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Bridal Shows, Inc. Newsletter July Edition
July 20, 2006


Ok, you caught us! We missed the June Newsletter! So much has been happening around here we just couldn't keep up. Hopefully an information packed July Newsletter will make up for the loss.

It's already been a successful summer despite the heat. The Dallas July Bridal Show on July 8-9 was fantastic thanks to all of our hardworking vendors. Read more about the show in the article included.

We're busy preparing for the Fort Worth Bridal Show this weekend, July 22-23, 2006 at the Amon Carter Exhibit Hall. For those of you that are not exhibiting, stop by to see what a great marketing experience this event is for Tarrant County brides!

in this issue
  • 7 Keys In Getting Your Prospects To Act
  • Dallas Bridal Show: Review
  • Wedding Industry Trade Show
  • Marketing Campaign
  • Naomi's Notes:"Don't Give Up"
    by Naomi Hulme
  • Company Profile: The Southern Bulb Co.
  • Goodbye Laura, we'll miss you!
  • Have a laugh!

  • Dallas Bridal Show: Review

    On July 8-9, 2006, at Dallas Market Hall, the Dallas Bridal Show hosted over 1,850 brides out of a total of 6,100 attendees. Over 300 companies benefitted from meeting one-on-one with potential customers and gained a valuable lead source to work for months to come!

    Thanks to everyone who helped to make this a successful show, but keep in mind although the show is over, the work is just beginning. Design a plan to continually follow-up on your leads in order to keep your company name on the fore-front of their minds as they make various wedding plans over the next year(s).


    The tallies are in and we have the winners from the coupon contest at the Dallas Bridal Show! (Prizes will be awarded on the Dallas Bridal Show in January of 2007)

    1. First place: Perfect Wedding Guide--FREE 10 x 10 booth space
    2. Second Place: Premier Bride--$300 off
    3. Third Place: LuLu's Bridal Boutique--$150 off

    Thanks to everyone who participated in this contest You are all winners because you helped bring more brides to your booth at the show!

    Thank You...

    A Special Thanks to Gerry White with Roe & White Photography for his photography skills at the Dallas Bridal Show. Click below to see some of his photos of the show!

    Wedding Industry Trade Show

    Plan early! The second annual Wedding Industry Trade Show has been scheduled:

    May 16-17, 2007
    Wednesday & Thursday
    Plano Centre

    We look forward to really growing this event to become an essential tool for wedding business owners. Mark these dates in your calendar and plan to be there both days. Planning is in progress for seminars, networking , table-topic discussions, and of course booth exhibits to benefit business owners!

    One seminar that is already scheduled is with keynote speaker Bryan Dodge. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be inspired to grow personally and professionally.

    If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for this event, please contact Naomi at 972-713-9920.

    Marketing Campaign
    marketing campaign

    Bridal Shows, Inc. has proven success in it's mass marketing campaign for each show. Our customers can rest assured that their money is going to work for them in the avenue of advertising. After nearly two decades of producing consumer trade shows, Naomi Hulme has learned about the DFW market and what it takes to advertise well here.

    As a business owner you know it is important to not rely on just one or two forms of advertising. We also understand that in order to reach the most people, we utilize many proven methods and media sources.

    View the logos above to see which radio and tv stations were used to advertise the Dallas and Fort Worth Bridal Shows in July. Also check out the marketing campaigns for each show listed below:

    Dallas Bridal Show:

    Radio: Radio: 102.1 The Edge, 106.1 Kiss FM, 94.9 KLTY, KVIL 103.7 Lite FM, 99.5 The Wolf, Radio Hum Tum

    Television: Fox 4, WFAA 8, CBS 11

    Newspaper: Dallas Morning News

    Billboards: Clear Channel (8 boards), Flight Marketing Group (1 large board), Dallas Daily Billboards (3 locations)

    Other: Bridal Shows Inc. website, posters throughout the city, emailing campaigns to registered brides as well as past attendance, various calendar listings.

    Fort Worth Bridal Show:

    Radio: 102.1 The Edge, 106.1 Kiss FM, 94.9 KLTY, KVIL 103.7 Lite FM, 99.5 The Wolf

    Television: Fox 4, WFAA 8, WB 33

    Billboards: Clear Channel (8 boards), Arrington Outdoor (1 large board), Flight Marketing Group (1 large board)

    Other: Bridal Shows Inc. website, posters throughout the city, emailing campaigns to registered brides as well as past attendance, various calendar listings.

    Naomi's Notes:"Don't Give Up"
    by Naomi Hulme

    It is known in the business world that 10% of companies will go out of business each year. Not everyone is meant to own a business, and that is okay. Many have tried and have realized it is easier and better for them to work for someone else. If you don’t want to deal with the risks and pressures of so many responsibilities of running a business, don’t stress yourself out by doing so.

    How will you keep from being part of the above mentioned 10%? There are many factors that keep someone in business.

