After two tours of duty to Iraq, Billy was ready to marry
the girl of his dreams, Jessica. The two had been
planning a wedding for the summer of 2007 when
Billy got the call for a third tour. Understandably both
were devastated and Jessica was determined to not
let Billy go back to Iraq without her being his wife. With
only a few days to plan a wedding during the busiest
time of the year, Billy and Jessica were determined to
have a Valentine's Day wedding.
When Jessica's cousin contacted the Wake Up with
The Wolf Morning show Monday February 12th asking
for help, the Wolf immediately responded to make the
wedding happen live on the air! Meanwhile Naomi of
Bridal Shows, Inc.
was driving to work listening to the morning show and
being touched by the couples' plight
knew that the vendors from the Fort Worth and Dallas
Bridal Shows could help this special couple.
Sure enough several of our vendors stepped up to the
last minute to create a memorable Valentine's Day
A very special thanks goes out to the following
- Dwayne with Southern Flair Photography--
- Denice and Rochelle with Wrapped Around You--
- Ryan with Blink Media--videography
- Ruthie with Delicious Cakes--cake
- Barbara with Flowers of Las Colinas--bridal
bouquet and boutonnieres
- Don with Premier Transportation--limo
Whenever opportunities like this come along we
on a very tight time schedule to put everything together
and we appreciate everyone that jumped
so quickly to make this happen.
CLICK HERE to view pictures
from the
wedding. (Courtesy of Southern Flair Photography)
Username: The Wolf Wedding
Password: 4366
Plano Bridal Show:
Limited Space
Because space is limited due to the size of the Plano
Centre, we are running out of room for the Plano
Bridal Show on March 11, 2007. There are only a few
spaces remaining for the show, so if you are not
already signed up and would like to be an exhibitor,
call us today to find out if there is still an availability for
your company!
Exhibitor Surverys!
Thank you to all of our exhibitors that completed the
emailable surveys we sent out. We would like to
congratulate our winners from the
drawing we did from the surveys submitted from each
2006 bridal show!
- Dallas January 2006: Sweet Memories Cakes &
- Fort Worth February 2006: Silver Screen
- Plano March 2006: Hilton Garden Inn
- Dallas July 2006: Cayman Islands Dept. of
- Fort Worth July 2006: Southern Flair
- Plano September 2006: Dallas Woman's
All winners will receive a $100 gift certificate to
Bennigan's! Call us to arrange picking up your prize.
Wedding Industry Trade Show
The first set of postcard invitations for this event
will be sent out within the next two weeks. If you do not
receive one, please email us with your complete
information so we can add you to the next mailing
Please visit our
website to learn more about this unique 2-day
conference to help build your business.
Schedule time to be there both days:
May 16-17, 2007 (Wed-Thurs)
Plano Centre, Plano, TX
If you have any
questions, please call James Nutt at 972-713-9920
ext. 106.
Renowned inspirational speaker Bryan Dodge
gave a brief 23 minute version on "How to Build a
Better You" at the February meeting of JWI. If you
would like the full version, please join us at the
Wedding Industry Trade Show on May 16th where
Bryan will begin the day at 10:00am. To learn more
about Bryan Dodge, other speakers and events,
please visit our website at
2007 Bridal Show Schedule
Fort Worth Bridal Show
February 24-25, 2007
Amon Carter Exhibit Hall
Plano Bridal Show
March 11, 2007
Plano Centre
Dallas Bridal Show
July 14-15, 2007
Dallas Market Hall
Fort Worth Bridal Show
July 21-22, 2007
Amon Carter Exhibit Hall
Plano Bridal Show
September 16, 2007
Plano Centre
To help you in planning ahead... 2008 show dates are
as follows:
Dallas Bridal Show
January 26-27, 2008
Dallas Market Hall
Fort Worth Bridal Show
February 23-24, 2008
Amon Carter Exhibit Hall
Plano Bridal Show
March 9, 2008
Plano Centre
Dallas Bridal Show
July 12-13, 2008
Dallas Market Hall
Plano Bridal Show
September 14, 2007
Plano Centre
We will let you know about the Fort Worth Bridal
Show July dates as soon as they are available.
New Posters Are In!
If you would like to display
our 2007 Schedule Poster, email with the
following information:
Your Name:
Company Name:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
How Many Posters Needed:
A sample of the poster is below. (current show
dates included)
Motivational Messages
"There are three things that are real: God, human
tragedy, and laughter. Since we cannot understand
completely the first two, we must do with the third,
~John F. Kennedy
"Everything precious including our dignity can be
taken from us but one thing that cannot be taken away
is our power to choose what attitude we will take
toward the events that have happened."
~Victor Frankl