METRONewsMay 2011
Metron News Welcome

Message from Metron Support Services 


And great pictures!


I received a phone call the other day from a veterinarian in Illinois that made me smile.   The doctor I was speaking with had inquired about using Metron for small animal dental x-rays.  His first words:  "I am told that Metron makes the best dental image and we need to improve our dental image quality".


Of course, this is music to my ears.   Before I could say anything, the doctor continued with some questions...   Can Metron interface with our PACS and practice management software?  Do you support Windows7?  Can you email images? Are you DICOM compliant?  Can I access images remotely?


Auto UpdateHe continued - do you send out software updates? Is it automatic so I don't have to load a CD? Is there  support to get help when we need it? 


Wow - good thing I could say YES to every question.   Obviously, we need to produce great pictures but that is just the beginning.  Today's diagnostic imaging is as much about integration as it is about the picture.   Good thing Metron is way more than just the picture - and, yes, Metron does produce great pictures!




Kevin Scholz

CEO, DVMConnexx

Metron Support Services

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Support Services Highlight
Guided Mark-Ups new with Metron version 6.05              



With Metron version 6.05, we have included two new Guided Mark-Ups for small animal.


1. Canine and Feline Hip "Distraction Index" and "Compression Index" - after following the four steps to select points on the x-ray images, Metron will automatically create the mark-up and measurements in green. Metron can compute the standard 'distraction index' or 'compression index' as used in the Hip system (if images are taken properly).


Canine TTA2. Canine TTA (Tibial Tuberosity Advancement) - is a series of five measurements that are used with the Metron algorithms to present a complete analysis for the joint.  This mark-up provides automatic measurements after guiding you through five steps of selecting points on your image.


Metron computes the size of the advancement needed, to help you select the proper TTA hardware.


Watch for new online training sessions coming soon.





Best Practices
Calibration: Your tool to great diagnostic images         


Metron Block HoofCalibration is the door opener to "advance" diagnostic imaging.  Without calibration, all you are doing is looking at pictures.  With calibration, your computer becomes a powerful tool helping you to diagnose and treat. 


Equine - the Metron Block is an easy-to-use device that makes image calibration a breeze.  If you think you need one, buy two.  Don't try to use some scrap piece of wood as the step for the second foot.  


Calibration Full ScreenOnce you have acquired the image, Metron steps you through the calibration steps using the block.  At that point, you are also able to start using the mark-up and guided mark-up features.  In equine, no other product is even a close second to Metron. 



Auto Scaler ComboSmall animal - The auto scaler can be used for equine stifle images but is also an excellent tool to easily calibrate small animal images.  Once you have acquired the image, Metron walks you through the calibration steps using the Auto-Scaler.  After calibration, you can use the Metron mark-up and guided mark-up features. 


With calibration, it is a snap to measure distances, thickness, and offsets - just point and click. 


Metron has a growing list of mark-up assistances tools aimed at speed, accuracy, and consistency in the markup process.  Taking time and care to calibrate images will allow you to get the most out of your Metron system.


To learn more about calibration, view the online training session, "Image Calibration."   


In This Issue
New Guided Mark-Up v.6.05
Metron tools for the best images
Sharing a Quote
Did you hear?
Metron Database Backup Options
Did you know?


Just Sharing a Quote
"Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don't let anybody else use it, and get a new one every six months."                  ~Clifford Stoll



Support Services Site

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Be sure you and your staff visit
the support site for
past newsletters and
online training sessions. 


Did you hear?


"DVMConnexx doesn't stop at answering my questions, they ask questions to make sure I am using Metron to its potential."

Dr. David Kolb

Lodi Veterinary Hospital


Support Services 
Support Services Tips

In addition to the online training section about "Backing up your Metron Database," we have added a document detailing steps for "Metron Backup to External Device."


Metron External Backup



Did you know? 


Under Animal edit, you are able to move the Animal to a different owner. When viewing an animal, click edit and from the next screen, use the pull down to select the different user.



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