METRONewsOctober 2011
Metron News Welcome

Message from Metron Support Services  

Welcome to the 24th edition

of the Metron Best Practice Newsletter!


Exceed ExpectationsWe are thrilled to be entering our third year of producing monthly Metron Best Practice newsletters. Your feedback and ideas for new and unique content has been fantastic!


Metron Support Services = Superior Support


When you "Google" this phrase, you receive an alarming response. Google quickly presents pages upon pages of companies that named themselves "Superior Support." If you read through the descriptions, they all talk about providing superior support but rarely explain what they are doing that is really "superior". It made me stop and think, what truly defines superior support?


Our team had a related discussion recently. We agreed that it our passion to provide our customers with support beyond expectation. We do that in part because we really like what we do and in part because we know we need to. We are all in the "client services" business and our clients (you) have other options. We are here to help you utilize Metron at a very productive and reliable level long after the initial purchase - help you with how to questions and technical challenges, and generally produce great X-Rays every day with Metron.


Did you know that you don't have to wait until you have a difficult question to reach out to us?


  • Maybe you thought you could be producing a better image?
  • Have you struggled silently with a specific type of X-Ray shot and have not known what to do to make it better?


We are here to help you...a live voice and online. Whether it is the online training sessions that we have developed, the monthly newsletter you are reading right now or our team on the other end of your phone or email, we are here to help you so that you too will exceed YOUR clients' expectations. 



  Thanks for all YOUR support!

  Metron Support Services

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Best Practice

Collections for Images in Metron!

What are they?

A collection within Metron is a way to quickly view multiple images from more than one study.   You can add any of the images in the system into a collection and then perform any of the multi-image operations on the collection. You can also search your Metron database by Date Range, Species, Modality, and Region. You then have the ability to save the collection and recall it at any time for review.


Collections EquineWhy would I use this feature?

The most popular way to utilize the collection tab is to compare x-rays from different dates. For instance, if a small animal breaks its leg, you can use collections as a way to compare the animal's injury from onset through the recovery process. You can add the first x-ray when the leg was initially broken, a post-operation view, then another x-ray taken a month or so later once the wound begins to heal. A collection allows you to compare all three x-rays side by side.


Another reason for a collection is to have a group of a specific type of shot. For example, if you want a group of Thorax images available for review and comparison, you would create a collection.


For equine, maybe you would like to compare two lateral x-rays from different dates to see improvements on the horse's conformation, you can morph the two images together from inside of the collection. View "Creating Morphs in Metron" for information and technique.


Browse and AcquireHow do I save the collection?

You can use a collection right away or save it for continual use. To save, enter a collection name for the images you have open and click save.


Once saved, you can call it up to view again at any time.


What else can you do with collections?

You are able to send all images either by DICOM, by e-mail, or you can export them to a different location. You can also stitch the images together and the stitched image will be added to the animal's current study. You can also burn the image collection to CD.


For a review and definitions of collections, view the online training session "Navigating Metron."



In This Issue
Best Practice: Value of Collections
Software Features Tip
Services Spotlight: Craig Swatek



Support Services Site

Metron-DVM Logo
Be sure you and your staff visit
the support site for
past newsletters and
online training sessions. 


Support Services 
Support Services Tips

When viewing an image, don't forget at the bottom left, you have the ability to turn annotations, mark-up, and grid on and off. Also clicking the FS button will increase the image to full screen for viewing.


Blsnk Anno, Markup, Grid




Support Services Spotlight 

I am sure when calling the Metron Support Services Desk many of you have talked with Craig Swatek. Did you know Craig originally pursued a career in Opera obtaining his first degree in vocal performance from the Lawrence Conservatory of Music?


Craig Swatek
Craig Swatek


Craig has been with Metron Support and DVMConnexx for almost a year and enjoys working with you on your image quality plus helping you with all the other Metron Imaging software features.


Click here to learn more about Craig! 



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