Greetings Open Doors Fans,
This summer has been a whirlwind of an adventure! With the new sites expansion fast upon us, much has been changing at a very rapid pace! However, before we get to far into the year, I have to take a step back and reflect upon the incredible two weeks our alumni spent working with families and changing lives in Harlan, Kentucky. What an incredible two weeks! The youth worked incredibly hard and supported each other throughout the entire week. Be sure to read up on the trip below!
Also, don't forget to sign up for our Annual Kickball/ Dodgeball Tournament on October 3rd. Don't be the last person picked to play... sign up your team today!
As we gear up for a busy and exciting fall season, we are ever more grateful for your continued support! Stay tuned for more to come!
Sincerest Regards,
Annemarie M. Grassi, M.S.Ed. Executive Director
2nd Annual Kickball/ Dodgeball Tournament
Saturday, October 3rd, 2009
Don't be picked last!
Alumni Service Learning Trip to Harlan, Kentucky

Three years ago, I decided to put together a "Harlan Music Mix" in preparation for the ten hour trip to the Appalachian mountains. As I was skimming music on itunes, I came across a remake version of the song titled, "You will never leave Harlan Alive", by Brad Paisley. I put it as the first song in the mix. As we pulled out onto Fairmount Boulevard, the song began to play, and the kids began to groan. I should mention that the song is a slow, sad country song.
However, as the song continued to play throughout the week (radio signals are not strong in Harlan, so we played the same CD several times), they began to understand the words of the song and started to develop an appreciation for the lyrics and their own personal experiences in a community that they embraced so deeply. Over the last several years, it has become a tradition and the most requested song on the trip. It not only serves as a symbol of the appreciation the youth have for their experiences in Harlan, but also serves as a unifying tradition for the group itself.
This song is just one tradition of the Harlan Service Trip. In addition, there is the Pizza Hut run, which involves running up a steep and long mountain trail as a team in an effort to earn Pizza Hut for dinner and a break from overcooked macaroni and cheese and peanut butter and Jelly (it also happens to fall on the night that the staff is responsible for dinner); the annual Walmart Scavenger Hunt; the night swim at Martin's Fork Lake; the daily trips to Dairy Queen, and trying to dump a bucket of ice water on Annemarie (they have yet to succeed). The evening group gathering is filled with laughter as funny moments throughout the day are recalled and the heavy hearted moments around the struggles of the day are discussed.
Most importantly is the internal growth that comes with this experience as a whole. The relationships that are built with our incredible carpenter, Jason, or the interactions with the families whose homes we helped repair, or simply the idea that we all served as agents of change, one nail at a time. The process that is born and grown throughout this experience is incredible and can best be expressed through a card I received from one of the families whose home we helped repair this past summer:
"Annemarie, I am so impressed by the work you have done with these young adults. They are so well behaved and respectful of each other. They work so well together. My prayers will be with you and your group as you leave. I will never forget the summer a group of strangers came to my home to wrok and left as friends. Thank you for al the work you have done for us. God Bless everyone of you." - Brenda and Ben
I was once told by a wise youth minister that you leave for Harlan with the intention of giving a gift to someone else, but you always come home having received more than you have given. Brenda and Ben were grateful for the work we had done, and the impact these youth had on their lives, However, what Brenda and Ben may truly never know is how they changed our lives and have given us a gift much greater than we could ever return.

Thank you again to all who helped make this trip possible - My Com/ Starting Point, Forest City Enterprises, St. Paul's Episcopal Church Apostleship Committee, Diane Gent, and Pam Chaney and Family. Thanks to your support we were able to take 32 youth to Harlan this summer!

Open Doors Expands to 3 New Sites
In July, 2009 Open Doors Academy was awarded three 21st Century Learning Grants from the Ohio Department of Education to open three new sites in the Greater Cleveland Area. In close partnership with three districts, Open Doors will be opening the following sites:
- Miles Park Elementary School in Partnership with the Cleveland Municipal School District
- Forest Park Middle School in partnership with the Euclid School District
- Frank L. Wiley Middle School in partnership with the Cleveland Heights University Heights School District.
All three sites are expected to open in early October, 2009 and sites will be hosted in the schools. Each month we will spotlight a site to share with you more information about the youth, the community demographics. Below is a chart that will provide you with a brief description of the demographics of the new communities we will be serving:
Free-Reduced Lunch |
87.3% |
66.9% |
59.8% |
59.4% |
African - American Students |
91.2% |
80.7% |
81.2% |
68.6% |
Caucasian Students |
7.8% |
18.1% |
8.4% |
25.9% |
6th grade Math Proficiency (passing rate) |
34.3% |
60% |
71.7% |
60.4% |
6th grade Reading Proficiency (passing rate) |
45.3% |
67.1% |
72.8 |
70% |
Students with Disabilities |
23.7% |
17.8% |
19.9% |
16.1% | |
Open Doors Alumni Club Grows!
Two weeks ago, we hosted our Annual Alumni Club Kick-Off Cookout. This event signifies the start of the new year, gearing up for our monthly dinners, and an opportunity to retell all the funny stories from our weeks in Harlan, Kentucky. Typically, we see between 15 and 20 kids at this annual event. You can imagine our surprise and excitement when 40 youth appeared for dinner! As the older classes prepares to leave for college, the younger classes was more than eager for their first official alumni dinner. As of June, 2009, our alumni club reached 81 graduates of Open Doors! If this is a sign for the year ahead, we are going to have to find restaurants with bigger space!
Bryan Kent, 9th grade alum; Will Walters, 10th grade alum; and Kyle Finnegan, 9th grade alum enjoy hanging out at the Open Doors alumni event.
| |
Check out More on Open Doors
Annemarie M.Grassi
Executive Director
How long have you been with Open Doors?
8 years Where did you graduate from?
B.A. in Psychology - Ohio University
M.S.Ed. in Adolescent Psychology - University of Pennsylvania
Currently working on my Ph.D. in Urban Education at Cleveland State University
I Live...
Cleveland Heights
Favorite Food:
Black Olives, Salad, and Licorice (really any candy!)
If you could be a superhero, who would you be?
Dash from the Incredibles
Favorite Cartoon and/or Cartoon Character?
Betty Boop
Favorite Quote?
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do." - Eleanor Roosevelt
Favorite Middle School Memory?
I slapped a boy after he copyied and sold, a secret love letter I wrote to him, to students and teachers around the school.
Who is your greatest inspiration? My parents- they have instilled in me strong values, the importance of family, and traditions, which I have shared with those whom I teach.
What is your greatest challenge/ biggest dream?
To have my own family, travel the world, and write a few books.
What do you like most about Open Doors?
The kids... I value greatly the time I get to just spend time with them, creating traditions and values that are carried over time.

Donate today to Open Doors Academy! CLICK HERE. All donations are tax deductible. |
Upcoming in Next Month's Issue |
- Open Doors Launches its' New Website
- The start of a new Program Year
- Meet the new Open Doors Team
One on One Tutoring - Tuesday Evenings from 6pm
to 7pm. Work one on one with a student who need additional academic
support. 12 week commitment requested. No prior middle school
experience needed!
Share a Skill, Story, or Talent - Do you
have a law background and would love to teach the art of debate? How
about a financial advisor who can share the importance of understanding
money? Are you a good cook? Creative Artist? We need your talent!
Our middle school students seek out the opportunity to develop
relationships with mentors and strong adult role models. You can be
that role model! Even If you can come in and give of your time even
just once a month, we would welcome you!
If you would like more
information on volunteer opportunities, contact, Paul Theodore, Program
Director, at (216) 320-9563 or