JBM Consulting
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In this day and age of needing to "work smarter not harder" is absolutely necessary...thinking of how as an organization you can achieve that is imperative.  Coaching for optimal performance is one important way!


One of JBM's most important services provided is Professional Coaching.  Investing in your most valuable assets is important, optimizing performance is imperative especially in these times of reduced staffing, all while trying to maintain quality.


Both the private and public sectors are realizing the importance of doing what they can for professional development.  JBM works with both sectors on multiple levels, coaching being one important area. JBM works with executives and staff members at all levels.  Retaining employees is cost effective..hiring, training and lost production time is expensive...


This part of my consulting is not only growing but proven to be valuable for clients.  As a result, additional emails on the topic will follow, highlighting some specific areas that coaching is helpful.


If you haven't considered this yet...consider the growing recognition of the need to invest in your  most valuable assets..your employees!

What is Professional Coaching? Working well together is important no matter what your business


"Coaches do not motivate clients, they inspire them to motivate themselves"(N.Nigro)


Coaches move to help clients see clearly how their actions, behaviors and technical skills fit compared to the role they are in as well as how such skills fit related to career goals...where they want to be in the  organization. 


Coaching of people is complex. It requires a strong professional that innately reads people, compassionate, but strong enough to say what needs to be said.  A capable coach has a goal to help the candidate design a formal plan that has tangible results related to performance and areas needing growth and development.  An effective coach works with all key parties, management and/or coworkers, that are necessary for optimal results.


Coaching sessions are forums where there needs to be complete openness.  Respect for confidentiality is important, recognizing that at times, the issues brought up may indeed be important for key management personnel to know, to help the struggling employee.


Hiring the right person as a Coach is imperative.  A coach needs to be a seasoned professional/executive that has had enough life and work experience to be credible and effective.  Personality assessments are good however, they are not always required to determine a person's areas needing improvement/growth.  Assessments are a small part of the overall coaching experience.  Coaches need to be strong at "reading" people on their own and understanding how organizations and people work well consistently in the workplace.  Understanding human behavior in the workplace is key!


A coach works along side the client, prodding them to consistently work on the areas chosen as a focus.  A coach, assists the client in determining performance improvement methods.  A coach "puts the  mirror" up to the client, so he/she can "see" and understand their areas needing development.  A coach is optimally effective if there is a good rapport and the client perceives the coach as someone that has what it takes to help them develop.


Coaching involves working with appropriate people in the organization who can work with the client to optimize their growth! The client and those involved will all benefit from the coaching process!


A coach helps a client determine the workplace barriers, those relationships that may need mending, communications that can be improved, ultimately all being identified through a comprehensible, achievable action plan.


Investing in an employee in this manner not only is cost effective, but will result in either performance improvement all the way to the client realizing, maybe they are not in the "right" job.  The latter is  a viable and good option for some.


Effective Coaching inevitably will result in improved performance and efficiency for the business/organization.  Again, although last resort, if it means turnover/demotion/transfer to place the client in the "right" position if available and possible.  Otherwise, as mentioned, moving on to another organization may be the best for all!  Win/win is the goal always!



At times, "super workers" become leaders or are placed in another position they desire as a reward for their strong performance in their current role.  The reality is however, that performance is based on skills, natural abilities, experience, strengths...no one size fits all!  It is imperative that a full assessment of the required skills are the driver of allowing a position change.
Someone who is a strong technical person and always shines in that  technical role, could be a "bull in a china shop" if put in the capacity to lead others. While most of us can develop and change to improve our weaknesses, ensuring the job fits the innate and acquired skill levels of a person should be thoroughly reviewed before promoting/ hiring!
Take the time required to do this right.  Be sure your position descriptions are functional, detailed and compliant.  It is this position description that drives the hiring process and leading to choosing the "right" fit!


For effective hiring practices consider taking the time (under 40 minutes) and learn more about how to approach filling that next job opening!




"The only thing certain in life is change" 

JBM can help "coach" employees to adjust and thrive...here is a past enewsletter on the topic!


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Jeannine Brown Miller, MA, SPHR Principal Consultant
JBM Consulting