PCC LogoPCC Newsletter

News & Information for  the Pittsburgh Consulting Community


January 2011

In This Issue
Coming Attractions 2011
How to Join A Mastermind Group
Featured Consultant
5 Tips to Get More From LinkedIn
Quick Links

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Happy New Year!

Our first Mastermind Group is formed and ready to roll.  There is growing interest in starting another.  If you are interested in this great tool to grow your business, check out the article below for more details.

The first Newsletter of 2011 inaugurates a feature to put members of the Community in the spotlight.  Bill Ringle is the first Featured Consultant.  Mastermind Group members get the first shot at being featured.  Let me know if you'd like to highlight your practice and I'll get you on the editorial calendar.

Larry Lewis was kind enough to share some Tips to Get More From LinkedIn.  If you have some ideas, words of wisdom, or blogology that you'd like to share with the Consulting Community, send it along.

Michael Couch

Coming Attractions - 2011

2011 is shaping up to be an informative and interesting year for the PCC.  Thanks to everyone for the suggestions and assistance.  Keep the ideas coming.

Here's what's already on the calendar:


Tuesday March 8

Our favorite Web Guru Chad Barr, President of CB Software Systems , will be back by popular demand for a Lunch'n'Learn session.  Chad's topic this time will be Web Domination. Check out Chad's web work with Alan Weiss at Million Dollar Websites. (Peruse the Gallery of sites and see if you see any familiar faces.)


Tuesday, April 5

Value-Based Fees is a hot topic - how to provide greater value, grow revenue, and move away from per diems.  This will be a morning workshop focused on providing you with ideas and tools that you can put into practice right away.


Other topics on which we're working:

  • Using Constant Contact as an effective marketing and communications tool.
  • Communication Skills for Consultants - how to show up more powerfully and communicate more effectively to get the results you want.

Watch the PCC Newsletter for more details






 PCC Consulting Mastermind Groups Are Underway

  • Are you ready to start or grow your consulting business?
  • Do you want to explore specific topics and diverse views about the business of consulting within the context of a group?
  • Are you willing to learn from your peers?
  • Are you willing to assist others in growing their consulting business?
  • Are you willing to invest time, money, and energy into starting or growing your consulting business?
  • Are you willing to give and receive help, advice, criticism, feedback, and encouragement from a group of link-minded peers?

If you answered yes to these questions than a Consulting Mastermind Group is for you.


The first Consulting Mastermind Group has been formed.  Drop me an email (Michael@mcassociatesinc.com) if you'd like to find out more or if you think you would be interested in being part of a Group.   Better yet, kick start a Group by grabbing several colleagues with whom you'd like to collaborate and give me a call.


Featured PCC Consultant


Bill RingleBill Ringle

The Callidus Group


I find that 8 out of 10 business owners feel like they own a job rather than a growing business asset.  I was that guy!


I bought a closed steel mill, restructured and grew it to $10mm in revenues.  Early on, I was the lowest paid employee in my own business; working 6 days a week often 12 hour days.


From that experience and others that followed, I developed a process to help business owners grow their business into a saleable asset while doubling their free time.







Five Tips for Getting More from LinkedIn

How to Generate Leads Using the Internet, Social Media and Referrals

Larry Lewis

Client Builder Sales & Marketing, LLC



LinkedIn has always tended towards the service oriented professional.  However, it also has plenty to like in the brand asset optimization world that all businesses live in.


Your Profile

This is a great brand asset so don't waste it. Make it informative and optimized for search.

  • Add a photo - nothing says nobody's home faster than the default icon
  • Get the branded URL - something like this is what you want http://www.linkedin.com/in/clientbuildermarketing - it's something you pick during editing.
  • Links with Anchor text - link to your blog, products, workshops, etc. through the "other" tab.  You can also add anchor text for the link.
  • Be descriptive - use the "Summary" to tell your story in a compelling way and add lots of keywords in the "specialty" section.
  • Keep it active - LinkedIn has a status update feature, much like Facebook and Twitter, that you should update routinely.
  • Link to it - put links to your profile in your email signature and other online pages. Optimization is a two way street.

Give to Get

When people view profiles one of the top features is something called recommendations. While these may feel a little fluffy when you read them, a lack of them can be a competitive issue. You should acquire some recommendations and the best way to get them is to give them. Choose people in your network that you've worked with and write an honest statement of recommendation. Don't be surprised if you receive some in return.


Show What You've Got

An overlooked feature on LinkedIn is the Question and Answer function. By jumping in and answering questions thoughtfully you can demonstrate a given expertise while potentially engaging contacts that are drawn to your knowledge. The key word here is thoughtful.  LinkedIn even has a rating system to reward those who give the best answers by providing them with some added exposure.

The flip side of this tip is to ask thoughtful questions. This can be a great way to get useful information, but it's equally powerful as a tool to create conversations, discussion and engagement with like minded connections.


Lead a Group

Anyone can launch a group on LinkedIn and lead discussions and networking on a specific topic of interest. If you take this tip to heart and put some effort into a niche group you can gain added influence with your network.  Groups are also open to the LinkedIn universe as a whole and some folks find that this is one of the strongest ways to build their network. Building a group around an established brand is also a great way to bring users or customers together.


Repurpose Content

Since members of your network, and those of the larger LinkedIn community, may only experience your brand on the LinkedIn platform, it's a great idea to enhance your profile with educational information. This is best done using some of the 3rd party applications that LinkedIn has collected for this purpose.  These applications include:

  • BlogLink - displays your latest blog posts on your profile;
  • Box.net - allows you to create links to files such as resumes and marketing kits;
  • Slideshare - embeds slideshow presentations and demos; and
  • Company Buzz - scrapes twitter for mentions of your brand or other topics you assign.
For a FREE copy of Larry's report on the "The Power of Process for Increasing Sales" please visit his website at www.ClientBuilderTraining.com

The Pittsburgh Consulting Community and the Consulting Mastermind Groups are sponsored by:
Michael A. Couch, President