2008
summer wedding! Join the fun, but act quickly as
several categories are already closing out.
Dallas Bridal Show
Dallas Market Hall
July 14-15, 2007
Fort Worth Bridal Show
Amon Carter Exhibit Hall
July 21-22, 2007
Plano Bridal Show
Plano Centre
September 16, 2007
Plano Bridal Show: Review |
The Plano Bridal on March 13, 2007 was a great
success. Nearly 100 wedding companies met face-to-
face with 388 registered brides out of 1,416
attendees. Drawing mostly from the Collin County
area, the Plano Bridal Show has built a reputation for
bringing in a high-end clientale. Please call us if you
have not already signed up for the next Plano Bridal
Show on September 16. We are already over 75% full
that show!
The tallies are in and we have the winners from
the coupon contest at the Plano Bridal Show! (Prizes
will be awarded on the Plano Bridal Show in
September of
- First place: Perfect Wedding Guide--FREE
10 x 10 booth space
- Second Place: Grand Events--$300
- Third Place:Could have been YOU! Not
many companies participated in the contest this
time... so someone missed out on a discount! Make
sure you pass out coupons every time to help bring
brides to the show.
Thank You...
A Special Thanks to Gerry White with
Roe & White Photography for his photography skills
at the Plano Bridal Show. We will be posting his work
at by the end of the week.
Wedding Business FOR SALE |
Beautiful, one of a kind wedding invitation and
accessory boutique in the north Dallas galleria area is
seeking a new owner. Established in 2000,
profitability continues to increase every year. This
company would easily compliment many types of
exciting wedding related businesses or continue to
operate as a stand alone business. $85K (includes
inventory, furniture, fixtures & good will). Call April at
Wedding Essentials (972-386-9890) for more
information. Serious inquiries only.
Naomi's Notes: Are You A Professional? by Naomi Hulme |
Do you consider yourself to be a professional? Do
others consider you to be a professional? What
comes to mind when you think about whether you or
someone else is a professional?
In Webster’s, the definition of “professional” reads as
follows: of, engaged in, or worthy of the high
standards of a profession, designating or of a school,
esp. a graduate school, offering instruction in a
profession, earning one’s living from an activity, such
as a sport, not normally thought of as an occupation,
engaged in by professional players, engaged in a
specified occupation for pay or as a means of
livelihood, being such in the manner of one practicing
a profession, a person who engages in some art,
sport, etc. for money, esp. as a means of livelihood,
rather than as a hobby, a person who does something
with great skill.
Hopefully, some of the following questions will get you
to thinking and re-evaluating your thoughts and ideas.
- Do you set your goals higher than you can
accomplish this year? This week? Today? Why set
your goals for something you know you can do? Do
you complete those projects on time and on budget?
- Do you continue to seek knowledge? You
probably have heard the phrase “knowledge is
power.” Just because you may not be required to
do “continued education,” should you? Our society
and industry is ever-changing, so we have to keep
learning and gain more wisdom today than yesterday.
(“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the life
long attempt to acquire it,” by Albert Einstein)
- Do you consider yourself an optimist? (“An
optimist is someone who goes after Moby Dick in a
rowboat and takes the tartar sauce with him,” by Zig
Ziglar) (“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every
opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every
difficulty,” by Sir Winston Churchill)
- Are you a person of excellence?
- Are you honest? Ethical? Accountable?
- Are you helping to set a higher standard for your
- Do you plan ahead? What do your “to-do” lists
look like?
- Do you budget appropriately?
- How are you with managing your time? One of
our speakers for the trade show, Sarah Zink, will not
be able to speak at this upcoming event unless
something changes. She has a great newsletter that
she sends out. Her March newsletter titled “Stop
Chasing the Clock!” is something you might want to
read. Her website is
- Do you have an attitude of helping others
accomplish their goals?
- How are you in making tough decisions? Not
everyone will agree with you in all of your decisions—
just accept that. Sometimes you have to shake up
your business a little to move forward.
- What order are your priorities? Who and what fits
in to those priorities? God? Work? Family? Friends?
If we pay attention to striving always to be a better
professional, we will know what to do and what not to
do. We will make some mistakes along the way and
that is okay. A professional learns from those
mistakes and moves forward and does the right thing
the next time.
Speaking of being a professional in the Wedding
Industry, A new book that you will want to read is
titled, “The Best Wedding Reception--Ever!” In talking
with the author, Peter Merry, you can go to the website and link
to to purchase the book. Even though
the main focus is for the wedding reception, this is a
book that you will want to recommend to brides so
they can understand the need to hire a professional in
every aspect of the wedding, and then use your
services, of course. It will also help you to rethink how
serious you are in the business that you have.
Enjoy being a professional!
Wedding Industry Trade Show |
Wed. and Thurs.
May 16-17, 2007
Plano Centre
By now everyone should have heard about the 2nd
annual Wedding Industry Trade Show on May 16-17,
2007 at the Plano Centre. Because this is still a
fairly new event there has been
some confusion as to what the trade show is. Unlike a
consumer show (such as the bridal shows), the
Wedding Industry Trade Show is closed to the public
and all the speakers and exhibitors are geared
towards building and marketing your bridal business.
It is a two-day business to business conference full of
educational opportunities for the wedding
professional! The very affordable admission price of
$49.00 per person includes 8 informative seminars,
networking opportunities, and an exhibit floor featuring
businesses ready to help you grow. You also have the
option of purchasing the catered lunch at which table-
topic discussions will be held.
Plan on being there and be there the entire two days
for an
educational experience unlike any other.
We are currently taking registrations, so sign up today
to attend!
