20 Sivan 5769; June 12, 2009

Shalom to one and all...

Thank you all who have been showing your support for KOSHERTORAH. Please keep your support coming...

Now there is Recession Relief - Torah, All Summer Long!! FROM NOW UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1, 2009 ALL ITEMS IN OUR ONLINE STORE (except MP3s, class registration fees and donations) ARE ALL DISCOUNTED 39% (special Kabbalistic number) THERE IS NO MINIMUM OR MAXIMUM. ENTER THE CODE WORD "39" WHEN CHECKING OUT. I know many of you are struggling, so am I, so let's work together to support one another!

Our new MP3 Store is also growing... now you can get our OPEN FORUMS in audio format... Also available are the Creation lessons, and much more... click here for access.

My latest OPEN FORUM on "Communicating WIth The Dead" is now available in MP3. Click here for it...

I also found some very rare original editions of my first publication YIKRA B'SHMI. If you are interested in acquiring this valuable collector's item, please click here...

I have decided to release to the public a series of two MP3 lessons from my Sha'arei Kedusha series. This two-part mini-course is entitled: SECRETS OF THE 72 NAMES. This mini-course is based upon Rabbi Vital's now uncensored Part 4 of his Sha'arei Kedusha; which quotes Avraham Abulafia verbatim and teaches the REAL and ACTUAL usage of the 72 triads. They are not really names of G-d or names of anything else. Rather than are sound combinations that open psychic vortexes enabling to prepared user to accomplish many things. I also include a section from the Book of the Angel Raziel that explains the further usages of these Names. There are many pitfalls and dangers along this path, but for the serious, the path is marked out. The curious will also benefit in that this course clears up much confusion and outright wrong information disseminated by Kabbalah cults on this topic. Click here to order and download directly to your computer.

Messianic Fantasies
By HaRav Ariel Bar Tzadok. Copyright (C) 2009 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
In response to these troubled times, there seems to be an epidemic of messianic fever running wild throughout certain segments of the religious communities. While belief in the coming of Mashiah is central to our faith in Torah and we acknowledge that such an advent can come at any moment, still this belief, like many others can be taken to a dangerous extreme.

Biblical prophecies and later revelations of our Sages from Midrashic, Talmudic and Kabbalistic sources all point out to us that there is a greater scenario involved here than the simple revelation of the new Israeli King. The coming of Mashiah is a global event that will affect everything on our planet. The changes that such an advent will usher in can be described as nothing less than evolutionary. The epoch of Mashiah will be the dawn of a new chapter in human civilization. Humanity as a whole will literally evolve into a higher species. This will not happened randomly over millions of years, but rather suddenly. This will not happen magically but rather by intervention.

The coming of Mashiah will begin a whole new world. Yet, what we must understand is that before there is room for the new world to come, the old world must be completely removed. This is only natural; it is common sense and it is clearly stated throughout every Biblical prophecy and later revelation made by those of our Sages "in the know."

However, the modern epidemic of Messianic fever seems to stand in direct opposition to everything our Sages have taught and even in contradiction to reality itself. Starting with those whose communities witnessed the Holocaust, those who originally stuck their heads in the sand, there has spread a terrible rumor that all the Biblical prophecies and all the revelations of our Sages are now null and void. These soothsayers are proclaiming that all our sufferings in the past have been enough and that there is no more suffering to come. These blind and misguided souls are proclaiming that "the sever prophecies and stern judgments will be mitigated and the Geula (redemption) will come peacefully and sweetly."

These types of proclamations are sticking one's head into the sand. Words of this nature contradict everything Torah teaches and even contradicts nature itself. Those so-called great leaders proclaiming these sentiments will be responsible for the misguidance of all those who listen to them. Like in Europe those who embrace these wishful "pie-in-the-sky" fantasies are destined to suffer a terrible awakening. These sentiments are not just an optional benign opinion, they sow seeds of false hope that prevent people from seeing the truth nature of world events which would then enable them to prepare for the great turmoil that is necessarily yet to come.

