Gala Check Presentations
On February 28 Foundation representatives presented the proceeds from the 2011 Charity Gala to the Kirkland Cancer Center and Ayers Children's Medical Center. Each center received almost $57,000.
 | L to R: Ron Kwasigroh, Val Exum, Deena Kail & Diane Abbott |
 | L to R: Val Exum, Catherine Kwasigroh & Frank McMeen |
2011 Charity Gala Slideshow |
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Cancer Center Offers Free Colorectal Screening
Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States with more than 150,000 people diagnosed each year. Regular colorectal cancer screening is a powerful tool for preventing colorectal cancer because it allows for early detection. Most cases, if detected early, are now curable through surgery and/or treatment including chemotherapy and radiation.
The Kirkland Cancer Center at Jackson-Madison county General Hospital and the West Tennessee Healthcare Foundation, are offering a free colorectal cancer screening at participating pharmacies around West Tennessee. Hemoccult kits screen for colorectal cancer and will be available for pick up at area pharmacies from March 1-16.
The hemoccult kits must be mailed back to the Medical Center Lab at P.O. Box 3099 Jackson, Tennessee 38303 by March 31. Results will be mailed back to the sender. For more information about this free screening contact the Kirkland Cancer Center at (731) 541-5087. For more information about the warning signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer, visit the American Cancer Society.
Complete List of Participating Pharmacies | | |
Camo Angels Receives $10,200 From Gilbert Russell McWherter

A gift in the amount of $10,200 was recently directed by the Gilbert Russell McWherter Law Firm to Camo Angels, a fund of the West Tennessee Healthcare Foundation. The donation resulted from unclaimed funds from a national class action lawsuit in which Gilbert Russell McWherter PLC served as class counsel.
"Our law firm is fortunate to handle class action cases in different areas of the country. Sometimes that offers us the opportunity to direct unclaimed funds to charities. We felt that Camo Angels, with the impact it can have on children, was particularly deserving for this case," said partner Clint Scott, who successfully handled the lawsuit resulting in the award.
Camo Angels is a non-profit program designed to help reduce barriers that prevent disabled children from experiencing the great outdoors...more |
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Foundation Focus
March 2012 - Vol 4, Issue 3 |
You never truly know how your kindness will impact others. On rare occasions someone will tell you and the results are inspiring.
Each Valentine's Day members of the Casey Jones Barbershop Chorus give of their time to serenade people all over Jackson in an attempt to raise funds for the Therapy & Learning Center. This year was no different as more than 50 serenades were completed.
Below is a note we received from the granddaughter of a recipient of a serenade in 2010. Please read as I think you too will be inspired to make a difference in someone's day.
Members of the Casey Jones Barbershop Chorus Serenade a Very Special Grandmother on Valentine's Day in 2010 |
"My grandmother, Vesta Brown, talked about last year's Valentine's Day visit to her home all year long. They gave her so much joy! She died on January 22, 2012 at 98 years, 4 months and 91 days. The picture of her with the guys still sits next to her chaise. They are never to be forgotten. I wanted to make a small donation on her behalf. That is a memory I will cherish and remember every Valentine's Day. Please let the guys know how much she loved their time spent with her." -Robin Baker
Our many thanks to the gentlemen who give of their time so freely to make Valentine's Day special for so many. |
Foundation Partners with SnagMob to Benefit Kirkland Cancer Center/Ayers Children's Medical Center
What do you need? A wide open question I know. Chances are each week that SnagMob is going to have something at a greatly discounted price on your list. What is SnagMob? Think Groupon or Living Social for the Jackson Area.
It's incredibly simple and will save you money on everything from restaurants to facials to oil changes and carpet cleaning. So how do you get in on this? Simply visit SnagMob and sign up to receive their deals in your inbox.
Is it worth it? You bet it is. Some deals will save you anywhere from 50 - 90%. If you need further proof of why this is good know this-Every time you buy a deal from SnagMob and you see the Kirkland Cancer Center logo or the Ayers Children's Medical Center logo those center's will receive 10% of your purchase.
Join SnagMob, save some money and help us in the process.
Buy the Latest SnagMob Deal to Benefit the Cancer Center |
Hospice of West Tennessee Hosts
Annual Golf Tournament
Spring is finally here and who isn't looking for a worthwhile excuse to get out of the office for a day. Not only do we have the perfect excuse, it benefits charity so you actually get to feel good about missing work!
On Friday, May 11 Hospice of West Tennessee will host a four man golf scramble in support of Camp W.I.N.G.S., an annual camp for children ages 7-14 years who are grieving the loss of a loved one.
The tournament will take place at Woodland Hills Golf and Country Club with lunch and registration beginning at 11:30 a.m. and the shotgun start at 12:30 p.m. To entice you further, there is a $15,000 Hole-in-One opportunity at the tournament.
Sponsorship forms and golfer registration forms are now available. For more information about Hittin' for Hospice or Camp W.I.N.G.S. contact Pat Bard at (731)-664-4220 or


Memorial Scholarship Offers $1,000
to Local Students
The Morgan Kelley Memorial Scholarship Fund is seeking applications from seniors at all Madison County high schools to apply for their inaugural $1,000 scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded to seniors who chose an institution of higher learning within Madison County.
Morgan Kelley passed away suddenly in December 2009 due to complications from open-heart surgery. A student at Lambuth University, she was a biology major, president of Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority, vice-president of the Student Government Association and a spokesperson for the American Heart Association.
For more information about the scholarship you may contact Lisa Latham at 731-988-9840.
All applications must be postmarked by Friday, March 16.
It is More Blessed to Give Than to Receive...and Often Deductible
Outside the nonprofit circle you may not have heard this anonymously attributed quote. However, whether attributed or not it is a true statement.
The Foundation offers a multitude of ways for you to give now or leave a legacy for generations to come. We can customize a plan to help you support the causes that mean the most to you while maximizing the "often deductible" needs you have now.