METRONewsJuly 2011
Metron News Welcome

Message from Metron Support Services 

Remote Backup

Hope you are enjoying your summer! 


At Metron & DVMConnexx, we are always looking for ways to enhance the customer experience.  During the last couple of years, we have written several newsletter articles about the Why's and How's of backups providing training videos to coach you through the backup process.  However the "manual" backup system takes time plus you must remember to run and complete it.    We know from experience that backups are of top importance so we have partnered with DVMInsight to bring you an exciting automated backup offer.


All Metron customers current with their Support Services plan have the opportunity to take advantage of this data protection tool.  Though it is an optional feature, it is inexpensive and highly recommended. 


The Remote Backup capability for your diagnostic imaging studies is located within the Metron software.  You can now choose to have Metron automatically DICOM send any and all studies to DVMInsight.   These studies would then be accessible by Metron Support Services. If something happens to your system or if you inadvertently delete images, you may contact us to have your studies restored.


There is a simple signup form to complete and we do the quick setup for you.  Once finalized, any new studies that you take will be automatically sent for remote backup


If you are interested, please click here  for the signup form or contact us for more details via email or by calling 1-877-638-3868.



Kevin Scholz

CEO, DVMConnexx

Metron Support Services

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Practice Spotlight  
Dairyland Veterinary Service: Dr. Matt Schaefer              


Dairyland Veterinary ServiceDr. Matt Schaefer and Dairyland Veterinary Service began using Metron in May of this year.  Dr. Schaefer knew it was time to shift from film processing to digital as it was becoming difficult to find developers, the quality was poor, long turnaround times including multiple trips with retakes,  and it was too expensive.  In the two months since he has been working with Metron, " has already paid for 20% of the investment cost."


Dr. Matt SchaeferDr. Schaefer is involved in all aspects of large animal veterinary medicine but has special interests in equine preventative medicine, nutrition, and equine dentistry.  He travels all over Northeast Wisconsin providing specialized dental maintenance for competitive and pleasure horses. 


He has been utilizing many Metron features  including hoof and stifle analysis. He states, "With Metron, I am getting some of the best stifle images I have ever seen Dustyand the Metron Guided Mark-Up for the Hoof is very accurate leaving no doubts.  With the comfort of knowing this accuracy, it is a great aid to help me diagnose what needs to be done for the horse."   He works a lot with quarter horses and they have many hoof problems.  Metron has helped with finding the correct type of shoes needed to allow more blood flow to the hoof.  He performs Venograms on some of these horses and Metron provides excellent image quality for the evaluation process.  Dr. Schaefer will be doing a second session in about a month with a recent horse case so stay tuned for those results.  Metron allows him to place two images side by side using the morph capability to see the improvements in a computer generated video. 


Dr. Schaefer teams up with a number of farriers in his area.  The Metron features have allowed him to provide more detailed and confident treatment instruction to the farriers.  Another useful feature is the Metron Reports which he and his farrier partners are able to produce and provide to owners. He says the reports are a "big deal" and allow everything to be documented so everyone (he, the farrier and the owner) is on the same page when it comes to what is needed for the animal. In addition, Dr. Schaefer states, "I am not a computer expert - the software is well done.  Metron is so user friendly - all you have to do is use your brain and just follow the built-in prompts." 


While Dr Schaefer does most of the equine work in his large animal practice, he and his other five DVM colleagues at Dairyland Veterinary Service are involved in dairy productions medicine and comprise a blend of experiences including educational background and specialization in the dairy industry.  They are equipped to troubleshoot farm performance problems and assist in farm planning, as well as the traditional medical and surgical cases found in dairies today.  In addition to horses and cattle, they also work with goats, llamas and assist the local zoo.