    1. If you do commit to running a business, take it serious and do it right. It will take a lot of capital, time, sweat, tears, and working a whole lot more hours than you would working for someone else. However doing so over a long period of time can be a very rewarding experience. Think positive all of the time.

    2. Having a clear sense of focus and a purpose are two of the keys to get through the daily challenges. When we have a purpose, we will give it our all and even lose a lot of sleep trying our best to make it work.

    3. Being able to foresee any obstacles, which there always are, gives us the ability to plan and manage profit and loss.

    4. Marketing your brand, product, or company is critical to anyone staying in business. Look at Coca- Cola as an example. Everyone knows what the taste of a Coke is and clearly knows the brand name. Coca- Cola does not stop reminding you of their name. It is imperative for them to keep this marketing in their budget no matter what.

    5. Have a daily system to present your product or service to produce revenue.

    6. Be honest. Others will learn to trust you and respect you.

    7. Make mistakes. We all do! Learn from them and strive to do better the next time. Work smart.

    8. Think on your feet quickly. Sometimes we have to make immediate decisions that can either cost us or help make a profit, depending on the choice we make.

    9. Spend time growing yourself. Learn from books, seminars, other successful business owners, or anyone that can give you positive guidance. Don’t ever stop learning.

    10. Networking. Let others know about what you do and work to also help them. This takes time and practice, but can be very beneficial.

    11. Pray. God can give us strength to make it through anything.

    12. Love what you do, including the business side of it.

    There are many other things that could be added to this list, which include constant budgeting, employees, training, insurance to protect your business (general liability, workmen’s comp, employer’s practice liability, business auto, hired/non- owned auto, etc.), taxes, office space, managing overhead costs, brochures, promotional items, coming up with new ideas, and many more. We will try to cover some of these in a later newsletter.

    The main ingredient for anyone serious about staying in business is to never give up. Yes, it does mean that you will be working hard. See challenges as opportunities to learn something. Keep working smart and see yourself as a winner!

    Company Profile: The Southern Bulb Co.

    Looking to provide your bride-to-be with something more than the typical “Me-too” wedding favors? (“Oh, you gave those as gifts at your wedding...Me too.”) Well, look no further than the Southern Bulb Company which offers beautiful flower bulbs as wedding favors and save-the-dates. Southern Bulbs, unlike others on the market, are perennials, thrive in the South, and will spread and return in larger numbers year after year (much like the love between the bride and groom!).

    We polish every bulb, offer three types of packaging including burlap bags, satin and tulle (both in a variety of colors), and create tags with the bride’s and groom’s names on the front along with the wedding date. Symbolism and planting instructions are printed on the back.

    Suggestions include giving each guest two bulbs that symbolize the bride and the groom, three bulbs that represent the Trinity, or the same number of bulbs as years the couple has dated. Also, depending on the wedding date, we offer bulbs that will bloom every year in the same month as the wedding to remind guests of the couple’s anniversary, or we can provide bulbs as save-the-dates that will bloom the month before as a reminder of the upcoming occasion.

    We understand that every bride has different wants and needs, so we do our best to meet budgets while exceeding expectations. We can package the bulbs or ship the materials, create custom tags or use our standard template, offer ideas or take suggestions; ultimately, our overall involvement depends on the requests of the bride.

    Southern Bulb Company Unique Favors for Special Occasions

    Goodbye Laura, we'll miss you!

    When Laura got married in March of 2006, and moved to Rowlett, we knew it was only a matter of time before she grew weary of the long commute and moved on to new endeavors. Laura Williams has been with Bridal Shows, Inc. for over 2 years and has brought so much to this company. We love you Laura and keep in touch!!

    Have a laugh!

    A little girl at a wedding asked, "Mommy, why do brides always wear white?" The mom replied, "Because they're happy, dear."

    Halfway through the wedding the girl whispered, "Mommy, if brides wear white because they're happy, then why do men wear black?"

    " I told someone I was getting married, and they said, 'Have you picked a date yet?' I said, 'Wow, you can bring a date to your own wedding?" What a country!" - Yakov Smirnoff

    7 Keys In Getting Your Prospects To Act

    By:Ray Edwards

    Today I would like to look at the matter of persuasion. How do you get your prospects to take action?

    I remember as a door-to-door salesman, my instructor often said that you must understand 'why people buy'. It has a certain ring to it doesn't it? If you know why people buy then you must gear your ads towards these 'psychological buttons'.

    Before I go any further, I would just like to mention that this is in no way 'manipulation'. It's just common sense that you don't approach someone about an important decision when they're angry. Every wise wife knows how to place their husband in that 'mood' before they spring their special request on him!

    Even kids wait until their parents are in a good mood before they tell them the cost of the special outfit that they MUST have.

    Having cleared the air let's look at these important principles.

    1. Scarcity
    People go after those opportunities or products that are limited in availability. That's why you must show in your ad that your offer is for a limited time or in limited quantities. Field tests have shown that limited- quantity ads pull much better than limited-time ads. Procrastination is still a large part of human nature, so there're always those who would wait until the last minute to act. If the prospect knows that the item is in limited quantity, there's no way of determining when they'd be all sold out.

