METRONewsJuly 2010
Metron News Welcome

Message from
Metron Support Services 
When service is GREAT!
We all have those moments when we experience "GREAT" service.  At that moment, we often compliment those providing the service and if you are like me, hope we can emulate that great service.  With Metron - we are striving for this situation every day.  One way our service keeps improving is through our work with you and your continued partnership with us! .  
As you know with your practice, you have multiple ways to provide "GREAT" service.  Caring and taking time with your clients is a one of those ways. 
This is not a Metron or a veterinary example but one I wanted to share with you.  One of my recent opportunities to experience great service was also a wonderful surprise.   While traveling, I was making my way through airport security and had the honor to observe a TSA agent gently attend to an elderly couple that clearly did not know the airport process.  As we know, the TSA agents are not in the customer service business as their first priority, yet, this agent and the whole TSA team went the extra mile.  I was very impressed.
We think that "GREAT" service comes out because we love what we do.  Certainly this TSA feels the same way.  If you would like to read more, visit my DVMConnexx Blog.  

Kevin Scholz
CEO, DVMConnexx
Metron Support Services
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Practice Spotlight

TestimonialsOver the last eight months, we have been spotlighting practices using Metron.  Here are some of their stories and comments about Metron Imaging Software and Metron Support Services.
"After working with Metron Support Services and AllPro, a unique issue with the scanner was diagnosed and the doctor received a new replacement - so far so good!  Read more about a case study using Metron software on a young horse with a potential club foot disorder. (Article on page three of the newsletter.) In addition, Metron support worked with Dr. Emond to consistently produce x-ray images that meet and exceed his expectations.  The doctor is now using the new Metron equine technique chart and Metron custom scanner setup. The combination of changes is producing images with higher resolution and greater contrast."


Dr. Ronald Emond
Candlewood Equine


"The Metron software was a dramatic improvement "right out of the box".  Hocks, P3s, and even stifles were excellent. When Dr. Fox and Kevin Scholz asked me to try the new scanner settings I was a little skeptical but gave it a try.  To say the results were improvement over the initial settings is a profound understatement. They were as good as any images I had seen from any source including referral institutions. It was even nicer that I still used my ultra-light 80Kv portable unit."

Dr. Paul Mallonee
Endless Mountains Equine


"Sherbrook Animal Hospital is a new customer to the Metron Support Services Family.  As an early adopter of the new EC021 product, Dr. Juma has been a great contributor to the "tweaking" needed for great x-ray images.  Working with Dr. Juma, we evaluate best combinations of x-ray technique to produce maximum detail and contrast."

Dr Shiraz A. Juma
Sherbrook Animal Hospital

"Equine Dentistry is my focus in practice, and to me there's only one choice for equine diagnostic imaging and that's Metron.  Beyond great images, the flexibility of plate sizes and reporting tools in Metron help me to present recommendations which is one of the many missing pieces with every other imaging program." 
Travis Henry, DVM
Midwest Equine Services
There are additional client testimonial quotes about Metron Support Services on the Metron Support Site. Read what others are saying! 
Histogram Control  
Best Practices 

With the release of version 5.39, we have provided the user more control over one of the many details involved in image processing. This control in the user interface labeled "Histogram" is found at the top of the "Tune" panel associated with each detail filter.  It addresses several situations involving bright white areas in an image.    Uses of this feature include: 
Dense Bone Areas too White
By moving the Histogram slider to the right, to a value perhaps in the 3.0 to 6.0 range, you will be able to reduce this 'burnt out white' look  without having much impact on the rest of the image.


White Borders or other Artificial  White Objects
In some images, there are white areas that are not part of patient anatomy that are difficult or impossible to crop away. One such case is a small dental CR plate which has rounded corners. When scanned, it leads to an image with white areas in the corners and possibly the whole border.  In this case, these white objects force the rest of the image to be too dark. Using the Histogram slider, we can begin to 'ignore' the white objects, and bring up the level of the remaining portions of the image.

Histogram The left image is from Metron 5.38, on the right the same image in Metron 5.39 
Achieving Higher Contrast without Saturation
Some default filters have been updated to take advantage of this. Since this Histogram control is part of the "detail filters" and tune mechanism of Metron, it also means that users can save their favorite adjustment by saving (or re-saving) a customer filter set.
To learn more about this feature, see the Histogram Control document located on your Metron Support Site.
Support Services Highlight
Nancy Dewitz, Client Services Manager  
Nancy Dewitz
Nancy Dewitz
As you are coming up on your Annual Support Services Renewal many of you have or will be talking with Nancy Dewitz.  This month we would like to tell you a little about her. 
Nancy has been with DVMConnexx as the Client Services Manager since March 2010.  She comes to us with over 20 years experience in the veterinary industry.  Starting as a technical support person, she expanded her experience into training, technical installation, practice management software sales and consulting in practices.  Visiting 100's of practices over the years, Nancy has a unique perspective into the technical side of the veterinary practice and how it can impact patient care.   
In This Issue
Practice Spotlight
Histogram Control
Support Services Highlight
Metron 5.39 Release Information
Your Support Website!
Support Services Tips
Did you know?



Metron Release Info!

Metron New Release
Release 5.39 is out!  Click here for a listing of the new features now available to you.



Support Services Site

Metron-DVM Logo 
Be sure you and your staff visit the support site for
past newsletters and
online training sessions. 



Support Services 

Support Services Tips
Have you ever accidentally deleted an image?  Have no fear, you can retrieve the deleted file from the Trash Can.  Trash canClick on the picture of the Trash Can in the lower right corner of the Database Browser.
When viewing the listing, you have the option to "Un-Delete" the file that was accidentally deleted.  Just highlight the image needed and click the "Un-Delete" button.  The image will be added back to the original location which is shown in the columns below (Owner, Animal and Date).

Undelete Trash

You can also permanently delete the images from the Trash Can.  Highlight the images that you would like to permanently delete and click the "Permanent Delete" button.  You will be asked if you are sure you want to delete the images.

Trash Can Delete



Did you know?

World map
Metron Software is used in 41 of the 50 US States, 7 of the 10 provinces in Canada, 6 of the 6 states in Australia, as well as Brazil, New Zealand and the UK.


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