PCC Newsletter
June 2010
In This Issue
Innovation Interruptus
The Art & Science of Facilitation
Support Your Local Tribe
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Innovation: What Works

We had to postpone the June 3 session with Tracy Fuller on Innovation:  What Works.  Evidently we had too many conflicts during a big vacation week.  We will reschedule the session for later in the year. 
In the meantime, hone your creative edge by visiting Tracy's website  Check out the great resource she created to help you and your clients to think more creatively, FRESH IDEAS. 
Contact Tracy at
The Art and Science of Facilitation
Wednesday, June 23
Are your clients frustrated by their slow pace of decision-making?
Do your clients have issues that never seem to get resolved, projects that seldom get completed on time, or strategies that languish?
Join us on Wednesday, June 23 to learn how to pull off bigger, better ideas at least 30% faster than before.
Our discussion leader is Jerry McNellis - a gifted facilitator, the developer of Compression Planning, the Founder of the Compression Planning Institute, author and member of our Consulting Community.
Jerry has been mastering the science and art of facilitation for over 30 years.  He was mentored by one of the most creative minds of modern times, the creator of Displayed Thinking for Disney, Mike Vance.  Jerry's specialty is helping organizations cut through the clutter to laser in on a strategic target, and develop an action plan quickly and effectively.
When: Wednesday, June 23, 4:30 to 7:30 PM
Where:  Sigmas Event and Conference Center
Special Offer:  Those attending will receive a special discount to the next Compression Planning Institute session at Ogelbay

PCC LogoThe Community Takes a Vacation 

 No events planned for July or August. 
Enjoy the Summer and See You in the Fall!
In the meantime, contact Michael Couch with your ideas on how to contribute to the success of the Community.
Michael Couch
(412) 952-9036
ChadThe Community is sponsored by Michael Couch & Associates Inc.
Building Strategy Driven Organziations