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Jan. 28, 2009
In This E-Newsletter
Mark your calendars for PRSA's 2009 event schedule
Get social with PRSA's social networking sites
Calabrese, Schultz & Jacobs win top honors
Reflections from fomer Naitonal PRSA board member Chris Lynch
Sponsorship and volunteer opportunities at PRSA Cleveland
Accreditation classes begin Feb. 9
President's Letter  Rick Batyko headshot
Welcome to a new year and a new PRSA Greater Cleveland newsletter. This new format will give us more flexibility in communicating with you and provide opportunities for your immediate feedback. It's an honor for me to serve as your president and to work with your talented and dedicated board of directors. To assure we hit the ground running, your board conducted a very productive strategy session in December and developed a two-year plan, a first for our chapter, the main components of which are listed below:
  • Promote learning through increased interaction and participation on our website, during our programs (like our January meeting) and through the possible re-establishment of special interest sections
  • Build community through the development of the chapter's online community, the creation of a mentoring program, and more outreach to other local professional communications organizations, as well as area PRSSA chapters (check us out on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter)
  • Develop and make accessible more thought leadership and knowledge through the use of social networking tools, by putting more useful content online, and by helping our senior members share their knowledge and experience
  • Maintain robust membership by building -- and demonstrating -- the value of local chapter membership. We're delighted that just this month we cross the 300-member threshold!
In closing, I'd like to publicly thank Chapter member Chris Lynch for his service on our Society's national board. He just completed his term and shares some insights below. Chris' election to this national post is just one more proof point that we live in a hotbed of PR talent right here in Northeast Ohio. Please join me in thanking him for his dedication to our profession.
It will be a busy year, and with your input and support, it will be our best yet. On behalf of the Chapter's Board of Directors, I wish you and yours a happy and productive 2009.

Rick Batyko, APR
PRSA Cleveland President
Peter Shankman headshot2
Mark your calendars: Feb. 11 Shankman event headlines robust 2009 PRSA events schedule
Nationally-recognized Peter Shankman, (shown at right) creator of the extremely popular HELP A REPORTER OUT (a.k.a. HARO) will be the featured guest on Wednesday, Feb. 11, from 11:30 to 1:30 at Windows on the River. Shankman will discuss social networking, viral marketing and all the "fun ways" to use them, and why sometimes not using them is your best bet. For more information on Shankman and this event, please click here.
In addition to the upcoming Shankman event, PRSA's Young PRos -- a group established by the Cleveland PRSA dhapter tailored specifically toward those with less than seven years of public relations or marketing experience -- will be hosting a social and networking event on Wednesday, Feb. 18. The "Break Your New Year's Resolution'' event will be held from 6:30 to 8 Cadillac Ranch, 200 Euclid Ave. in downtown Cleveland  For more information on this event, go the PRSA website, or email the Young PRos at:
In addition to these great events, the Cleveland chapter of PRSA is working on its slate of 2009 events. While the details of some of the events are still being finalized, mark your calendars for these great events, and check out the PRSA Cleveland website regularly for regularly updates on upcoming events:
  • Thursday, March 26 - Hill, Lighthouse, Young Awards (see story below)
  • April - Make Your Best National Pitch, co-presented with the Press Club
  • May - Speed Pitching (date to come)
  • August - Speed Networking, co-presented with IABC 
  • September - Business and the Media
  • October - Professional Development
  • November - Student Day
  • Friday, December 4 - Cleveland Rocks Awards 
Accreditation Prep Classes Start Feb. 9
PRSA's Cleveland and Akron Chapters will host prep classes for members seeking Universal Accreditation this spring. Classes will be held the weeks between Feb. 9 and March 30 starting at 6 p.m. at Akhia Public Relations in Hudson. Classes are not mandatory but are highly recommended. Alternatively, there is an online study course available through The cost is $195 (the local prep classes are free).
For questions about the Universal Accreditation process, contact Jan Gusich (330-463-5620 or or Barbara Hatala (330-471-3048 or 
Calabrese, Schultz and Jacobs win top PRSA honors
 Calabrese headshot
Joseph A. Calabrese, (shown at right) Chief Executive Officer and General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (RTA), will receive the 2009 John Hill Award for outstanding communications leadership and support by a Cleveland-area chief executive at the Greater Cleveland Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America's annual awards luncheon. The luncheon will begin at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, March 26, at The Union Club, 1211 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland.
In addition, Cynthia Schultz, director of public affairs, Cleveland Foundation, will receive the 2009 PRSA Lighthouse Award for career accomplishments and community service. Nora Jacobs, APR, executive vice president, Edward Howard & Co., will receive the 2009 PRSA Davis Young Award for Exceptional Mentors.
Tickets are $35 for members and $45 for non-members. Tables of eight are available for $280. Event registration is available via, or by contacting Lynn Bracic: (440) 899 -1112 or
PRSA pulls together to help professionals impacted by the global economic downturn 
 Dollar sign
for great local jobs available immediately. Also, PRSA National has recently re-launched PRSA Jobcenter which boasts new look and functionality, including e-mail job alerts, a robust career library and anonymous resume posting. 
