
October 2010    

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St. Francis

Take a look at
going on

at St. Francis this month:

Caregiver Support Group


Yoga for Cancer Survivors
Surgical Weight Loss Info Session


Yoga for Osteoporosis


Childbirth Prep


Caring for your baby


Heart Saver CPR


Caring for Your Baby


OB Orientation Tour
Sibling Preparation Tour

A Time to Heal: An Evening for Those Touched by Breast Cancer

Childbirth Preparation

Natural Family Planning

Childbirth Preparation

Surgical Weightloss Support Group

Childbirth Preparation (Refresher Course)

OB Orientation Tour
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October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month and each year we become more aware of, educated about, and empowered by breast cancer. Nevertheless, there are many cancers that can affect all women. Please continue reading to learn more.
Breast Health at St. Francis: Advanced, Convenient Care

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and St. Francis is at the forefront of educating and empowering women to take charge of their own breast health. Our Breast Health Center brings the latest breast cancer screening and diagnostic technology together in one place. Screening mammograms are an important first step in catching the disease at an early stage. We are home to the 30 minute mammogram - offering our advanced technology, compassion, and convenient care with rapid results (with images available in just 10 seconds!).

If a follow-up test is needed, the St. Francis Breast Health Center knows the importance of completeing additional tests as soon as possible. We schedule your next appointment within days of your screening, unlike other facilities that can take weeks or even months before seeing you again. Patients who have an abnormal mammogram will work with a special part of the St. Francis Breast Health Center, our Breast Health Navigators. We know that the options, procedures, timelines, and appointments can be overwhelming when faced with cancer, so our Breast Health Navigators are there to provide emotional support and education. They will walk you through our process, coordinate all of your appointments and tests, and are a consistent point of contact that women can rely on for answers to their questions.

To learn more about St. Francis Breast Health Center, please click here.

eastside ribbon
ST. FRANCIS eastside is "Painting the Town Pink!" Look for the giant pink ribbon on the side of our building.

New Treatments in the Fight Against Cancer

According to studies, women tend to be more vigilant than men about getting recommended health check-ups and cancer screenings; however, cancer still claims the lives of hundreds of thousands of women in America every year. The most common types of cancers treated in women at St. Francis include: lung, breast, ovarian, cervical, and colorectal. If, however, you have cancer that has spread to your abdomen, St. Francis now offers a leading-edge treatment called HIPEC.

HIPEC (Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy) is a surgical option for candidates whose cancer has spread to the lining surfaces of the abdominal, whose probability of a successful chemotherapy treatment is low, and who find the side effects of chemotherapy too difficult to endure. The HIPEC procedure is designed to kill any remaining cancer cells by delivering a heated sterile solution containing chemotherapy to the abdominal cavity during surgery.

Dr. Bing Yi, a Surgical Oncologist at Carolina Surgical Associates, is one of the only surgeons in the Upstate to perform this innovative and cutting-edge technique called HIPEC. To learn more about HIPEC, and Dr. Yi, please contact Carolina Surgical Associates.

Breast Cancer Runs in My Family. Am I at Risk?

If you have a family history of breast cancer, you may have heard about BRCA testing - genetic testing to determine your risk for carrying the "breast cancer gene." The St. Francis Cancer Risk Assessment Program (CRiSP) can help identify your inherited and early cancer risks by looking at your family background and medical history.

St. Francis CRiSP is the only program of its kind in the Upstate, offering opportunities for early detection, chemoprevention, and monitoring. Learn more about the program, our Genetic Consultant and take an online risk assessment by visiting our website.

Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure

On Saturday, September 25th, St. Francis supported breast cancer awareness by participating in the 16th Annual Komen SC Mountains to Midlands Race for the Cure. The Komen Race for the Cure raises funds and awareness for the fight against breast cancer, celebrates breast cancer survivorship, and honors those who have lost their battle with the disease. 

Team Faith

The Vive! newsletter was created for women to offer education and lifestyle tips for betterknowledge and care for your health. Find more information online, and tell a friend!

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