Open Doors Academy October Newsletter
Issue: # 14 October, 2009
Greetings Open Doors Fans,

Wow!  It has been a busy month!  With the expansion nearing completion, the organization has been quite busy getting everything in place!  On October 3rd, we hosted the 2nd Annual Kickball/ Dodge Ball tournament, which doubled in size from last year!  The event was a success, with the biggest hit being lunch from Chipotle!  The Roxboro site also ventured to Cedar Hills Conference Center in September for a team building camping trip in the woods!  For many this was their first experience camping, and despite the freezing rain on Saturday, it was deemed a blast by the kids! 

Our new sites will be opening in the next two weeks and we have much to look forward to ahead. This is a year of growth and opportunity for Open Doors and we intend to cease every moment in order to strengthen the lives of the kids we are serving!    Thank you for continue to stand behind us as we seek to serve our future leaders of tomorrow!

Sincerest Regards,

Annemarie M. Grassi, M.S.Ed.  

Executive Director

Second Annual
 Kickball/ Dodgeball Tournament
140 people came out to Bexley Park in South Euclid on October 3rd to claim the title of Kickball / Dodgeball Champion of the world.  In its second year, the event doubled in size, with 14 teams taking the field.  There was even a visit from Mongo Man (Mongolian BBQ Mascot) who played a game of dodgeball against the kids.  Despite his 8 foot stature, he was no match for middle school students and was defeated!  Chipotle Burritos were once again a hit, although trying to play kickball afterwards was slightly challenging.  Overall it was a successful event and much anticipated revenge for next year!


Congratulations to the 2009 Champions
The Italian Stallions
Pitbull "Pulverizing" Puppies

mongo man

Thank You to our Sponsors
Republic Steele
Life Water
The Gates Group
Charter One Bank

A Special Thank You to the Kickball/ Dodgeball fundraising committee - Roger Frank, Wes Koontz, Josh Cochran, Lauren Smith, Paul Theodore, Tara Templeman, and Rosalie Giariamo. 

Open Doors Academy Scholarship Fund
  • Did you know that students who remain in Open Doors for three years, demonstrate a higher rate of social capital and positive peer relationships than other youth their age?
  • Did you know that 90% of Open Doors graduates pursue higher education?
  • Did you know that Open Doors has a 100% high school graduation rate? 
  • Did you know that 80%  of the youth served by Open Doors are low income?
  • Did you know that 80% of those families will be in need of scholarship?  
Open Doors believes in the importance of investing in a child's future, and therefore, we assess an annual program fee to each family member that ranges between $100 and $500, based on the family's household income. 

Open Doors never turns away a family because they are unable to pay.  Therefore, we provide a trade-off.  We will provide scholarship to any family in need, but we ask that they give of their time to the organization.   On average an Open Doors family contributes 20 hours of service to the organization each year!  

We believe that providing scholarship to our families is critical to the continued success of Open Doors and we ask that you consider helping us by providing a full or partial scholarship to a child at Open Doors. 


  • Partial scholarships can be given in increments of  $25, $50, or $100
  • Full scholarships can be given in the amount of $500
  • Full and partial scholarships can also be given over the duration of the year.  If you wish to set up a monthly plan to help scholarship a child for the full year, please contact our Finance Director, Bob Buskey at                (216) 229-1900 or

  • Send your tax deductible gift to Open Doors Academy, 2460 Fairmount Boulevard, Suite 202, Cleveland, Ohio 44106
  • Go to our website at and click on support us
  • Call (216) 229-1900 to request a credit card authorization form or to set up a monthly plan to help preserve a spot for an Open Doors student
Meet the New Open Doors Team
Staff Picture
Front Row (left to right): Jarod Johnson, Stephanie Mendel, Debra Klein, Briana Nickols, Gina Harrell, Cliff Sweeney, Annemarie M. Grassi, Second Row (left to right): Sara Knoblauch, Debra Klein, Tenille Threatt, Sonya McNeil, Jeff Smith
Back Row (left to right) Jeff Harrell, Julie Rugh, Paul Theodore, Mike Soderquist, Kurt Zitzner
(not pictured): Katie Schnell, Robert Buskey

Executive Director - Annemarie M. Grassi, M.S.Ed.
Finance Director - Robert Buskey, CPA
Community Director - Paul Theodore, MSW
Development Associate - Kathryn Schnell, MSSA
Office Manager - Gina Harrell
Social Worker - Stephanie Mendel, LISW

Roxboro Site
Program Coordinator - Michael Soderquist
Mentoring Coach - Debra Klein
Mentoring Coach - Tenille Threatt
Mentoring Coach - Sarah Knoblauch

