Electronic Check-In Is Here!
KidVenture is happy to announce that electronic check-in is now fully operational. This process is used for checking kids into KidVenture programs and nurseries on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. All Kids in KidVenture Nurseries through Fifth Grade must be checked into programs using one of the 5 computer stations located throughout the KidVenture upper and lower hallways.
Please watch this informative video to learn more about electronic check-in:
 | KidVenture Check-In |
Check-In FAQs
Q: What if my child/family isn't listed in the computer?
A: We have done the best we can to ensure all kids who currently attend KidVenture programming are listed in the database. If you experience a problem with checking in your child, please stop by the KidVenture Connecting Point located to the left of the Welcome Center and we will be happy to correct the issue.
Q: What if I have children attending nurseries or programs during more than one worship hour?
A: You can check your children in at one time for multiple programs. A badge will print for each child and each program you check them into. Make sure they wear all badges for the programs they are checked into.
Q: What if I have children in nurseries and in older programs?
A: You can check all children in at one check-in station - whichever is most convenient for you when you arrive. All badges will print. Then simply escort your children to their respective classrooms.
Q: Without a security bracelet, how do I pick up my children?
A: When name badges are printed, a security code will print for your family. This code matches the code in the upper-right corner of all your children's badges. Retain this code for check-out. Two codes are printed so that you may tear it and give one to a spouse or another person authorized to pick up your children.
Q: What if my child doesn't want to wear a name badge on his or her clothing?
A: A child must wear a name badge in order to attend KidVenture programs. If they are in Preschool or Nurseries, please place the badge on their back. Explain to your child that this badge is there for their safety and must stay in place during the program.
Q: What if my child brings a visitor?
A: Visitors are always welcome at KidVenture! Please stop by the KidVenture Connecting Point, located to the left of the Welcome Center, and we will print out a visitor badge for them. We can check in the rest of your family also, in order to save you time!
Q: What if I lose my security code before I pick up my children?
A: Stop by the KidVenture Connecting Point before heading to the classrooms and we will be happy to help.
Q: Do my 4th & 5th Graders need to check in and out now?
A: Badges are now required for attendance in all KidVenture programs, so this requires that 4th & 5th Graders much check into programs the same way younger students check in. Security codes will print on all children's badges, however 4th and 5th Graders will not require official parent pick-up. These teachers will continue to dismiss these students as they have all year.
Butter Braid/Cookie Sale
KidVenture Wednesday Night's 4th and 5th graders will be selling Butterbraids and Cookie Dough in the Atrium during worship services on March 10 & 11. Proceeds will go toward a spring retreat. Money will be collected when order is placed. Items will be available for pick-up before Easter.
Ideas for Lent
KidVenture has compiled a list of Lenten family activities. We hope you'll consider adding some of these activities to your daily routine between now and Easter so that you can connect more fully with the Lenten season. You can find the link to the Ideas for Lent guide on theKidVenture Events webpage.
Picture This!
 | Some KidVenture 4th Graders were excited to pose with Christian singing sensation Yancy at last weekend's CIY SuperStart! event! Click on the photo to learn more about Yancy and her music. |