I've had many requests to consider developing a more structured, richer approach to helping folks learn from their colleagues in the Community . . . something more then the large group events. As a result, we will be kicking off Consulting Mastermind Groups as another component to our Community.
Mastermind groups have been successfully used by many small business owners to sharpen their business skills, to grow their businesses, and to grow personally. We're going to capitalize on that success and apply it specifically to the business of consulting.
A Mastermind Group is not a class, is not group coaching, and is not a networking or referral group. It is a combination of group facilitation, peer brainstorming, and mutual support and accountability in a small group setting focused on a definite purpose. The purpose is set by the group.
I envision two levels of groups. One for those just starting their consulting practice and another for more experienced consultants who want to kick their practice up a notch.
The free Mastermind Group Breakfast Briefing is scheduled for Friday, December 3. This will be a no-obligation opportunity to learn more and to contribute to the design of the Consulting Mastermind Groups.