January 2010
METRONews Masthead e
In This Issue
Have You Met Gregg?
Did You Know?
Inside Metron Product
Beyond Indigo Highlight
Thoroughbred Performance Diagnostics LLC
Best Practices-Stifle Image
Be sure you and your staff visit our
Support Services Site
for past newletters and online training sessions.
Support Services Tips 
From Support Services
You are able to add an image into the Metron database from a saved file.  Any image file on your PC or on your local network can be imported into Metron.  Watch the online session for more details.
Support Services Focus
Many of you have probably talked with Gregg Michalski during your initial setup or when you have called in with questions.  This month we would like to tell you a little about Gregg.  He has been with DVMConnexx since June of 2009.  While helping clients with computers for the last 12 years, Gregg has also been twice a marathon runner including the Boston Marathon.  Gregg is also working on his MBA.  At the office, one of his primary focuses is working with the Metron Support Services Desk.
Did You Know?
Metron Imaging Software supports Windows 7 32-bit.  Click here for all Metron technical requirements.
Inside Metron Product
We have mentioned in the past the dental charts. There are also Dental Positioning Guides for Canine and Feline.  These are video productions of rotating skulls to assist in positioning the plates from your x-rays.  For more information, click here for the online session. 
Company Highlight
Beyond Indigo has been creating Companion Animal Websites for  veterinary clients for many years. Now they will be offering their expertise to equine practitioners through their Equine Specific Websites.  If you are thinking about a new website and you will be at the NAVC, visit them at booth 608 or call them directly at 1-877-244-9322.
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Message from Metron Support Services
Welcome to the third issue of the Metron newsletter. We would like to hear from you!!  Please be sure to let us know any suggestions that will make the support site, this newsletter and our support services more valuable to you and your staff. Also, if you would like your Metron story included in a future addition, please let us know and we will contact you for more details.

AAEP_BoothIt was great to talk with and meet many of you at the AAEP show in Las Vegas. 
We will also be attending the NAVC in Orlando, Florida January 16-20 (Booth #1505). Please stop by and say hello.  We would like to visit with you regarding your Metron Implementation.   
NAVC_LogoWe will be presenting IT services for veterinary practices from DVMConnexx and would love to share with you some options that might be of interest to you.
If you are considering a new laptop in 2010, treat yourself to one that contributes to image quality and display speed.  It is remarkable how much more detail you can see in an image when viewing that image on a great screen.  Going from "just ok" to great may cost you an extra $300-500 but that is a small price to pay for the benefit you get to enjoy every day.
Check out the DVMConnexx blog for tips and tricks that can you get your computers working for you instead of against.  
Happy 2010!
Kevin Scholz
CEO, DVMConnexx
Metron Support Services
Practice Spotlight
Thoroughbred Performance Diagnostics LLC
Dr Fox states, "I have never in my life received customer support like DVMConnexx -- I mean for anything in my life - a car purchase, anything".
Dr. FoxDr Fox has been using Metron Imaging Software and Support Services since October 2009.  In addition to the standard installation, set up, and online education, Dr Fox signed up for our VetRay conversion service to convert his old images to Metron "veterinary" DICOM standard.  This allows him to keep all the old and new images together in the Metron Imaging Software.
He also needed help with some laptop challenges, fighting with the new Windows7 just out only weeks prior.  Microsoft has 6 versions of Windows7 - which of these versions will work with the old and new CR x-ray scanners?  Dr. Fox purchased his laptop with Windows7 Home 64-bit as this computer offered the best monitor resolution.  Until drivers for Windows Vista or Windows 7 64 bit, the best choice at the time of purchase would have been Windows XP 32-bit.  
Lately, Dr Fox has been working with Metron to evaluate some work with Bone Density. A new Metron "beta" feature called Luminance provides the ability to make quantitative measurements related to bone density from ordinary radiographs.  Though implemented more than a year ago, this feature is still in development with DVMs like Dr. Fox providing great feedback for continuous improvement.
During the early stages of his career, Dr Fox worked full time in a mixed equine veterinary practice in Virginia while conducting exercise physiology research on racehorses at the local training centers.  Following this work, he was a full time Veterinary practitioner on the Maryland thoroughbred racing circuit. In 1993 Dr Fox relocated to Lexington KY where he trains thoroughbred racehorses and performs consulting services within the racing industry. See www.foxracingstable.com for more information on his work.
Best Practices
Producing a Great Stifle Image                       - Kevin Scholz
Though I am NOT a DVM, I hang around you guys way too much....    Last month I had an opportunity to spend a day with a veterinary friend/client in southern Wisconsin.  We spent part of the day taking x-rays of several equine joints.  The goal - test and document some of the potential combinations of x-ray generator and plate positioning, x-ray technique, and Metron image processing to produce the maximum diagnostic quality x-ray images.
With CR x-ray, you have more flexibility with x-ray technique and image processing.  We have the option to increase x-ray power (kVp & MAS) adding more data to the electronic image but we need to correspondingly process the image so it does not appear over-exposed.  Yes, some x-ray shots demand more power than the standard portable x-ray generator (kVp=80, MA=15) can produce - not always powering enough energy through the object of interest to present good detail on the plate.

Stifle ImageThe Stifle presented the biggest challenge to producing a diagnostic image.  Yet, the Stifle merely demanded an exaggeration of the same methods used in other x-ray shots.  With the Stifle, we positioned much closer with a focal distance of 16 inches and set the focal point about 2 inches above the joint.  We also pointed down at about 15% to help match the angle position of the plate held to the opposite side.
Using a time of 0.18 seconds (a bit higher that most might be comfortable with) we produced an image with great detail throughout.   The other Equine joints do not need the close focal distance or exaggerated time to produce great images, but we did still push beyond what has been "normal" for x-ray exposure.
Visit the new Metron "Images and Videos" page to see more examples of Equine images impacted by improvements in the process of image acquisition.  Images presented include x-ray technique, focal length, and veterinary practice source. 
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