Be sure you and your staff visit our
Support Services Site
for support documentation and online training sessions. |
From Support Services |
It is important to backup your Metron database on a regular basis. There are a couple ways to do the backup and our online training session "Backup your Metron Database" will walk you through the options. |
Did You Know? |
Version 5.0 introduced the concept of "Collections" for images - you can add any of the images in the system into a collection and then perform any of the multi-image operations on the collection. For example, one can put images from different dates into a collection and then use the multi-view function to view them side by side.
What's in the Metron Product? |
Metron has Guided Mark-Up for Vertebral Heart Score (VHS): Canine and Feline. This feature allows you to pick key points on the heart. Metron then uses those picked points to compute many important parameters of the heart and scores them. View "Guided Mark-up: VHS" for details.
EponaTech Calibration Blocks |
The Metron Block is a calibration tool that will ensure radiographs and photographs of the hoof can be accurately measured using Metron software. To read more, click here for Metron Calibration Aids.
Savings you can measure this holiday and thoughout the year!
We are offering to the first 20 current clients the opportunity to purchase calibration blocks, as mentioned above, at a deep discount.
$75 (Sale Price)
If you are interested, use coupon code BLOCK09 when purchasing online at EponaTech by January 15, 2010. | |
Message from Metron Support Services Welcome to the second issue of the Metron newsletter. Now leading Metron support since May of this year, we are here to support you with questions and issues, walk you through new features, and build great training tools that help you get started and keep going. We have enjoyed working with you and look forward to more discussions in the future.
We plan to highlight our clients in these regular newsletters to help share great ideas and useful techniques. If you would like your Metron story included in a future addition, please let us know and we will contact you for more details. Also, we are now offering VetRay conversion services. If you are a former VetRay client and interested in the options to move your VetRay images into Metron, please contact Support Services. Little known to most of you, our computers services team is extremely skilled at all types of computer issues. Thinking about replacing that 3 year old laptop? Have 8 computers in the office and they don't get along? We have offerings that can help with these issues.
Please be sure to let us know any suggestions that will make the support site, this newsletter and our support services more valuable to you and your staff. Happy Holidays! Kevin Scholz CEO, DVMConnexx Metron Support Services
Practice Spotlight Dr. Travis Henry says, "To me there's only one choice for equine diagnostic imaging and that's Metron. Beyond great images, the flexibility of plate sizes and reporting tools in Metron help me to present a recommendation which is one of the many missing pieces with every other imaging program."
Dr. Henry previously owned an eight doctor full services Equine practice. He sold that practice and started Midwest Equine Services. This practice's focuses on equine dentistry, providing services to clients and educating other veterinarians. Dr. Henry's practice provides all aspects of equine dentistry from routine dentals, fillings and endodontic, to oral surgery. They are an ambulatory practice, which travels throughout the Midwest.
Combined with the ALLPRO Imaging ScanX portable CR X-ray scanner, Metron produces the full spectrum of images critical to Dr. Henry. The shaped equine intraoral plates produce incredibly detailed dental images and the intraoral cameras capture views and zoomed focus not possible any other way - and all within Metron.
Best Practices
While it is a testament to the brilliance of Metron that you get great images without any tweaking, it is the "tweaking" tools that will help you enhance those images that may be missing the detail you are looking for. Under-exposed images can be corrected To fix an under-exposed image, you can use one of two Metron tools - Window Leveling & Look-Up-Table (LUT).

Though Window Leveling is an easier tool to work with, the LUT produces a better result. Experiment with these tools, get to know how they affect your images. To increase exposure using the LUT curve, find the center dot of the 3 presented dots on the diagonal line. Click and drag the center dot toward the lower right corner about ¼ distance. Watch your image for exposure improvement and adjust as needed.
The LUT can also help with over-exposed images - test out on some of your existing images to see just how well the LUT can help you.
Want more bone detail? Most of you are likely scanning images with the default filter set to either #1 or #2. To get more detail (Contrast) try filter #4.
If that is not enough, click on the "Tune" button and add Contrast and Edge1 and then reduce "Smooth.

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