New Zoo-ZuriThey have used Metron on the bovine side of the business to evaluate issues with cattle stifles to see if the problems are in the soft tissue or other areas.  Metron also showed off its image processing strength when they were assisting with diagnosis at the local zoo.  There was a giraffe that was lame and the zoo was struggling to identify the problem.  Dr Schaefer was called to help and while taking x-rays with Metron, he learned the giraffe had a fused sesmoid which led to joint instability on the lateral side of the left front fetlock. This was causing lameness by pulling away and making abduction in the joint.  


The mission of Dairyland Veterinary Service is to be the best provider of Bovine and Equine Ambulatory and consultation services through exceptional services, increasing and sharing their knowledge base and providing progressive services with set goals and plans to exceed their client expectations while always acting as a team.  Metron helps them meet their goal of providing exceptional services.



Best Practice Highlight  
Metron's Guided Mark-Up: Availability, benefits, value.


Guided Mark-Up

You often read about Metron's Guided Mark-Up options in our newsletters so we wanted to talk a little more about them in this month's issue.


What is it?

Metron supports a process called "Guided Mark-Up" in which the user is prompted to pick key points in a defined image. Metron then uses those picked points to compute many important parameters for the measurement of a particular equine or small animal skeletal image.


Why would you want to use it?

The notion of Guided Mark-Up is powerful because it gives a standardized repeatable means for different practitioners to measure certain features. Metron does the calculation and the comparisons for you.


What Guided Mark-Ups are available in Metron?


Hoof  |  Metron generates a total of 17 different measurements which include virtually every calculation described in veterinary literature and more for the hoof.  These include palmer angle, P3 Descent, Coffin-Joint Angle, Length of P2, P3 Distance to Ground, and Toe Support %.

Feline and Canine

VHS Analysis viewletVHS  |  Metron generates three measurements based on pick points of the chest image for the important parameters of the Vertebral Heart Score.

Hip DI and CI Analysis | Metron generates the right and left index for the analysis based on the picked points on the "Distraction Index" or "Compression Index" pelvis images.


TPLO  |  Three measurements are generated from the joint image when the picked points are selected to provide the Tibial Plane Angle and Radial Saw Diameter.

TTA  |  Metron guides the user through a standard mark-up methodology which determines the size of the 'advancement' and thus helps select the proper surgical hardware.

Norberg Hip  |  The right and left Norberg angles are generated based on the picked points on the hip image.

DAR Analysis  |  Metron will generate the left and right Acetabular slopes based on picked points of the joint image for this Dorsal Analysis.


An excerpt from the US patent covering Metron's Guided Mark-Up procedure: A method for analyzing biomechanical conformation of the lower leg and hoof of animals, for example a horse, from images (photographs, radiographs, etc) is described. In particular, there is provided a method to analyze images that may include certain scale markers. A user may be guided to pick certain key points in the images, from which a special set of biomechanical parameters may be computed. Using these parameters, the conformation of the hoof and leg can be analyzed in various ways, including comparison to a database of other animals, tracking changes over time, or by means of quantitative scoring rules.


In This Issue
Dairyland Veterinary Service
Metron's Guided Mark-Up
Metron 6.06 Released!
10 Summertime Tips
Voice Annotations



Metron Release Info!

Metron New Release
Release 6.06 is out!  Click here for a listing of the new features now available to you.



10 Tips to Enjoy Summer


Summertime is a celebration ... a time to take in all the sights and sounds the season has to offer. Here are just a few simple tips to bring a smile to your warm summer days and nights.



Support Services Site

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Be sure you and your staff visit
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past newsletters and
online training sessions. 


Support Services 
Support Services Tips

You are able to get to the web-viewer right from within Metron.  Just click Advanced on the Metron Main Menu bar and select "Jump to Web-Viewer".


Jump to Web-Viewer




Did you know? 

You have the ability to record voice annotations to any of your images.  These are also sent to the iPhone or iPad.


Voice Annotation button


From single image view, click the voice annotation button  and you will be presented with the menu to record.


Voice Annotation Screen


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