PCC Newsletter
News & Information for the Pittsburgh Consulting Community
March 2011 |
Greetings! |
2011 is shaping up to be an informative and interesting year for the PCC. The Consulting Mastermind Groups are underway. We will also be starting a Tele-Series for those just starting a consulting business.
Mark your calendar for the next events specifically designed for consultants:
Tuesday April 5: Dominating the Web
Thursday, May 12: Value-Based Fees
We're also planning a visit sometime later this year from the folks at Constant Contact to learn about their tool for email and event marketing.
Keep your eyes on your email or our LinkedIn discussions for more events and information.
Michael Couch Michael@mcassociatesinc.com |
Dominating the Web - Next PCC Event |
Tuesday April 5 (New Date)
Our favorite Web Guru Chad Barr, President of CB Software Systems , will be back by popular demand for a Lunch'n'Learn session from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM at Sigmas Event and Conference Center. Chad's topic this time will be Web Domination.
Watch your email or the PCC LinkedIn group for details and registration.
Check out Chad's web work with Alan Weiss at Million Dollar Websites. (Peruse the Gallery of sites and see if you see any familiar faces.)
Value-Based Pricing for Consultants |
Thursday, May 12
Struggling to determine what to charge? Still using a per diem or a cost-above approach to your fees? Concerned that your fees don't represent the actual value you provide to your clients? Then mark your calendar for this hands-on Value Pricing workshop. We explore how to understand, communicate, capture and deliver value in your consulting practice. . . and get paid for it!
Watch the next PCC newsletter details for details.
What's the difference between a per diem and value pricing? Seth Grodin provides a great example on his blog. Alan Weiss also has some free resources on his website, including Forty Methods to Increase and/or Protect Fees.
PCC Consulting Mastermind Groups Are Underway |
- Are you ready to start or grow your consulting business?
- Do you want to explore specific topics and diverse views about the business of consulting within the context of a group?
- Are you willing to learn from your peers?
- Are you willing to assist others in growing their consulting business?
- Are you willing to invest time, money, and energy into starting or growing your consulting business?
- Are you willing to give and receive help, advice, criticism, feedback, and encouragement from a group of link-minded peers?
If you answered yes to these questions than a Consulting Mastermind Group is for you.
The first Consulting Mastermind Group has been formed. Drop me an email (Michael@mcassociatesinc.com) if you'd like to find out more or if you think you would be interested in being part of a Group. Better yet, kick start a Group by grabbing several colleagues with whom you'd like to collaborate and give me a call.
March 9 - Secrets of Successful Service-Based Entrpreneurs |
Pittsburgh Coaches Association - LUNCH & LEARN |
Have you ever thought of growing your service-based business far beyond what you can personally serve yourself? On March 9, 2011 the Coaches Association is featuring a special program with a panel of service-based entrepreneurs who have all built million dollar businesses.
Register now. Attendance will be limited to the first 50 registrants. |
This special program will last 90 minutes, from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m., with an opportunity to network before and after. Lunch will be served at 11:45.
Scheduled Panelists:
Joe Blattner - Founder and CEO of COMPackage, Corp., and Founder of Blattner Brunner
Anita Brattina - CEO, AllFacilities Energy Group
Darrin Grove - CEO of TrueFit
Jeffrey Ford - Partner at Grossman, Yanak & Ford, LLP. |
PCC LinkedIn Group |
Start a discussion, look for resources, ask a question, find a colleague
The Consulting Community's LinkedIn Group has grown to over 500 members. If you haven't connected to the Group yet, now's the time. It's a great source of informative discussions, news and information about Community Members. We've also linked the news feed from the Institute for Management Consultants so that you can see the invaluable "Daily Tips for Consultants".
It's a restricted group, so click here to request to join and I'll approve your membership. |
The Pittsburgh Consulting Community and the Consulting Mastermind Groups are sponsored by:
Michael A. Couch, President
412-952-9036 |