Welcome to Enough is Enough!

Summer is over, and school is finally back in session.  As children return to the classroom, we have heard from a number of parents and educators who want to know how to better protect kids online this school year.  In this month's newsletter, you will learn the latest trends and Internet Safety 101 resources available to help educate, equip and empower YOU to protect the children under your care! 

For the Sake of the Children,

Donna Rice Hughes
President & Chairman
Enough Is Enough
Do you know where your kids go online? girl with phone
A recent Common Sense Media survey, examined how social networking and other Internet usage are affecting kids and families.  The survey indicated that many parents had no idea their children were using social networking sites at a young age, and few parents actively supervise their kids' Internet use.   
The survey also found that many teens, unbeknownst to their parents, are using the Internet as a forum for gossip, blowing off steam, bullying and engaging in risqu� behavior online.
As parents, guardians and other concerned adults, we encourage you to use Internet Safety Rules N' Tools to help start a discussion with your kids TODAY about where they are going and what they are doing online!
Social Networking 101 

In the online world, social networking sites have become a predominant forum for kids to present themselves, seek approval, and describe their interests. Teens use these pages as a place to feature everything in their heads and hearts that they want people to know about. The central feature of these sites is the ability to connect with people and share information, and it is vitally important for parents to communicate with kids about their use of these sites to stay safe!  To find out more about protecting kids on these sites, click HERE!

Rules N' Tools
Tip of the Month!

Set time limits: Excessive time online, especially at night, may indicate a problem.  Remind your child that internet use is a privilege, not a right.  If necessary, utilize time-limiting software, which allows parents to manage the amount of time and times of day children are allowed online. 

To see EIE's full list of Internet Safety Rules N' Tools click HERE.

In This Issue
Do you know where your kids go online?
Social networking 101
Internet Safety 101 National Launch
Internet Safety 101 National Launch! 
Donna Rice Hughes

Enough Is Enough will be launching the national roll-out of Internet Safety 101: Empowering Parents Program later this year!  This first-of-its-kind teaching series, featuring EIE President Donna Rice Hughes, paints a comprehensive picture of the dangers children encounter online.  Stay tuned for more exciting Internet Safety 101 information!

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EIE News

EIE featured on Ctizenlink (August 31, 2009)
EIE President Donna Rice Hughes was featured on Friday on Five talking about what parents need to know about protecting children online.  To read the full interview, click HERE.

EIE featured in Virginia Capitol Connections (September, 2009)

EIE President Donna Rice Hughes was featured in an article about sexting.  To read the full article, go to page 16 in the quarterly, which you can download HERE.

EIE featured in The Examiner (September 14, 2009)
Cris Clapp Logan was featured in Info 101: Children, Online Pornography and the Law, the first of a three-part educational piece to encourage parents to protect children from the dangers of explicit cyberporn.  You can read the article HERE.

DVD and Workbook
If you are a parent, educator, grandparent, childcare provider, or concerned community member, then this resource is for you!  This state-of-the-art program addresses the critical need for adult and parental education and empowerment.  The four-part DVD series is intended to duplicate the power of in-person training seminars and featured EIE President and Internationally acclaimed Internet safety expert, Donna Rice Hughes.

Firsthand accounts and exclusive footage from law enforcement experts, teens, victims, clinicians, a sexual predator, parents, and respected industry leaders are woven into this filmed teaching presentation.  This comprehensive program educates adults about how to protect children across all Internet-enabled devices, covering issues relating to pornography, sexual predators, online gaming, cyberbullying, social networking and mobile devices.  Find out more or order your copy today by clicking HERE.