Mashiah is certainly coming, maybe sooner than later; but such an event will not be all sweet and peaceful. Mashiah comes as a conqueror. He comes with war and imposes a new peace; the peace of the conqueror, not the peace of a warmly welcomed and desired elected official. Prophecy is clear; Mashiah comes with an army; not an army of human beings, but rather an army of "Kodashim" as the prophet Zecharia calls them. Kodashim are angels and we know from the vision of Ezekiel's chariot that the angels called Ofanim are those who make contact with the Earth. Their appearance is nothing less that frightening, very much extraterrestrial. When Mashiah appears with an army of what the world will interpret as extraterrestrials, how do you think the global news media will report it? They are certainly not going to be singing and dancing saying, "here comes Mashiah now." Rather, I assume they will be terrified out of their wits and scream that we are being invaded from outer space.

The coming of Mashiah will be no peaceful and sweet event. The removal of our entire present civilization cannot be called sweet and peaceful. Global societal collapse is not sweet and peaceful. But yet, it is necessary and all the proclamations of all the big Rabbis cannot change this not even the slightest. The proclamation of the old Rabbis in Europe did not stop or lessen the Holocaust; today's Rabbis hanging on to the coattails of their predecessors from Europe can also not make things peaceful or sweet.

We are living in tough and dangerous times and matters are only deteriorating. They will not get better before they get a whole lot worse. This is most certainly not the time to stick one's head into the sand and pretend that everything will magically correct itself. Ignorance is not bliss and denial is a recipe for disaster. The only way through a problem is not to deny it or avoid it but rather to tackle it head on and pass through the best we are able.

Here now is the real absolute solution to all our modern woes. Rather than try to drug ourselves up on the calming words of this Rabbi or that, we must instead sober ourselves up to the harsh realities of our day and act as mature, responsible, Torah inspired human beings. While no one knows what tomorrow may bring and therefore no one can honesty and securely prepare for the unknown, there is still one kind of preparation that we can do and, in my opinion, we must do.

We can never control that which can happen to us. That comes from the outside. What we can control is how we respond to what happens to us. This comes from the inside. We are in control of ourselves, our thoughts, our emotions and most certainly our actions and behavior. We can choose how to act, how to feel and what to think. Therefore, with Torah as our foundation and our guide, we can choose a Torah path, one that strengthens the heart with truth, justice and righteousness.

Trusting in Heaven is key to all this. Whatever good or bad comes our way, we must always acknowledge that the Higher Hand of Heaven has ordained this. No more false hope in false promises; we must prepare ourselves for the worst to come and yet at the same time hope and pray for the best.

We cannot live in fear; yet we also cannot live in fantasy. We cannot live by sticking our heads in the sand. Although sand blocks our vision from further seeing our problems, it also suffocates us with a lack of fresh air to breath. And as we lose consciousness with our heads stuck in the sand we begin to hallucinate with euphoria that everything is beautiful. This is the clear recipe for death.

Embracing truth and living life accordingly, this is the recipe for life. Those in pre-Holocaust Europe who learned this lesson for the most part lived to see another day, to put into practice the hard-taught lessons that they had learned. If not for them, we would have no Israel today. If we had no Israeli today there is no telling what shape modern anti-Semitism would have taken and to what ends it would have gone to have finished what the Holocaust began. At least, now we have a chance. We have a Righteous Father in Heaven and we have clear minded, grounded and honest children of Torah here on Earth.

Stay away from all the soothsayers of sweetness and peace. They are being misled and they are misleading, even though the rest of the Torah they teach might be some of the best on Earth. Take from them the good and cast aside the bad. Become strong in faith and know Mashiah might still not come in our lifetimes and if so, then so be it. We will still wait daily for his coming. In the meantime however, we will continue to live, with Torah, mitzvot, faith, strength, honor and truth, without all the falsehoods of misguided soothsayers of fantasy.


Shalom, HaRav Ariel Bar Tzadok

phone: 818-345-0888

Stop! Take a moment, and say a sincere "thank you" to HaShem for all the the good things you have right now.

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