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E-Connections Newsletter / CIS of Charlotte-Mecklenburg                                     August 2010   

Dear Friends of CIS,
Bill Anderson headshot
Welcome to fall and the start of a new school year!  Whether you have children in public school or not, we hope the change in season and seeing the school buses on the road again will inspire you to find how you can make a difference in our schools.
This phrase may be over-used, but it is nonetheless very true: our schools cannot do it alone and your time, talent, and treasure is needed more than ever before. Financial support is essential to Communities In Schools' efforts to expand and serve more of the students and families who need us, but "time and talent" are equally as important. Please see below for the many ways, large and small, that you can support our organization and the students we serve, from volunteering your time with a student, to donating school supplies, supporting our Back To School campaign, or re-linking your Harris Teeter VIC Card.
We also hope you'll join us on September 18 for the second annual "Lowcountry on the Green" -- here's a chance to have some fun with CIS friends old and new while enjoying delicious lowcountry cuisine and dancing to the tunes of Smitty Flynn and the Rivieras. It was a fantastic evening last year, and we are grateful to UNC-Charlotte Chancellor Philip Dubois and his wife and CIS Board President, Lisa Lewis Dubois, for opening up their home for the party again this year.
Thanks again to each of you who support the work of Communities In Schools through your time, talent, and treasure. Here's to a great school year for you and your families - and for all the students in Charlotte-Mecklenburg... working together, we can make a difference! 
Bill signature
Bill Anderson, Ed.D. 
Executive Director
Communities In Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg, Inc.
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Upcoming Events
Aug. 1-31 - School Tools
Sept. 18 - Lowcountry on the Green
Photo Gallery
Annual Report 
CIS Fast Facts 
CIS serves 5,200 students annually in 42 CMS schools.
Click here to see schools that offer CIS.
97% of CIS students stay in school.
88% are promoted.
94% of CIS seniors graduate. 
Did You Know?   
In N.C., only 69 of every 100 9th graders graduate from high school in four years.  
The  national  high school graduation rate is 73%.  
Approximately 2,000 students drop out of Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools each year.  
More than 23,000 students drop out each year in North Carolina. 
75% of N.C.'s prison inmates are high school dropouts. It costs $672 million annually to incarcerate them.
Quick Links

CIS wins the Charlotte Housing Authority Scholarship Fund's Trailblazer Award

Albert "A.B." Blake (right), a CHA Scholarship Fund alumnus, presents the Trailblazer Award to Dr. Bill Anderson, CIS Executive Director.
CIS accepting CHA's Trailblazer Award
CIS was recently named the 2010 winner of the Charlotte Housing Authority Scholarship Fund's "Trailblazer Award," presented at its Annual Awards and Recognition Celebration on July 25. The award recognizes an individual or organization in the community that is making strides to uplift youth through demonstrated leadership regarding youth issues and participating in educational or community strengthening activities. Read More 
Join us Sept. 18 for Lowcountry on the Green!
Lowcountry LogoJoin CIS and friends on Saturday, September 18 for a lowcountry lawn party at Bissell House, the home of UNC-Charlotte Chancellor Philip Dubois and his wife and CIS Board President, Lisa Lewis Dubois. A "lowcountry good time" is guaranteed, with delicious food, southern spirits, and dancing to the tunes of Smitty Flynn & the Rivieras! All proceeds benefit CIS and the students we serve. For more details and to purchase tickets, visit 

Bruns Ave. Elementary gets a big dose of "T.L.C." from AT&T Volunteers

Volunteers from AT&T's Community NETwork organize the new school uniform closet at Bruns Ave. Elementary
AT&T volunteers at Bruns Ave. Elementary
Bruns Avenue Elementary received a large dose of  back-to-school "TLC" on August 6 when more than 50 AT&T employees from across the country descended on the school to offer their assistance to get ready for opening day! Books were sorted, shrubs trimmed, flowers planted, bulletin boards decorated, goodie-bags assembled - and a huge closet was completely cleaned out and re-organized to house the 600 school uniforms recently donated by Family Dollar.  Read More 
"Summer Bridge" program at CPCC helps students get head-start for college
This year's Summer Bridge participants - 26 of whom are CIS graduates
Summer Bridge 2010
Twenty-six recent CIS high school graduates spent six weeks of their summer participating in the "Summer Bridge" program at Central Piedmont Community College. The program helps students have a more successful transition from high school to college by offering intensive courses in math, reading and writing, in small class environments with access to additional tutoring and one-on-one instruction. The students also earn college credits for the classes and have opportunities for additional scholarships as well.
Help kids have a great start to the school year  
There are so many ways that individuals and groups can help support our public schools - and in particular the students and schools that CIS serves that have the greatest need for additional support. Read on to find out how YOU can be part of the solution to help all students stay in school and achieve success!
Federico Rios and studentsConsider volunteering one-on-one with a student as a tutor, mentor, or "Reading Buddy", or with a group of students as a classroom tutor. Or perhaps you'd like to share your passion for your career as a guest speaker at a Career Day event. We also need volunteers for one-time and special events. Angela Yoo, our new Volunteer Coordinator, would love to help you find the best fit for YOU to help our students succeed!
Re-link your Harris Teeter VIC Card
VIC CardAugust is the month you should re-link your Harris Teeter VIC Card! Every year you need to re-link your card to the school(s) of your choice, and doing so in August will ensure your designated schools will continue to receive their VIC Card "Together In Education" contributions. Did you know you can link up to five schools or educational organizations? Please re-link today to the CIS # which is 5257 - you can easily re-link online, or in person next time you're in the store.
Support our "Back To School" Campaign
Back To School-kids on busToo many of our students come to school without some of the basic necessities, simply because their parents can't afford them. CIS meets this need through our "Back To School" Campaign, which provides funds for school supplies, school uniforms, clothing and hygiene items, nutritious snacks for after-school, and cultural enrichment activities. Make a secure donation via our website and help all students come to school ready to learn and excited about the new school year!
Donate School Supplies
School Tools LogoMany families in the Charlotte region are still feeling the effects of the recession and high unemployment - and school supplies for their children are not a top priority. The School Tools Campaign, sponsored by Communties In Schools, WSOC-TV, and Classroom Central, provides supplies to students in need throughout Mecklenburg County and surrounding counties. The Campaign runs through August 31, and you can take supplies to any BB&T branch, Subaru dealerships, or Classroom Central on Wilkinson Blvd. New this year: you can make a financial donation online at the School Tools website. Help all students have the "tools" they need to succeed in school!
Welcome to new CIS Board Members 
CIS welcomed six new members to its Board of Directors in July, all of whom will serve a three-year term on the Board. New members include:
Marcia Conston - Central Piedmont Community College
George Dunlap - Mecklenburg County Commission
David Head - Bank of America
Kelli Knoble - Grant Thornton
Clifton B. Metcalf, Jr. - AT&T
Michael Yount - Piedmont Natural Gas
Lisa Lewis Dubois will serve as President of the Board of Directors during 2010-11. Many thanks to all of our board members for their time and talent! Please visit our website to see a complete list of our Board of Directors.

Please "Friend Us" and "Follow Us" 

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Only selected schools in CMS offer the Communities In Schools (CIS) program. A student must attend one of these schools in order to participate in CIS. Click here to see a list of CIS schools. 
Contact Info
E-Connections Editor             Executive Director                 Web
May Johnston                        Dr. Bill Anderson                         704.335.0601