PCC Newsletter
News & Information for the Pittsburgh Consulting Community
May 2011 |
Greetings! |
Wow . . . spring has finally arrived to Pittsburgh . . . it sure took its time!
In the news this month:
- Applications are now being accepted for the next Consulting Mastermind Group
- The Value-Based Pricing for Consultants workshop was a rousing success so we'll probably repeat it in the future.
And in the wings:
Keep your eyes on your email or our LinkedIn discussions for more events and information.
Michael Couch Michael@mcassociatesinc.com
Consulting Mastermind Group - Last Call |
This is the last call to participate in the next Consulting Mastermind Group.
All members of the Alpha Mastermind Group made significant strides over the few months they worked together. The Alpha Group has also wants to continue to meet on an informal basis due to the value they get from the process.
- Are you ready to start or grow your consulting business?
- Do you want to explore specific topics and diverse views about the business of consulting within the context of a group?
- Are you willing to learn from your peers?
- Are you willing to assist others in growing their consulting business?
- Are you willing to invest time, money, and energy into starting or growing your consulting business?
- Are you willing to give and receive help, advice, criticism, feedback, and encouragement from a group of link-minded peers?
If you answered yes to these questions than a Consulting Mastermind Group is for you. Download and fill out an application, email to Michael@mcassociatesinc.com and I'll follow up with a phone call. (If you have problems with the application form, send me note and I'll email to you.) Drop me a line at the same emial or call 412.952.9036 if you have any questions.
Lots of Value in Value-Based Pricing |
Our May 18 workshop on Value-Based Pricing for Consultants was well attended and received rave reviews. The purpose of the workshop was to learn how to use value to price consulting services. We used information from the Institute for the Study of Business Markets, Reg Goeke and Alan Weiss along with my own experience to learn how to by understand, communicate, deliver and receive value.
Why focus on value? Because its the only true way to attract and retain customers and increase your marketshare. Customer satisfaction is not enough.
What's it take to price on value? It is as much an art as a science. You need to be able to understand and uncover what creates value for your target client - often times better than they do. It also helps if you have a strong brand and know how you are perceived in the marketplace.
We will probably repeat the workshop since the response was so positive. Thanks to the participants for contributing great suggestions for the next time around. |
Featured Consultant - Tom Donoghue |
Large organizations can develop internal expertise to pursue planning, design and construction for their building and facility projects.
Small and medium size organizations typically rely on the design and construction industry for both the services and guidance on how to find, buy and use those services.
Donoghue Project Consulting, LLC saves time, headaches, surprises, setbacks ... and money, by providing building planning, project planning, project management, and building code analysis expertise directly to building owners and users - from their point of view, as a member of their project management team.
Tom is an experienced planner, project manager and architect. His background and education are broader than the typical professional. He has worked as both building owner and consulting architect, developing specialized skills in project planning & management, owner representation, building planning & design, design & construction procurement, contract administration, and building code analysis.
His goal is to enhance the partnerships between building owners & users and their design & construction teams. Adding value by providing the owners with the expertise to be knowledgeable and effective clients in the design and construction industry.
DONOGHUEProject Consulting
412 605-7045
Million Dollar Consulting� Mindset |
A Free Monthly Newsletter from Alan Weiss!
If you don't know who Alan Weiss is, you should. He is a world renown educator, speaker, writer and consultant. Alan's website is chock full or resources for consultants (and was designed by Chad Barr, the speaker at our April 5 event). I attended his Consulting College and it completely changed my thinking about my approach to the business of consulting. It was the single most valuable investment I made in myself and my business.
Sign up for the Million Dollar Consulting� Mindset here. At the same time, you can sign up for Alan's other free newsletters, the Balancing Act� and Monday Morning Memo�.
Watch the PCC Newsletter for details on an event we are planning with Alan in the Fall.
PCC LinkedIn Group |
Start a discussion, look for resources, ask a question, find a colleague
The Consulting Community's LinkedIn Group has grown to over 500 members. If you haven't connected to the Group yet, now's the time. It's a great source of informative discussions, news and information about Community Members. We've also linked the news feed from the Institute for Management Consultants so that you can see the invaluable "Daily Tips for Consultants".
It's a restricted group, so click here to request to join and I'll approve your membership. |
The Pittsburgh Consulting Community and the Consulting Mastermind Groups are sponsored by:
Michael A. Couch, President
412-952-9036 |