CELF logo buttonThe Children's Environmental Literacy Foundation (CELF)

May 2011 News

Life Cycle of PaperCELF Summer Inst 2010 n


The LifeStraw Saves Lives

lifestrawSince CELF first featured the Vesterguaard Frandsen LifeStraw at our EXPO 07', this portable water filter has become our (and your) favorite innovative, sustainably designed product. 
LifeStraw has saved countless lives from disease and death due to consumption of contaminated water.


Just $6.50 will provide a child with pure drinking water for approximately one year. You can help!

Find out how. CELF has teamed with Rotary International to help individuals, schools & communities raise money to purchase LifeStraws for suffering communities. READ MORE...


Outstanding Leadership & Commitment  

to Education  

Reese and Katie.NYLCV

Westchester NYLCV Board Member Reese Berman with CELF Founder, Executive Director Katie Ginsberg

On May 3, 2011, The New York League of Conservation Voters (NYLCV) honored CELF at the Ritz-Carlton, White Plains, for its forward thinking environmental literacy and sustainability programs that have inspired and prepared teachers and students since 2003.   


"Thanks to CELF's efforts, hundreds of schools across the nation now embrace the lens of sustainability to transform curriculum, school operations and activities, and foster the development of creative and responsible citizens."  New York League of Conservation Voters.  


Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner, Joe Martens, was the keynote speaker; Thalle Industries of Briarcliff Manor was also honored at the event. READ MORE...

CELF Summer Institutes 


CELF Summer Inst logo 2Registration NOW open for CELF'S 8th Annual Summer Institute in July. Inquiring minds want to know:    

?What is Education for Sustainability?   !Show me the links to STEM criteria, please!  ?What will it look like in my classroom?   ?How do I integrate these concepts into my existing curriculum in an engaging way?  ?Where will I find the class time to build a relevant core foundation of sustainability into my scope & sequence?  ?How will this course make me a better teacher?register now icon



Student Sustainability Summit 

Tomorrow's Environmental Leaders  

Summit group photo 4.2011 3


The second Annual Student Sustainability Summit took place April 10 at the Hackley School, Tarrytown, NY. Sixty students participated from 19 different private & public schools across the region in a day-long project planning event. These are tomorrow's leaders for a more sustainable future! READ MORE...


CELF Article: "Students get CREATIVE at Sustainability Summit

Patch.com: "Students Gather for Environmental Summit"   

Inquire about how to get involved next year!


CELF is measuring Eco-Footprints    

Plan ahead for your school! 

The CELF Eco-Footprint Program is a full-day, hands-on, inquiry-based exploration that measures and evaluates a school's impact on the environment and serves as a useful planning and teaching tool to reduce that impact.
big footprint logo
As investigators, students at Manhattan County School, Irvington Middle School and Chatsworth Elementary School in Larchmont, collected data about their schools' buildings and operations and determined ways to decrease consumption and waste. At all three schools we were impressed by the commitment and creativity of the students and enjoyed collaborating with the staff.

"Nothing beats authentic inquiry," Gail Boyle, Principal, Chatsworth Elementary School. "That's what the footprint program is."


Stay tuned for the CELF Eco-Footprint video... and see first-hand how students can become informed agents of change.

Click here to READ MORE about the Eco-Footprint program & examples of how your school save energy and reduce waste!  


Katie Signature

Katie Ginsberg 

CELF Executive Director

katie@celfeducation.org Children's Environmental Literacy Foundation 



The Children's Environmental Literacy Foundation (CELF) is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization helping schools establish sustainability education as an integral part of every child's K-12 learning experience.  

 Donate Button

CELF programs are supported by the generosity of individuals & organizations such as you. Thank you for your support.



rotary lobo 

100% of the donations collected by our partner,
"The Rotary 1090 Foundation",  go directly to the purchase and freight costs of the LifeStraw.

Currently LifeStraws are going to Haiti to prevent Cholera and other waterborne illnesses. More than 20,000 straws have been delivered to Haiti.






VISIT the NEW online CELF 


for educators, students and the community.

CELF Resource Center 








CELF SI K.5 2010 reduced


Click on the following Summer Institute links for further information and registration forms.


Elementary School, NY

Middle/High School, NY 

Middle/High School, Boston     







Highlights from 

Student Sustainability Summit


Student Sustainability Summit 




World Science FestivalWorld Science Foundation logo

New York City June 1 - 5, 2011


Register now for ground-breaking events & exhibits:   









More information about the  


Chattsworth Eco-Footprinting

Students at Chatsworth participating in the Resource Scarcity Activity








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