Open Doors Academy May Newsletter
Issue: # 10 May, 2009
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Greetings Open Doors Fans,

May has been a marathon of a month for Open Doors Academy!  After a successful 7th Annual Talent Show Fundraiser, families attended the OD Family Night at the Indian's game.  The next day, students awoke at 6am to run their first Pancake Breakfast at St. Paul's Episcopal Church.  The following weekend 14 students participated in Leadership Training Weekend, and last but not least, City Councilman, Zach Reed stopped by Open Doors this month to thank the students for their service work during Global Youth Service Day at New Life Community. 

The year has not ended yet and there is still much to come!  Next month we will celebrate the end of our year, our first class of graduating high school seniors, proms, our end of the year cookout, and the students well earned trip to Kalahari Waterpark!  There is never a dull moment at Open Doors!  Enjoy reading the stories and viewing the many pictures.  Be sure to click on the video links from the talent show to catch a glimpse of the successful event!

Sincerest Regards,

Annemarie M. Grassi, M.S.Ed.  

Executive Director


On Friday, May 15th, fourteen Open Doors students ventured to Cedar Hills Conference Center in Painesville, Ohio to work on their team building skills, raise awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses as leaders and develop a sense of community amongst their peers. 

Throughout the weekend students participated in low rope course challenges, such as raising the tire over the pole and the spider web; and trust building exercises.  They also participated in simulated role plays that placed them in stressful situations to test their ability to stand their ground as a leader, and perspective taking simulated scenarios that provided them the opportunity to feel and understand what it means to stand in the shoes of someone different then them. 


While participating in the ropes courses students were given different roles, some couldn't see, others couldn't talk.  While moving through the process they learned how to communicate nonverbally, how to include others who might not be able to lead, and how to work together as a team.  All students returned home with a new insight into their role as peer leaders, and from the response of their parents, many of their lives have been changed by the experience.

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City Councilman Zach Reed
Thanks Open Doors Students

zach reed visit
Open Doors Students and Staff pose with City Councilman Reed and Executive Director of New Life Community,  Walter Ginn. 

City Councilman Zach Reed and Executive Director of New Life Community, Walter Ginn, stopped by Open Doors Academy on Thursday, May 14th to say thank you to the students of Open Doors for their service work at New Life Community during Global Youth Service Day.  Councilman Reed spent time talking with the youth about the role of City Council, the importance of giving back to the community and the importance of valuing one's community.  Walter Ginn thanked the youth for their hard work and acknowledge the sparkling cleanliness of the center!

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Sidney McLin, Cameron Mack, and Julian Willis, pose with Councilman Reed.  The three students were acknowledged for going above and beyond in their work at New Life Community.

The Smith family enjoys the game!

On Saturday, May 9th, Open Doors Families met up at Jacob's Field for a night at the ball game!  Although the Tribe did not win, the families had a great time and kept the food vendors very busy!
It's My Business Pancake Breakfast
Devon Cox, 7th grader, and Mario Wheatley, 6th grader prepare scrambled eggs.

On Mother's Day this year, a group of Open Doors students provided the Mother's of St. Paul's Episcopal Church a day out of the kitchen at their Junior Achievement's It's My Business, Pancake Breakfast.  After family night at the Indian's Game the night before, a few of the teens spent the night at St. Paul's Church to arise at 6:00am to begin preparing their delectable feast of pancakes (favorite pick was blueberry), bacon, eggs, assortment of juices, and coffee.  8th grader, Kate Miller made 100 homemade carnations that were sold for 50 cents each and given to the little children to give their Mother for Mother's Day.   The business was planned, organized, and run entirely by the youth with kitchen support from several of the parents.  The students worked non stop for six hours, raising $700 for their end of the year trip in June.  The students were praised by the parishioners for their hard work and killer meal!

Denis Bertrand, 8th Grader, mans the griddle and the bacon

On Saturday, May 2nd, the Students of Open Doors Academy ran their 7th Annual Variety / Talent Show, titled "City of Sound".  Students danced, sang, performed skits, ran video footage of commercials they developed, and enjoyed poking fun at the staff through skits and performances.  Have no fear though, the staff got its' revenge in the staff skit which included a spoof on Saturday Night Live's Matt Foley, Weekend News Update, and the Spartan Cheerleaders.  Students performed two, twenty minute medleys, with a mix of music from Frank Sinatra to James Brown.  Throughout the month of April, it was estimated that students put in over 100 hours together on the medleys alone.  The week before the show, many students stayed at Open Doors past 9pm working on their performances, painting and designing props, and working on their videos.  There work paid off in the end, as the response from the audience indicated that it was their best show ever!

Click on the titles below to connect to any of the video commercials for the various skits:
Destroy Gary
Air Jordan
Punch Out
So You Think You Can Dance
Staff Performance

 Also, while on facebook, be sure to join the Open Doors Academy group!

Students of the Month

SuaveTreTre Grady, 7th Grader

What is your favorite Open Doors Snack?  Cinnamon Pretzel

What is your favorite thing to do after school?  Going to Open Doors and hanging out with the other kids.