Visit the website to download the registration form
and fax it to us at 972-713-9996 as soon as possible.
Feel free to contact us with any questions related to
the trade show. We are very excited about how this
conference will build the industry, and help you build
your business.
Happy Anniversary Tracy! |
Tracy Kopinski has been with Bridal Shows, Inc. 4
years as of March 23! Tracy helps keep us running
smoothly as our Administrative Manager and a part-
time Account Executive. Next time you talk to Tracy be
sure to thank her for all of her hard work.
We appreciate you Tracy!
"Your Success is Down to You!" |
by: Robert Warlow,
Small Business Success
With stock market values, concerns over pensions
and house prices, we have plenty of things to keep us
awake at night! But a lot of us have more mundane
things to get worked up about – the advertising
campaign which doesn’t appear to be working,
margins getting squeezed, the customer who took up
hours of your time and never bought anything, your van
breaking down just when you needed it most, no cash
in the Bank!
Who is to blame for all of these misfortunes? The
usual response is the Government, the tax man, the
ungrateful customer, the mechanic, your next door
neighbor, your partner. Everyone else in the world is to
blame except -- you! All too quickly you try and find
someone else to blame for our little problems in life.
You find reasons to justify why it has nothing to do with
What people don’t realize is that by continually
blaming ‘them’ you are actually preventing yourself
from moving forward, trapped in a spiral of negativity,
forever the victim. All success-focused people take
personal responsibility for the events that happen to
them, for the decisions they make. They understand
that by not taking responsibility they will never resolve
anything. They have a belief that everything they have
in life, good or bad, is as a result of their actions. As a
result, they never stop still; they never pause to lay
blame; they are continually moving forward, not being
held back by ‘them’.
So what can you do to start accepting responsibility for
what happens in your life and regain control? Next
time, before you start blaming others pause and
ask, “What have I contributed to produce this result?”
And then more importantly, ask, “What can I do to put it
right or stop it happening again?”
Always take responsibility for what you have in your life
and give yourself the opportunity and permission to
grow. Be responsible for your own success!
Robert Warlow
� Small Business Success
Wedding Industry Trade Show presents...
Bryan Dodge
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
10:00am to 11:00am
here to register!
Bryan probably holds the record of being the busiest
speaker in the United States. A popular choice for
conferences and conventions, last year alone he
made well over 300 speaking appearances all across
the United States and Canada. He is the author of
several professional development programs
including, How to Build a Better You, How to
Build a Complete Sales Person, and How to
Build a Purpose Guided Life, as well as being the
co-author of the book Becoming the Obvious
What You Can Expect to Learn
Bryan Dodge will deliver his inspirational
message, "How to Build a Better You" in his
high energy delivery style that everyone will benefit
from. He will focus on the key areas of personal
development. This program will inspire you to have
consistent upward growth in your life and in your
career. He will present the E.A.T. Philosophy which
will enable you to have a positive outlook and will also
teach you the importance of dealing with every
problem on its time. Bryan will reveal the three main
laws of leadership and conclude with the power of
personal energy and where it comes from. Bryan's
program is refreshing and entertaining, yet informative
and educational. His lively and spirited delivery style
will make this event a very memorable learning
Testimonies from Past Appearances
"Bryan, many thanks for conducting a terrific
seminar at yesterday's conference. Rarely does one
get an opportunity to learn so much in such a short
time." ~ Sam Zurawel, Merril Lynch
"Bryan, you have impacted our lives and touched
us for the better to influence people in a positive way
and make our world a happier place for all of us." ~Liz
Butler, Henry S. Miller Co.
"Bryan, today I was truly awakened, literally,
spiritually, and intellectually! Your energy and
enthusiasm is very refreshing. Keep up the great
work!" ~Carol R. Davis, Women's Business
Bridal Show Schedule
Dallas Bridal Show
July 14-15, 2007
Dallas Market Hall
Fort Worth Bridal Show
July 21-22, 2007
Amon Carter Exhibit Hall
Plano Bridal Show
September 16, 2007
Plano Centre
Dallas Bridal Show
January 26-27, 2008
Dallas Market Hall
Fort Worth Bridal Show
February 23-24, 2008
Amon Carter Exhibit Hall
Plano Bridal Show
March 9, 2008
Plano Centre
Dallas Bridal Show
July 12-13, 2008
Dallas Market Hall
Plano Bridal Show
September 14, 2008
Plano Centre
New Posters will be in soon!
If you would like to display
our 2007 Summer Schedule Poster, email with the
following information:
Your Name:
Company Name:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
How Many Posters Needed:
A sample of the poster is below. (current show
dates will be included on posters)
Motivational Message
"Losers make promises they often break. Winners
make commitments they always keep."
~Denis Waitley
Have a LAUGH!
Jacob addresses the man behind the
counter: "Are you the owner?"
The pharmacist answers "Yes."
Jacob: "We're about to get married. Do you sell
heart medication?"
Pharmacist: "Of course we do."
Jacob: "How about medicine for circulation?"
Pharmacist: "All kinds."
Jacob: "Medicine for rheumatism, scoliosis? "
Pharmacist: "Definitely."
Jacob: "How about Viagra?"
Pharmacist: "Of course."
Jacob: "Medicine for memory problems, arthritis,
Pharmacist: "Yes, a large variety. The works."
Jacob: "What about vitamins, sleeping pills,
Geritol, antidotes for
Parkinson's disease?"
Pharmacist: "Absolutely."
Jacob: "You sell wheelchairs and walkers?"
Pharmacist: "All speeds and sizes."
Jacob says to the pharmacist:
"We'd like to use this store as our Bridal Registry."