It's for METRONews October 4! 

Autumn Dog
Thank you for your support!
Your energy and passion focuses on patient care. You are happy to provide your patients the best care with improved diagnostic techniques every day. We thrive on continuing to develop and support these processes. Seasons change, however our love for this business never wavers.


People like you make our work day a real pleasure.
Note the Metron tip below for sharing diagnostic images with colleagues and clients.
Watch for your email copy of METRONews 
the first Tuesday of each month beginning October 4.
General Preferences Screen

Support Services

Support Services Tips

How to change the Default Send Method

Send Images buttonIf you would like to have the Send Images button default to a different option, from the Metron menu bar, click "Preferences" and scroll to "General".  Here you are able to select from "Via DICOM", "Post to Website, iPad or iPhone, or "Via Email." Choose the method you use most often understanding the choices available to share images with your clients. Do you need to install and configure Metron for your iPhone or iPad? Click here for info! 


Metron-DVM Logo
Metron Support Services  | 877-638-3868 | [email protected]