METRONewsAugust 2011
Metron News Welcome

Practice Spotlight  
Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic              


Springhill EquineWhile attending AAEP 2010, Dr. Lacher learned about Metron at a wetlab and was immediately impressed with the image quality. Springhill Equine had been using VetRay imaging software and she was not happy with the quality of the images and there didn't seem to be a way to improve it. At AAEP, she saw how with the same hardware and computer, she could get "far superior images" with Metron. Purchasing Metron has proven to be a great decision. Dr. Lacher states, "It is a great product and with all the laminitis work we do, we are able to put the patients on the Metron blocks and use the guided mark-up. It helps us teach the owners why we are doing what we are doing. The clients love the overlay and morph features that we are able to create and present with Metron.   Once they see these, we often get comments like - "no wonder our horse is having problem walking."


Dr. Lacher shares that Metron makes life easier. Additional features that help are the ability to simply and easily add labels onto images and she states, "The efficiency of being able to take multiple shots in a row has had a positive impact on client satisfaction. With VetRay, you had to save between each shot." One of the great features a person takes for granted until realizing it is more than a feature, is the search function. "Just the other day, an image was saved under the wrong patient and we couldn't find it. I now have a new appreciation for search as I was able to look up all the images taken that day and find it quickly, moving it to the correct owner." The practice utilizes Metron for intraoral dental images, and being able to have all images and pictures in one location is a great help and makes life easier all around.


Dr. Lacher says, "Everything about Metron is user friendly. Even if a person is not computer savvy they are able to use Metron. It is obvious that a lot of thought was put into what veterinarians need beyond the simple image acquisition. And I really appreciate all the constant updates. I know they are not always visible to me but it makes me feel good that the tweaks are being done to continually make it a better product for me and my practice."


When asked about the Metron Support Services, she says, "The web support is fantastic. Sometimes I know that Metron can do something but I don't remember how and all I have to do is look out on the support site, with all the online training and documentation, and I find the answer. Only once was it not there and I called into the support team. It was a computer question that they answered easily. They were also very helpful with the original installation."


Dr. Erica LacherAbout Dr. Lacher: Led by practice owner Dr. Erica Lacher, Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic is passionate about Equine medicine.  Dr. Lacher has been recognized as one of the areas experts in equine medicine and contributes to the University of Florida veterinary college as an Associate Professor educating students through their Practice Based Equine Clerkship program.   Dr. Lacher is known for her constant attention and contribution to new information within the profession.  Not only, does she immerse herself in the most current publications and procedures; but goes even further, by sharing her knowledge with her clients. 


Dr. Lacher has a special interest in the performance horse. She is always seeking ways to improve the quality and longevity of performance we can achieve with our horses. She employs digital radiography, ultrasound and endoscopy along with her extensive equine experience to reach a diagnosis.  Then using her knowledge of the unique needs of the show horse, Dr. Lacher forms a treatment regime which may include specialized farrier techniques, physical therapy, anti-inflammatories and local therapy targeted to the affected area. 


About Springhill Equine Veterinary Clinic: It was established in 1990 to care for the large animal population in the Gainesville area and has expanded to serve the entire Alachua County area, including Alachua, High Springs, Newberry, Archer and Jonesville.  Springhill has premiered a new level of Owner Experience making excellent care for your horses not just possible; but the most complete and convenient in the area.   They offer clinic services with the only haul in facility in the area, mobile vet services and their exclusive Wellness Program.  The haul in facility allows them to care for the non-surgical colic, ophthalmic issues, laminitis, neonatal care, lay-up needs, mare and stallion reproductive cases and laceration repairs.   Digital radiography, digital ultrasound and endoscopy are other services available at the clinic.



Best Practice  
Business data backup: What is most important?              


Backup FailureWow!! I didn't know that!!


Did you know that 93% of companies that lost their data center for 10 days or more due to a disaster filed for bankruptcy within one year of the disaster? (Source: National Archives & Records Administration in Washington)


Research has shown that 34% of companies fail to test their tape backups, and of those that do, 77% have found tape back-up failures. It is not that we don't want to or that we can't backup data, but more often, what are we backing up and to where. How well have we planned for a technology disaster?


How do we sort it all out? We can start by looking at four categories for our business data.


Mission Critical - Practice management data, Medical Record data, Images, Accounting Data,

Critical -Documents to clients, document templates, pictures used for business purpose, employee records.

Non Critical -Newsletters, past calendars, old presentations, and any other material that may never be needed by the business again and probably would not change over time, just important to have in the business.

Personal Non work related - All personal items that the staff has generated.   Suggestion would be to have separate place for storage of this data.


At Metron, we are offering a solution for you to easily backup your images in case of an equipment failure with just a few quick steps. You can backup every case or just selected cases. 


We have often encouraged our clients to seek offsite solutions for their data, but in most cases, it is too cost prohibitive to add images. That is why we are happy to provide this new service to our customers.   This does not replace an onsite solution for a quick restore; offsite is designed for disaster recovery.  We are also here to help.



Company Highlight  
What can DVMConnexx consulting do for you?

We can be your virtual CIO 


Computer techYou know DVMConnexx, the Metron Support Services Team, as a company to look to if you need IT assistance! Do you know what they can do to help with your technology planning?


Are you searching for the answers to your technology needs and don't know which way to turn? Do you have multiple vendors with answers, but all seem to be different? Do you have a local "IT" guy that looks to you for what you need vs. evaluating and helping you understand what you need? Does he understand how your X-Ray unit should be speaking to your Practice Management software? Does he understand your workflow?


DVMConnexxWell, we can be that bridge in the middle. With over 20 years working with Veterinary practices, we can assist you in evaluating Facebook-Find Uscurrent situations, determining priority to needs and planning for the future. You can even still use the IT guy down the road or another vendor of your choice, but

we can help you make sure you are getting the items you need to support the growing technology infrastructure within your practice.


In This Issue
Springhill Equine Veterinary
Business Data Backup
DVMConnexx: Your Virtual CIO
Search & Image Overlay Features
Adding Text: Calibrated Images



Support Services Site

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Support Services 
Support Services Tips

From Dr. Lacher references in the Practice Spotlight, we wanted to point out two features she mentioned.


Search: You are able to search on owner, animal or date. The far right button will allow you to enter the name you are looking for.


Search Feature


Overlay: You are able to overlay a photo with a radiograph image. From your study, select the image...


Hoof 1

...and the picture...

Hoof 2 

then click "Advanced" on the tool bar, then click "Lateral Combo."


Lateral Combo


Once you have combined the image and picture you are now able to save the new image to Metron.


Hoof 3 



Did you know? 

You are able to add a text box with an arrow to point out something on your images? When viewing an image in single image view, click the "Free Mark-Up" button,

Free Mark-Up button


then select the top left button. 


   Free Mark-Up epluri   

Follow the directions to click the point on the image you want the label and the point on the image you want the arrow.


Note: The image will need to be calibrated to perform many of the Free Mark-Up options.



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