    2. Herding Instinct
    Your prospects will better respond to your ad if you can show that people JUST LIKE them are responding. Just recently a high school senior knocked on my door selling magazine subscription for a college scholarship program. She used that number on me - she was sure to let me know that my neighbours had bought subscriptions! We all just want to keep up with our neighbours. Needless to say, I fell for it. Whether I would read the magazine is another story.

    I often point this out to my wife and you can try looking for this pattern as well. You would seldom find a satellite dish on a single home on a block. You often find dish receivers in pairs or more. One neighbour gets that service and the other follows. The same goes for gardens and lawns. Nobody wants to be the sore thumb! This is where the use of testimonials comes in. Your testimonials say "See, a lot of people like you are making this decision". Use lots of testimonials.

    3. The desire to pay back a good deed
    If someone thinks that you've given him or her something of value then there is a strong desire to pay you back the favour. One example is that of AOL that marketed their service by giving away those floppy disks. They literally blanketed the USA with these floppy disks. They still do but now with CDs and 1000 hrs free etc. Do you think that this is working for AOL?

    In your marketing efforts you must give something of value FIRST - this builds loyalty and results. Always show the value of what your 'free' service is - never just say 'FREE'. Show the value of the gift then say that it is free. This is important because you want the person to place value on your bonus.

    4. Authority
    People will listen to you if they see that you have authority on your subject. There was a TV commercial that used this line - "My son-in-law recommended that I take _____ for my heartburn. Why should I listen to him you say? He's a doctor".

    You may think that you do not have authority on what you are advertising. In this case appeal to authority figures - quote from a respected journal, expert ... you get the idea.

    5. Commitment
    If someone has made a PUBLIC commitment to something then they are more likely to follow through. Find some way of getting someone to make a commitment and he or she's more likely to follow through than if they did not. That's why any motivational trainer would tell you that it's important to WRITE your goals down -you are more likely to complete them!

    Just today I received a sales letter in the mail for which I had to send for free information. My physical act of commitment was to peel a nice red label marked "free" and place it in a designated spot on the mail back card. Now you know why they make you do this little silly stuff.

    Only if weddings worked the same way!

    6. Your 'likability'
    People would respond to your offer if they like you. It's hard to sell to someone to whom you have no relationship even if it's just a 'perceived' relationship. This is one of the most overlooked areas of marketing on the Internet.

    The Internet can seem a little cold sometimes. I've found that even after making email contact with my prospect I still have to make voice contact before they sign up for my offers. At the same time the Internet is a wonderful tool to build relationships through emails, message boards, instant messages ... the list goes on. It's a known fact that someone would buy from you if THEY think that YOU like them. Give people value, more than they expect and you have a customer for life!

    7. The eternal "what's in it for me?" principle
    As your prospect read your ad this is the question they are seeking an answer to. Make sure that you give them plenty of answers. Appeal to their desire for recognition, wealth, better health, and security - yes all those nice things on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - all the way up to self-actualization. (Check out a Psychology 101 text book if you are not familiar with Maslow -you will glad you did.) But do not forget to appeal to their FEAR of pain and loss.

    Field research has shown that people are more responsive to loss than gain. Be sure to show them what they would LOSE if they don't get your product.

    Read through your ads again and see if these buttons are pressed!

    Ray Edwards may be contacted at Ray L. Edwards is the author of "77 Ways To Skyrocket Your Website's Conversion" and "The No- Click Traffic Secret". Learn how to drive targeted traffic to your site and convert them into buyers in the quickest time. Visit him at: Small Business Success � 2005

    Plano Bridal Show

    Categories are already closing out for the popular Plano Bridal Show on September 17, 2006. Held at the Plano Centre, this one day show hosts many of the area's high-end brides. Once you decide to participate in this show contact us immediately, as space is limited.

    Bridal Show Schedule

    Fort Worth Bridal Show
    July 22-23, 2006
    Amon Carter Exhibit Hall

    Plano Bridal Show
    September 17, 2006
    Plano Centre

    Dallas Bridal Show
    January 27-28, 2007
    Dallas Market Hall

    Fort Worth Bridal Show
    February 24-25, 2007
    Amon Carter Exhibit Hall

    Plano Bridal Show
    March 11, 2007
    Plano Centre

    New Posters Are In!

    If you would like to display our 2006 Schedule Poster, email with the following information:

    Your Name:
    Company Name:
    Street Address:
    City, State, Zip:
    How Many Posters Needed:

    A sample of the poster is below. (current show dates included)

    Motivational Messages

    "Life is made up of little things. It is very rarely that an occasion is offered for doing a great deal at once. True greatness consists in being great in little things."

    ~Charles Simmons

    "The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time"

    ~Abraham Lincoln

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    phone: (972) 713-9920