What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends?  Going to the mall and hanging out with my friends

What is your favorite subject in school?  Social Studies

If you could be a superhero, who would you be?  Batman, because he uses a lot of different gadgets

What is your favorite cartoon/ cartoon character?
I don't really like cartoons

Who is your greatest inspiration? President Barack Obama, because he accomplished something that people did not think the world would see for a very long time.

What is your greatest challenge or biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to become a music producer

What do you like most about Open Doors? 
The positive vibe and the field trips

Lexus Hawkins,
7th Grader

What is your favorite Open Doors Snack? Pizza

What is your favorite thing to do after school?  Hang out with my friends

What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends? Go rollerskating

What is your favorite subject in school? 

If you could be a superhero, who would you be? Violet from the "Incredibles"

What is your favorite cartoon character? 
Sponge Bob Square Pants

Who is your greatest inspiration?
  My mom, because she is a great person to look up to.

What is your greatest challenge or biggest dream? To go to college and to be successful in life

What do you like most about Open Doors? Field Trips

Anything else you would like to share?
I never expected to be student of the month... Thanks!
In This Issue
Leadership Training Weekend
Visit from Councilman Zach Reed
It's My Business Pancake Breakfast
Students of the Month
Meet the Staff
Donate to Open Doors
2009 Kickball/ Dodgeball Tournament
Check out More on Open Doors
Archived Newsletters

Support Open Doors Academy

Open Doors Academy Store

Request a Student Application

More on Us

We are so grateful for the overwhelming response from our supporters!  We have successfully fulfilled all nine scholarships!  Thank you:

The Chaney Family

Diane Gent

Forest City Enterprises

St. Paul's
Apostleship Committee

Meet the Staff

Katie Schnell
Program Director

How long have you been with Open Doors? 1 year

Where did you graduate from?
Xavier University for Undergraduate and the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve University.

I Live... In Lakewood

Favorite Food:
My Mom's Homemade Pizza (Once I start eating it, I can't stop!)

If you could be a superhero, who would you be? Captain Planet - all of the powers combined - earth, wind, fire, water, and of course heart (always underestimated)

Favorite Cartoon and/or Cartoon Character?  Sponge Bob Square Pants

Favorite Quote? "Every time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he (or she) sends forth a tiny ripple of hope... and those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mighiest walls of oppression and resistance."  - Robert Kennedy -

Favorite Middle School Memory?
Being a member of the "Parma Penguin's Swim Team.  I loved the long swim meets where I got to hang out with my friends, have my parents and coaches cheer me on, win a few ribbons, and down pixie sticks before races (It was our theory that this made us faster)!

Who is your greatest inspiration? 
My greatest inspiration is my grandmother.  She was a person who always thought of others before herself and showed her family and friends unconditional love.

What is your greatest challenge/ biggest dream? My biggest dreams is to make a big difference in the lives of children.

What do you like most about Open Doors? The opportunity to be a part of so many fun and interesting people's lives. 

Donate today to
Open Doors Academy!
All donations are tax deductible. 

car wash
Meet me at the Car Wash!
Friday, May 23rd, 2009 from 4pm to 6pm at St. Paul's Episcopal Church (2747 Fairmount Boulevard)

- OR -

Saturday, May 24th, 2009 from 10am to 2pm at Brian's Marathon Station on Lee Road, across the street from Brennan's Colony

  • $6.00/ Car (add vacuum for $2),            
  • $8/ truck or SUV (add vacuum for $4)

Students will also be selling baked goods and lemonade!

The Open Doors Car Wash is part of the students' "It's My Business" curriculum from Junior Achievement. 
All profits benefit Open Doors Academy and the students end of the year trip to Kalahari Waterpark.

Thank You to our
April and May Donors
Deaconess Community Foundation
Ginn Foundation
Change for Charity
Fairmount Presbyterian Outreach Mission Council
Diane Gent
Forest City Enterprises
The Chaney Family
S. Mattuck Meacham
Linda Hawkins
Heather Ways
St. Paul's Apostleship Council
Bruce and Lia Lowrie
Kasib Husain
Robert & Catherine Scallen Brown
Judith Beeler
Karen Warren
Ohio Franchise Management Corporation
Constance W. Sallee
Reubben Harris, Jr.
Martha S. Young
Amy Mackie-Barr
Kevin Petru
Nirvana St. Cyr
Paul M. Victor

Upcoming in
Next Month's Issue
  • Open Doors Alumni Seniors head to Prom
  • First Class of High School Seniors Graduate and prepare to head to college
  • Open Doors End of the Year Family Cookout
  • Open Doors End of the Year Trip to Kalahari Water Park
  • Open Doors Launches its' New Website




One on One Tutoring - Tuesday Evenings from 6pm to 7pm.  Work one on one with a student who need additional academic support.  12 week commitment requested.  No prior middle school experience needed!

Share a Skill, Story, or Talent - Do you have a law background and would love to teach the art of debate?  How about a financial advisor who can share the importance of understanding money?  Are you a good cook?  Creative Artist?  We need your talent!

Our middle school students seek out the opportunity to develop relationships with mentors and strong adult role models. You can be that role model!  Even If you can come in and give of your time even just once a month, we would welcome you!

If you would like more information on volunteer opportunities, contact,
 Paul Theodore, Program Director,
at (216) 320-9563 or

Save the Date
Open Doors Academy
Kickball / Dodgeball Tournament


kickball dodgeball pic