PCC LogoPCC Newsletter

News & Information for  the Pittsburgh Consulting Community


December 2010

In This Issue
What is a Mastermind Group
How to Join A Mastermind Group
Good News for the Consulting Business
Featured Consultant
Coming Attractions 2011
Quick Links

Join Our Mailing List!

We had over fifty people registered for the recent Consulting Mastermind Kick Off event.  Illness, clients, and other conflicts reduced the actual attendance but the energy level of those attending was impressive.  It looks like there is plenty of interest to continue to move forward with forming the Groups. Check out the articles below if you'd like to learn more or join up.  The deadline for the first round of Groups is December 15.

We have some interesting events planned for next year so keep your eyes on your email for more details.

Happy Holidays!  We'll look forward to seeing you in the New Year.

Michael Couch
What is a Mastermind Group
A Mastermind Group is a small team of supportive colleagues that challenge each other to:
  • Learn,
  • Innovate, and
  • Create and implement goals

You can think about them as your personal Board of Directors or a Peer Advisory Group. Mastermind groups have been successfully used by many small business owners to sharpen their business skills, to grow their businesses, and to grow personally.  We're going to capitalize on that success and apply it specifically to the business of consulting.

A Mastermind Group is not a class, is not group coaching, and is not a networking or referral group.  It is a combination of group facilitation, peer brainstorming, and mutual support and accountability in a small group setting focused on a definite purpose over several weeks or months.  The purpose is set by the group.

The Pittsburgh Consulting Community has received many requests to consider developing a more structured, richer approach to helping folks learn from their colleagues in the Community. As a result, we will be kicking off Consulting Mastermind Groups as another component to our Community.


How to Join a Consulting Mastermind Group

  • Are you ready to start or grow your consulting business?
  • Do you want to explore specific topics and diverse views about the business of consulting within the context of a group?
  • Are you willing to learn from your peers?
  • Are you willing to assist others in growing their consulting business?
  • Are you willing to invest time, money, and energy into starting or growing your consulting business?
  • Are you willing to give and receive help, advice, criticism, feedback, and encouragement from a group of link-minded peers?

If you answered yes to these questions than a Consulting Mastermind Group is for you.


The process to join  is simple.  Just  fill out an application, email it to Michael@mcassociatesinc.com and I'll give you a call to discuss details.  The application and phone conversation are to make sure that we put the right folks in the right groups. 


The commitment to the group is for six months.  There is a monthly fee of $225.  For the fee, you receive:

  • Planned, designed and facilitated sessions using Compression Planning
  • Members only on-line collaboration tools and access
  • Discounts on all Pittsburgh Consulting Community Events
  • Attendance at two Mastermind Summits
  • Featured Consultant article in the Consulting Community Newsletter
  • Meetings in a top-notch facility, Sigmas Conference and Event Center
  • LinkedIn sub-group membership
  • Opportunities for group discounts for books, materials and services
We are targetting to kick off the first groups in January 2011 and the deadline to apply for this round is December 15 so don't hesitate, take action now.

Unfulfilled Business Needs Causing Uptick in Consutling


A recent headline in the Kennedy Consulting Research & Advisory Wire read "Two Years of Unfulfilled Business Needs Causing Uptick in Consulting Engagements"

The article went on to state:  "While clients remain cautious, and consultant fees remain down from 2008 levels, 2010 is showing an upturn in proposals, profits and deal activity. Clients are overcoming their paralysis, attending to unmet business needs and requesting services beyond the cost-cutting and restructuring engagements typical of the downturn. However, because clients' decision processes are slower, and they consider and probe more than in the past, recovery within the global consulting marketplace is forecasted to be slow and modest, with a greater emphasis on short-term engagements for specific needs that yield sustainable, tangible results."


Sounds like a great time to be in the consulting business!

Featured Consultant
Your Picture Here
Starting in the January 2011 Edition of the PCC Newsletter, we will be highlighting members of our community in a new Featured Consultant article.  We will be starting with members of the inaugural Consulting Mastermind Group.

If you'd like to highlight your practice, send a one or two paragraph blurb and a headshot or logo to Michael@mcassociates.com.  Note:  image file size is 100KB or less with a maximum of 800 pixels wide.

Coming Attractions - 2011

I received many great ideas for 2011 events.  Thanks to everyone for the suggestions and assistance.  Keep the ideas coming.

 Here's what we're working on for the coming year:
  • Chad Barr, President of CB Software Systems will be back by popular demand in March.  Our Web Guru's topic this time will be Web Domination. Check out Chad's web work with Alan Weiss at Million Dollar Websites. (Check out the Gallery of sites and see if you see any familiar faces.)
  • Value-Based Fees is a hot topic - how to provide greater value, grow revenue, and move away from per diems.
  • Using Constant Contact as an effective marketing tool.
  • Communication Skills for Consultants - how to show up more powerfully and communicate more effectively to get the results you want.

Watch the PCC Newsletter for more details

The Pittsburgh Consulting Community and the Consulting Mastermind Groups are sponsored by:
Michael A. Couch, President