JBM Consulting
JBM Consulting
This is strategy 4  of Eleven HR Strategies for 2011- Prepare for Legal Minefields (2/2011; HR magazine;R. Grossman)
Every business person should be concerned about these areas.  Unions are seeking new members. Private employers need to focus on their vulnerability and employee appeal to unionization.  When employees are dissatisfed and feel undervalued, unions are very attractive.

Union officials are researching on the internet and using all other types of technology to send messages to employees.  The key is to not be "caught off guard".  James Raudabaugh of Nixon Peabody LLP in Washington, DC states that "Unions are facing a death watch; they know they need to organize to survive.  Your company isn't safe just because its not unionized.  Non unionized employers are subject to the National Labor Relations Act and union officials seek out overly vague phrasing in employee handbooks for example, that could open the door for union action."

Stay current on the "pulse" of your organization.  Keep employees engaged. Utilize their input for improving the work environment.  Be sure your supervisors are well aware of the threat of unions and/or employee relations issues. Keep focused on the ways the workplace can remain positive.

Train, train, train! Utilize management coaches and HR consultants to help improve management practices.  Conduct an HR Audit that includes a focus on compensation and pay practices.  Ensure your written policies and handbooks are well done.  Do not assume that your practices are the best, make sure they are!

 Keep the workplace positive.  Keep employees motivated!  Ensure you have an effective performance management system.  Compensate equitably.  Offer practical and valued benefits.  Ensure relationships are strong and conflicts are kept to an absolute minimum!


Relations matter in a big way.  If employees like those they work with, they feel valued and engaged, they will likely be satisfied and less likely to seek employment elsewhere.  Quality of worklife is critical!

Much of my consulting work is focused on ensuring  my clients are at the top of their game.  By conducting HR Audits, by recommending and helping implement effective changes to practices and processes.  By providing suggestions for improved performance management programs, position descriptions and other forms of documentation such as policies and handbooks and then offering coaching to ensure proper implementation of all of this has proven extremely helpful to my clients.   

Recognize the importance of your human resources...your most valuable assets...let me help you work through this! 

Jeannine Brown Miller, MA, SPHR Principal Consultant
JBM Consulting

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