METRONewsNovember 2010
Metron News Welcome

Message from Metron Support Services 
Autumn LeavesHappy Fall!


Practice makes perfect is a phrase that serves a lifetime.


No doubt we can all use a little practice in whatever we do.  With Metron it is easy to take an x-ray and get a picture on your computer screen - you do it every day.   It's all of the other great things that you can do with Metron that you may not use very often or you are new to such as:

  • Image calibrations
  • Free mark-up
  • Report creation

I hear it all of the time "I did not know Metron could do that..." 


Practice makes perfect - take 2 minutes to view a training video.  Our training videos are made to be quick and easy averaging 2-4 minutes long.   Everyone needs a refresher on those topics that we don't use very often.  Anyone new on your team? This is where they should start to learn how to use Metron and the techniques which make it so easy to take great images.


How do you get to your training videos?  

  1. Click here from within the newsletter. View the many selections that guide you through the Metron software highlighting the focus topic for the online training session.
  2. At any time, go to the "Help" pull down on your Metron Menu bar and click "Tech Support." You will see the link to the Support Page.


Enjoy the cooler weather!  

Kevin signature

Kevin Scholz
CEO, DVMConnexx
Metron Support Services
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Support Services Highlight
How old is old?              -Nancy Dewitz, Customer Support Manager
Sandcastle computerAnimal hair, fingerprints, dust and a few years old, is this how you could describe your computer?  Often we continue to work on the same piece of equipment for many years.  Did you know that a computer that is 3 years old is actually a senior piece of equipment?   It works, why should we change it? 

Recently we have seen some issues with older computers and what can occur when they hit that aged point in their life.  Unfortunately, computers usually do not tell us they are not feeling well.  They just don't show up for work one day.  Has yours given you clues?  What should you look for?  For starters, has your computer locked up lately?  Or has it become what you would say is "really slow"?  These are warning signs that not everyone is lucky enough to get from their system.   What will happen to your business if that happens to your Metron computer?  Have you ever backed up your computer and your images?  How often is this being done? We encourage you to view the online training session on "How to Backup your Metron Files."

Remember, these computers are technically part of the medical record.  You have chosen to incorporate an up to date technical solution with Metron for your x-rays, make sure the associated hardware you are using is helping to take the most advantage of your Metron X-Ray solution.    The better the screen, the better the images will be.  If you share showing your images to your clients, this can help from the client's point of view as well as your own diagnostic view.  

Take a hard look at your computer, check the age, and look at it like you were your client looking at the screen.  What is your honest opinion?  Is it time for a change?  We do have recommended specifications for computers using Metron. 

If you have questions on evaluating your current computer or would like assistance on how to obtain a new one, contact us at 877-638-3868 ext 21.

Best Practices

Position, Position...Practice, Practice            -Kevin Scholz 


Max Molars 1Quality dental x-ray whether small animal or equine is led by positioning.  In skeletal x-ray, the diagnostic image is produced by using proper x-ray generator output technique and relatively simple animal positioning. 


In dental, the angles are the killer - get the angles wrong and you can have a very clear yet poor quality image.  It takes "Practice" to get the "Position" correct for a clear view of the roots of the canine maxillary molars using a size-2 DR sensor on a small dog. 

Dental ChartMetron provides a number of avenues to assist with dental positioning:

  • Dental charts for canine and feline. (See feline sample image to the right.)
  • Interactive positioning illustrations for canine and feline. (See canine image below.)
  • Dental Positioning Guides for Canine and Feline: An online training session located on your support site guides you through steps to ensure you are able to achieve accurate positioning. 
  • Acquiring a dry skull to practice with has proven beneficial for a number of practices.


Dental Positioning IllustrationsRemember - you have to practice to get positioning right.   If you or another team member have positioning down pat - teach another person. 


Oh, and with digital x-ray, it only costs labor time to learn.   It is likely more expensive to be producing poor images than the practice time it will take to reach the level of great imaging.


In This Issue
How Old is Old?
Best Practices: Dental Imaging
AAEP 2010!
Your Support Website!
Zoom & Magnifier Modes
DICOM images: Keeneland Repository format



AAEP 2010!

AAEP 2010

Come and see us

in Baltimore!

 Dec. 5 - 7, 2010

Booth #1325



Support Services Site

Metron-DVM Logo

Be sure you and your staff visit the support site for
past newsletters and
online training sessions. 


Support Services 
Support Services Tips

We announced the Zoom Mode with version 5.41.  You are able to use Zoom as well as Magnifier Mode.


Zoom Mode

An easy way to move the red box on your image is to click and hold your mouse button in the middle of the red box and then drag to the new location.  Sliding the red oval on the right allows you to zoom in and out.

Magnify Image



Did you know? 


For Equine, Metron can be used to create CDs or DVDs containing DICOM images in the format required by the Keeneland Repository as described in their document.


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