Miles Park Site
Program Coordinator - Jeff Smith
Mentoring Coach - Jerod Johnson
Mentoring Coach - Briana Nickols

Wiley Site
Program Coordinator - Julie Rugh
Mentoring Coach - Cliff Sweeney
Mentoring Coach - Kurt Zitzner

Forest Park Site
Program Coordinator - Jeff Harrell
Mentoring Coach - Sonya McNeil
Open Doors Elects New Chairman of the Board
Open Doors welcomes Jacquie Talbott, as the organization's seventh board president.  Jacquie has over 14 years of experience in the nonprofit sector and is the former Executive Director of both Community Shares and Flat Rock Homes, and as the former Director of Stewardship and Development at St. Paul's Episcopal Church.  In addition, she served as an attorney with Squires Sanders and Dempsey.  She has served on the boards of Bellevue Hospital Foundation, Flat Rock Homes, United Methodist Board of Church Building and Location, West Side Community House, Open Doors Academy and Neighborhood Center Association. Jacquie and her husband, Roger, live in Cleveland Heights, and travel often to visit their son Matthew, his wife Melissa and their children, Benjamin and Zoe,  who live in Portland, Oregon, as well as their son Jim, his wife Rachel and their children, Amina and Ziv, who live in Chester, Connecticut. 

Open Doors Students Explore the Woods
camping pic

 On September 25th, the students piled the bus and headed out to Cedar Hills Conference Center for the 7th annual camping trip.  Friday night was filled with hot dogs, talent show around the camp fire, smores, and a night hike.  Saturday morning the students made pancakes, bacon, and eggs for breakfast and spent the morning engaging in team building activities, despite the rapid downpour of cold rain that lasted several hours.  Students kept their spirits high throughout the afternoon and when the sun finally came through, they ended their trip with a group game of football. 

camping pic
Students work on creating a bridge that will carry a marble from start to end, without stopping.

In This Issue
2nd Annual Kickball/ Dodge Ball Tournament
Open Doors Scholarship Fund
Meet the New Open Doors Team
Open Doors Appoints Chairman of the Board
OD Camping Trip
Meet the Staff
Meet the Staff


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More on Us

the knot
Meet the Staff

Sarah Knoblauch

Mentoring Coach - Roxboro Site

How long have you been with Open Doors?
1 month

Where did you graduate from? 
Sweet Briar College

I Live in... Cleveland Heights

I Grew Up in...  Shaker Heights
Favorite Food?  Ice Cream

Favorite Stress Reliever?  Riding Horses

Favorite Band or Musician?  The Beatles

Favorite Movie?  The Wizard of Oz

Favorite Quote? 
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."

Favorite Middle School Memory?
Aqua Gems and Synchronized Swimming

Who is your greatest inspiration? 
My 3 children - Brendan, Kelly, & Evan.  They have taught me more about my life than I could have taught myself!

What do you want to be remembered as?
a thoughtful, caring person
What do you like most about Open Doors?
The extra support we give to middle school students after school. 
Tenille Threatt

Mentoring Coach - Roxboro Site

How long have you been with Open Doors?

Where did you graduate from? 
Cleveland State University

I Live in... Cleveland

I Grew Up in...  Southeast Side of Cleveland
Favorite Food?  Swedish Meatballs

Favorite Stress Reliever?  laughing with my friends and co-workers

Favorite Band or Musician?  Talib Kweli, Blackstar, Wu Tang Clan

Favorite Movie?  The Mack

Favorite Quote? 
"Keep hangin' to keep from hanging out."  my grandma

Favorite Middle School Memory?
School Bizarre at Whitney Young

Who is your greatest inspiration? 
I am inspired by strong women who maintain a positive attitude while being successful.

What do you want to be remembered as?
A happy upbeat, caring person, the sweetest, coolest mentor ever!
What do you like most about Open Doors?
The mission and dedication of the program to influence and change the lives of teens in need.

the pyramid scream

Donate today to
Open Doors Academy!
All donations are tax deductible. 




One on One Tutoring -  Work one on one with a student who need additional academic support.  12 week commitment requested.  No prior middle school experience needed!

Share a Skill, Story, or Talent - Do you have a law background and would love to teach the art of debate?  How about a financial advisor who can share the importance of understanding money?  Are you a good cook?  Creative Artist?  We need your talent!

Our middle school students seek out the opportunity to develop relationships with mentors and strong adult role models. You can be that role model!  Even If you can come in and give of your time even just once a month, we would welcome you!

If you would like more information on volunteer opportunities, contact,
 Paul Theodore, Community Director,
at (216) 229-1900 or