Finally, to improve your standing with a current or future employer:
  • Get your PRSA APR accreditation. Noting says you are a true professional committed to your work like a professional certificate. Preparation classes begin Feb. 9.
  • Read PR Journal, the indusdtry's premier online publication showcasing original communications research of PRSA members, further extending your industry knowledge base.
  • Volunteer for PRSA committee work (see story below). This helps build your skill set, resume and portfolio. Also, it shows you are committed to our profession and ready to be a leader within your profession.
  • Use PR QuickStart, a tool that offers free Web-based training for new professionals, created in partnership with the Council of Public Relations Firms and PRSA's Counselors Academy.
  • Attend local PRSA functions and events to meet people and build your network. You never know how you might find your next job.
Chris Lynch headshotReflections From National PRSA Board of Directors 
Chapter President Rick Batyko asked me to jot down a few notes reflecting on what it's been like to serve on PRSA's National Board of Directors over the past three years. 
It has been a great experience to represent not only the Greater Cleveland chapter, but our entire East Central District, which is made up of 17 chapters and more than 2,200 members (largest district in the society). It's given me the chance to meet so many wonderful people in our profession and it's been an honor letting each and every one of them know how proud we are of our chapter here on the north coast.
While on the board, I had the chance to work with many different chapter, district, section and national leaders throughout the country. With them I worked on a number of key issues for our society and the profession including advocacy, accreditation, governance, education, multiculturalism and leadership development.
In working with and visiting so many other chapters, I've also had the chance to reflect upon what a model chapter we have here - and not to say we take some things for granted - but the Greater Cleveland chapter is truly one that many others emulate. You all may not know, but over the years we've shared many of our best practices and they are now implemented in other chapters as well: Student Day and the Cleveland Rocks Awards; our membership efforts and new program ideas; our sponsorship program and diversity initiatives, to name a few.
As a closing thought, I would remind our members that PRSA as a society serves to 'advance the profession and the professional,' and when you stay involved, you'll find you're not only benefiting our industry, but yourself as well.
Chris R. Lynch, APR
Senior Vice President, Falls Communications
Volunteer opportunities aplenty for PRSA Cleveland 
Looking to network? Gain experience? Fill out your resume? Check out these volunteer opportunites:
  • Event planning, promotions and execution for a wide variety of upcoming events
  • Writing, public relations and publicity
  • Budgeting and planning
  • Electronic and online communications
  • Marketing and sponsorship sales
For more information on these opportunities, and others, please contact Chapter Membership Chair Emily Lauer or the PRSA office:
Kent State PRSSA chapter earns prestigious award  Kent State logo
It can take years for public relations practitioners to be recognized by their peers for their outstanding work. But for PRSSA students at Kent State University talent has been acknowledged early. These future PR professionals snagged their first PRSA East Central District Diamond Award before even graduating.
The KSU Golden Flashes earned a Diamond Award in the public service tactics category. They received the award for their awareness and registration initiative for Donate Life Ohio's Do It Now College Competition. The competition was created to help increase the number of organ and tissue donors in the Ohio Organ Donor Registry.
The objectives of the award-winning campaign included creating awareness among residents of Cuyahoga, Geauga and Portage counties about the need for organ, eye and tissue donations. The team sought to motivate residents to register as organ donors. The ultimate goal: 10,750 new registered donors by May 2008. Campaign strategies included engaging key publics through face-to-face communication, Web-based communication and media relations.
The efforts of KSU PRSSA garnered news coverage in regional and campus print and broadcast media, as well as in national online publications. A photo of a campaign event even ran on the Reuters board in New York City's Times Square. Ultimately, the campaign influenced the addition of more than 12,500 new organ and tissue donors to the Ohio Donor Registry from September 2007 to May 1, 2008. In addition to its Diamond Award, the team also won first place in the Do It Now College Competition.
"This award is evidence of KSU students' desire to prepare for their PR careers - both in and outside the classroom," said Greater Cleveland PRSA Chapter President Rick Batyko. "Being recognized in a competition geared to seasoned professionals is a testament to the strength of the PR Kent program."
Enhanced PRSA members-only benefits 
Our affinity programs for PRSA members, including insurance programs, shipping, car rentals, business/office products, as well as the credit card which benefits the PRSA Foundation, are being updated and enhanced.
Office Depot and the credit card with Bank of America (formerly MBNA) are in place already. We are also pleased to announce Fedex service for members as a replacement for DHL.
We are updating the rental car offer to include Avis as well as Budget, and in February will be offering more insurance options for members. Look for details and updates on these programs on the national PRSA member benefits page.
For more information on these opportunities, and others, please contact Chapter Membership Chair Emily Lauer or the PRSA office:
Cleveland PRSA chapter offers sponsorship opportunities 
Want to get more visibility for your business? Want to help support your local PRSA chapter? You can accomplish both by sponsoring an upcoming program. 
A variety of sponsorships is available to fit most budgets of interested companies, agencies and even individuals. Monthly meetings, special events and awards ceremonies are among the opportunities in highest demand for sponsors.
To find out more about '09 sponsorship opportunities, contact Janet Cannata (216) 987-6155 or or Allen Pfenninger (216) 781-2400 or Also, visit our sponsorship information on the Cleveland PRSA website.